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The introduction provides a succinct summary of all of the following: the management issue the focus of the three journal articles the three recommendations A

The introduction provides asuccinct summary of all of the following:

  1. the management issue
  2. the focus of the three journal articles
  3. the three recommendations
Acomprehensive explanation of a single management issue is present. The connection to ethics, corporate social responsibility, diversity or social inclusion is clear and well justified.At least fiverelevant media articles are included.
Acomprehensive analysis of the key insight is presented for each journal article.All three articles arerelevant toethics, corporate social responsibility, diversity or social inclusion and are published in approved journals.
Applicationintegratesinsights frommedia articlesand journal articles. Evidence from journal articles is usedcritically toexplain elements ofethics, corporate social responsibility, diversity or social inclusion that were done well and those elements that needed improving.
The three recommendations flow logically from the application section. The recommendations are insightful and seem actionable by a realmanager or organisation.
The writing style is exceptionally clear and precise and flowed well as a whole. Almost no errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling or formatting. Appropriate word length. References are formatted consistently and according to assignment instructions. Student uses template provided.
Current at 6 December 2019
Journal Title 2019 Rating
AACE International Transactions B
Academy of Management Annals A*
Academy of Management Discoveries A
Academy of Management Journal A*
Academy of Management Learning and Education A*
Academy of Management Perspectives A
Academy of Management Review A*
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation B
Acta Psychologica A
Action Learning and Action Research Journal C
Action Learning Research and Practice C
Active Learning in Higher Education B
Administration and Society B
Administrative Science Quarterly A*
Administrative Theory and Praxis B
Advances in Developing Human Resources C
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology A*
Advances in International Management C
Advances in Strategic Management C
African Journal of Economic and Management Studies C
Alternatives: global, local, political A
American Behavioral Scientist B
American Business Review A
American Journal of Evaluation C
American Journal of Psychology B
American Journal of Public Health A*
American Journal of Sociology A*
American Psychologist A*
American Review of Public Administration B
American Sociological Review A*
Annals of Operations Research A
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior A*
Annual Review of Psychology A*
Annual Review of Sociology A*
Applied Cognitive Psychology B
Applied Psychological Measurement B
Applied Psychology: An International Review A
Asia Europe Journal B
Asia Pacific Business Review B
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management C
Asia Pacific Journal of Management A
Asian Academy of Management Journal C
Asian and Pacific Migration Review C
Asian Business and Management C
Asian Journal of Business Ethics C
Asian Journal of Social Science C
Asian Population Studies B
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration C
Asia-Pacific Journal of Human Resources B
Asia-Pacific Management Review C
ASOR Bulletin C
Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal C
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management A
Australasian Journal on Ageing B
Australian Bulletin of Labour B
Australian Journal of Career Development B
Australian Journal of Communication A
Australian Journal of Environmental Education B
Australian Journal of Human Rights C
Australian Journal of Psychology B
Australian Journal of Public Administration A
Australian Journal of Social Issues B
Australian Psychologist B
Australian Social Monitor C
Baltic Journal of Management C
Basic and Applied Social Psychology B
Benchmarking: an international journal B
British Journal of Health Care Management C
British Journal of Industrial Relations A*
British Journal of Management A
British Journal of Psychology A
British Journal of Social Psychology A
British Journal of Sociology A
Building Research and Information A
Built Environment Project and Asset Management B
Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations C
Business and Politics A
Business and Professional Ethics Journal C
Business and Society A
Business and Society Review C
Business Communication Quarterly C
Business Ethics Quarterly A
Business Ethics: A European review B
Business History A
Business History Review A
Business Horizons B
Business Perspectives and Research C
Business Research Quarterly B
Business Strategy and the Environment A
Business Strategy Review B
California Management Review A
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l Administration B
Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques B
Career Development for Exceptional Individuals C
Career Development International B
Central European Journal of Operations Research C
China Information B
China Quarterly A
Chinese Management Studies C
Citizenship Studies C
Climate Policy C
Cognitive Psychology A
Communication Monographs A
Communication Research A
Communication Theory A
Community Development Journal B
Community, Work and Family C
Competition and Change: the journal of global business and political economy B
Competitiveness Review C
Computational Management Science B
Computers & Industrial Engineering A
Computers and Operations Research A
Conflict Management and Peace Science B
Conflict Resolution Quarterly B
Contemporary Sociology C
Corporate Governance: An international journal of business in society C
Corporate Governance: an international review A
Corporate Reputation Review C
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management C
Creativity and Innovation Management C
Critical Asian Studies B
Critical Discourse Studies B
Critical Perspectives on International Business B
Critical Studies in Media Communication C
Cross Cultural & Strategic Management B
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology B
Culture and Organization B
