The image illustrates my homework question of quantitative finance. NEED HELP!
1. {Munietpei barre-wing) Here lemueerpthem "Brldll-h deeltgep,' mutieiewhi: appeared in RISE\" mega-Line: U3. muuilcipelitiee are writing large volumes of mptiene tu help plug bellowing budget deleite. Here Erma. treeeurer el'the I'nle'tu.I Jersey-heme Delaware River Port J'Ll-lwl'lty {DEER}. eeuld mine I- ltilltttg eut ciderivuit'ee this peer. The euthccit}: e regime] trumpet-Lethe end eeeeetele detdepmeet agency, in reruiderlng wrltteg 511 mjieneetheeelinmptieueteemepeietiethexetquener. Emmlilcemeny efhle enumecpertu l-'l. ether 11-5. munilpel lee-dict. in eyeing the his upfront permit inmtmenthnnhuewiieg tentelrel'er the uptienell'lyembedeel in Heede'ht. that this relatively mull iecel mutent hie-y which uteittb'upcrctec heidgeeeud eummuter trie: inure. FeruteteplereeyeUcleeeleuthetyiepepdegeuedti-eudehtilheeelreedy heue-tl. but heel therightteellltheeeetu'ltiee tntltreeyeer'e timeetper. 'I'hegehtg reteeueurreut U3.tear.e:eetpt dehtheheutt. Adeelermtllhereiere. hen-ling tumult-nil Hmn-punmramimthahnt-mukmtethraemmnm antlirtreturn pertheleeeleuthurityeuethtgrete. lfmerltetnteeereetillleeethen I55 lhreeyeerefrem I'hil', the deelertetlleatereile the epthueudeterttereeeivee premium eeehu'lt here the euthet'ittt The leell euthe-rilttr Heultl then typieellar heue variable rate refunding bends, net-deeper a eeting rete te immature while remitting; eeting rete been the dealer. It in, hem-er, left will: the abate-market ee-d peg-mm: tuthcnm-ptiuuedeeler. \"Tlmiuremieehrrtpegdnghieeldrete,hutinexdtmgel'erthehhegeteeeptiee premium percent, In- he melt he payment upfl'unt! were Je Pent-cell. Philuldp-hilr heeled manager efthe sin-ape we derintiwe practice at Public Fiemeiel Management, en airliner eetttpenp. ] eetuue, if intereet retee new theme the eplieu'e etttite priee. theheeleuthety bee eerefundlng prehiemendeimplypodtete the eptlen premiums. lntheeey it meld mulhrheueierierlheiuuerteetrtpetheeeeptienmhedded inthehumlmdnllthntueuepemteinetrument- Butthathnctpcueihleunder mill5.1\" lenetttexeetempt cecutiee. Thleprehlemeeitepeuteeuelpeethh trumetieeteeingeHe-Leeiewulretelettieewith eeeuel time incremeute end an initial yield tun-e whieh ta given in the le Male. All retee in the epreedeheet ere metiuueuely eempeueed rem DEEP. bee IEID mlieu Feee eteeuut eutetendieg ul' T353. coup-en debt. The hand: but ID 3m I'EI'I'IIJIIJILE until their maturity and are calll'ble at par three yearn frem new. The bend eeupcute ere pare-I31 manually lie. 1: Iii-".5 eeupuce payment ll: made elven-I peer fer-eerie ii feeeemeunt}. [pet-em tee: meeeretieclein this problem. Grimm Wafe-110m eii-yeerEurepeenmpthe I'rem DEER. [I'Geldenk-etereieeethe Inll-Dim theywilleeeeive Eixedendpeyeetingieeemp. The'ilxedreteiee eimph'uempuundedrete. tn nutththedehtpeymenteet'the HRH-bend. Ift-ltereeeimmptim ieexerdeedhyddeuk iuthreejeere,thempweeheeeeT-yearmeeutpetthet time. The uneerlrieg neticneIuIthee'n-eplelllrelien- {e} What iethellir duller peetederefthe reeeivec mpthn eeeumingenetteullel'millhu? fe}Aerieeuzlw'eertu:.[2lll=l'.13";li1 bridle explain the amend diudmtegeeeleeing thie nuptlentuGeIdBc-nk. Beucpeclcendquentite-tiweepuuihle. {c} Steppe-Be that DRl-'h uni Guliiettlt execute themptten Irene-letter! teder. Geldenlt plane tehedgetheew'eptlunhyhuyiugwnelugm-ymrmmupen hande- Wienemnuunt -I4