Decision A
Decision Analysis A
Decision Sciences A*
Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education C
Demographic Research A
Demography A
Design Studies A
Development and Learning in Organizations C
Discourse & Communication A
Discourse & Society A
Discourse Studies A
Educational and Psychological Measurement A
Educational Management Administration & Leadership B
Emergence: complexity and organization B
Employee Relations B
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal C
Enterprise and Society: the international journal of business and history A
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development A
Entrepreneurship Research Journal B
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice A*
Environmental Management C
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion B
E-Service Journal B
Ethics: an international journal of social, political, and legal philosophy A
EuroMed Journal of Business C
European Business Review B
European Journal of Communication B
European Journal of Industrial Relations A
European Journal of Innovation Management C
European Journal of International Relations A
European Journal of Operational Research A*
European Journal of Personality A
European Journal of Population B
European Journal of Psychological Assessment B
European Journal of Public Health B
European Journal of Social Psychology A
European Journal of Sociology A
European Journal of Training and Development C
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology A
European Management Journal B
European Management Review C
European Urban and Regional Studies A
Evaluation B
Evidence-based HRM B
Family Business Review A
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal C
Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship C
Futures B
Gender and Society A*
Gender in Management: an international journal C
Gender, Work and Organization A
German Journal of Human Resource Management B
Global Business Review C
Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs A
Global Social Policy C
Global Strategy Journal A
Group & Organization Management A
Group Dynamics: theory, research and practice B
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations B
Harvard Business Review A
Health Care Management Review A
Health Care Management Science B
Health Communication B
Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology C
Health Services Management Research C
Health Services Research A
Higher Education Quarterly C
Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning C
Historical Studies in Industrial Relations C
Housing Policy Debate B
Human Communication Research A
Human Performance A
Human Relations A*
Human Resource Development International B
Human Resource Development Quarterly B
Human Resource Development Review B
Human Resource Management (US) A*
Human Resource Management International Digest C
Human Resource Management Journal (UK) A
Human Resource Management Review A
Human Systems Management C
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management A
IIE Transactions A
IIM Kozhikode Society and Management Review C
IIMB Management Review B
ILR Review (Industrial and Labor Relations Review) A*
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal C
Indian Journal of Gender Studies C
Indian Journal of Industrial Relations C
Industrial and Corporate Change A
Industrial and Organizational Psychology: perspectives on science & practice B
Industrial Relations Journal A
Industrial Relations: a journal of economy and society A*
Industry and Higher Education C
Industry and Innovation B
Innovation: Organization & Management C
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Sciences Research B
International Business Review A
International Employment Relations Review C
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal C
International Journal of Applied Management and Technology C
International Journal of Asian Studies B
International Journal of Business C
International Journal of Business Communication C
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing B
International Journal of Conflict Management A
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management B
International Journal of Educational Management B
International Journal of Emergency Services C
International Journal of Employment Studies C
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research B
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation C
International Journal of Ethics and Systems C
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship C
International Journal of General Systems A
International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness C
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance C
International Journal of Housing Policy B
International Journal of Human Resource Management A
International Journal of Intercultural Relations A
International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management C
International Journal of Law and Management C
International Journal of Logistics: research and applications B
International Journal of Management C
International Journal of Management Perspectives C
International Journal of Management Reviews A
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business C
International Journal of Manpower A
International Journal of Operations & Production Management A
International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management C
International Journal of Organizational Analysis B
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management A
International Journal of Production Economics A
International Journal of Production Research A
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management B
International Journal of Project Management A
International Journal of Public Administration B
International Journal of Public Sector Management B
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management B
International Journal of Selection and Assessment A
International Journal of Social Research Methodology B
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy B
International Journal of Stress Management A
International Journal of Technology Management B
International Journal of Training and Development C
International Journal of Volunteer Administration C
International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion B
International Labour Review B
International Migration A
International Migration Review A
International Negotiation: a journal of theory and practice A
International Public Management Journal C
International Review of Administrative Sciences C
International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology C
International Review of Public Administration B
International Small Business Journal A
International Social Science Journal B
International Studies of Management & Organization B
International Transactions in Operational Research B
IPPR Progressive Review B
Irish Journal of Management C
Japan Labor Issues C
Journal for Quality and Participation C
Journal of African Business C
Journal of Applied Communication Research B
Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship C
Journal of Applied Psychology A*
Journal of Applied Social Psychology B
Journal of Asia Business Studies C
Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability C
Journal of Asia Pacific Business C
Journal of Asian Business C
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making A
Journal of Business and Management C
Journal of Business and Psychology A
Journal of Business and Technical Communication C
Journal of Business Chemistry C
Journal of Business Ethics A
Journal of Business Logistics A
Journal of Business Market Management B
Journal of Business Strategy B
Journal of Business Venturing A*
Journal of Business Venturing Insights A
Journal of Career Assessment A
Journal of Career Development B
Journal of Change Management C
Journal of Cleaner Production A
Journal of Communication A
Journal of Comparative International Management C
Journal of Conflict Resolution A*
Journal of Constructivist Psychology B
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology B
Journal of Contemporary Business Issues C
Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government C
Journal of Co-operative Studies C
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology A
Journal of East European Management Studies C
Journal of East-West Business C
Journal of Education and Work B
Journal of Education for Business C
Journal of Educational Administration B
Journal of Employment Counseling A
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management B
Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology C
Journal of Entrepreneurship C
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies C
Journal of Environmental Management A
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management B
Journal of European Public Policy A
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied A
Journal of Experimental Psychology: general A*
Journal of Experimental Psychology: learning, memory, and cognition A
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology A
Journal of Family Business Strategy B
Journal of General Management B
Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research B
Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing C
Journal of Global Responsibility C
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law A
Journal of Health Services Research and Policy B
Journal of Health, Organization and Management B
Journal of Health, Safety and Environment B
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management B
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities B
Journal of Indian Business Research C
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization B
Journal of Industrial Relations A
Journal of Innovation Management C
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing B
Journal of International Business Studies A*
Journal of International Education in Business C
Journal of International Management A
Journal of International Migration and Integration C
Journal of Internet Commerce B
Journal of Labor Research B
Journal of Language and Social Psychology B
Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies B
Journal of Management A*
Journal of Management & Organization B
Journal of Management Analytics C
Journal of Management and Governance C
Journal of Management Development C
Journal of Management Education B
Journal of Management History B
Journal of Management in Engineering A
Journal of Management Inquiry A
Journal of Management Spirituality and Religion C
Journal of Management Studies A*
Journal of Managerial Issues C
Journal of Managerial Psychology B
Journal of Manufacturing Systems B
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management B
Journal of Modelling in Management C
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis B
Journal of New Business Ideas and Trends C
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology A
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology A
Journal of Operations Management A*
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications A
Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change C
Journal of Organizational Behavior A*
Journal of Organizational Behavior Education C
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management B
Journal of Organizational Change Management B
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness B
Journal of Personality A
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology A*
Journal of Personality Assessment A
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management A
Journal of Political Power C
Journal of Population Research A
Journal of Product Innovation Management A*
Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice B
Journal of Professions and Organization A
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory A
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management A
Journal of Quality Technology A
Journal of Research in Personality A
Journal of Scheduling A
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management C
Journal of Service Management A
Journal of Simulation B
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development C
Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship C
Journal of Small Business Management A
Journal of Small Business Strategy C
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship B
Journal of Social Issues A
Journal of Social Policy A
Journal of Social Psychology B
Journal of Sociology B
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies C
Journal of Strategy and Management C
Journal of Supply Chain Management A
Journal of Teaching in International Business C
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation C
Journal of Technology Management in China C
Journal of Technology Transfer B
Journal of the Operational Research Society A
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan B
Journal of Transnational Management C
Journal of Trust Research B
Journal of Urban Affairs A
Journal of Vocational Behavior A*
Journal of Vocational Education and Training B
Journal of Workplace Learning C
Journal of World Business A*
Judgment and Decision Making A
Just Labor B
Labor History A
Labor Studies Journal B
Labor: Studies in working class history B
Labour B
Labour & Industry B
Labour History Review B
Labour History: a journal of labour and social history A
Labour: review of labour economics and industrial relations B
Language & Communication B
Leadership B
Leadership & Organization Development Journal B
Leadership in Health Services C
Local Government Studies A
Long Range Planning A
Management B
Management & Organizational History C
Management and Labour Studies C
Management and Organization Review A
Management Communication Quarterly B
Management Decision B
Management International Review A
Management Learning A
Management Perspectives: The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management C
Management Research Review C
Management Science A*
Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues C
Manager C
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management A*
Mathematics of Operations Research A
Measuring Business Excellence B
Media Culture and Society B
MIT Sloan Management Review: MIT's journal of management research and ideas A
Motivation and Emotion A
Multinational Business Review B
Multivariate Behavioral Research A
Narrative Inquiry B
Naval Research Logistics B
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research C
Negotiation Journal B
New Directions for Evaluation B
New England Journal of Entrepreneurship C
New Technology, Work & Employment A
New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations B
New Zealand Journal of Human Resources Management C
New Zealand Population Review C
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly A
Nonprofit Management and Leadership B
Omega A
Operational Research C
Operations Management Research C
Operations Research A*
Operations Research Letters A
Opsearch C
Optimal Control Applications and Methods B
Optimization B
OR Spectrum B
Organization & Environment A
Organization Development Journal C
Organization Management Journal C
Organization Science A*
Organization Studies A*
Organization: the critical journal of organization, theory and society A
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes A*
Organizational Dynamics A
Organizational Psychology Review A
Organizational Research Methods A*
Pacific Affairs: an international review of Asia and the Pacific B
Performance Measurement and Metrics C
Personality and Individual Differences A
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin A*
Personality and Social Psychology Review A*
Personnel Psychology A*
Personnel Review A
Perspectives on Work C
Philippine Journal of Labor and Industrial Relations C
Philosophy & Public Affairs A
Philosophy of Management C
Philosophy of the Social Sciences B
Population B
Population and Development Review A
Population Bulletin A
Population Research and Policy Review A
Population Studies: a journal of demography A
Population, Space and Place A
Production and Inventory Management Journal B
Production and Operations Management A*
Production Planning and Control A
Project Management Journal B
Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation B
Psychological Bulletin A*
Psychological Research A
Psychological Review A*
Psychological Science A*
Psychology of Women Quarterly A
Public Administration and Development A
Public Administration Quarterly A
Public Administration Review A
Public Administration: an international journal A
Public Management Review A
Public Money & Management B
Public Opinion Quarterly A
Public Performance & Management Review B
Public Personnel Management B
Publishing Research Quarterly C
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management B
Quality & Quantity B
Quality Management Journal B
Quality of Life Research A
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A
Queensland Review C
R&D Management A
Regional Studies A*
Regional Studies, Regional Science A
Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations B
Reliability Engineering & System Safety A
Research Evaluation C
Research in Organizational Behavior A
Research in the Sociology of Organizations A
Research Policy A*
Research Technology Management: international journal of research management A
Review of International Business and Strategy C
Review of International Organizations C
Review of Public Personnel Administration B
Review of Regional Studies C
Risk Management C
Rutgers Business Review B
Safety Science A
Scandinavian Journal of Management B
Science Communication A
Science, Technology, & Human Values A
Scientometrics A
Security Dialogue A
Security Studies B
Selection and Development Review C
Seoul Journal of Business C
Service Science B
Sex Roles A
Small Business Economics A
Small Enterprise Research C
Small Group Research A
Social Enterprise Journal C
Social Forces A
Social Indicators Research A
Social Justice Research B
Social Policy & Administration A
Social Problems A
Social Psychological and Personality Science B
Social Responsibility Journal B
Social Science Information C
Social Science Japan Journal C
Social Science Quarterly B
Social Service Review B
Society and Business Review B
Socio-Economic Review A
Sociological Inquiry A
Sociological Methodology A
Sociological Methods & Research A
Sociological Theory A
Sociologie du Travail B
Sociology A*
South African Journal of Business Management C
South Asian Journal of Business Studies C
South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management C
South Asian Journal of Management C
Stanford Social Innovation Review B
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal A
Strategic Management Journal A*
Strategic Organization A
Strategy & Leadership C
Strategy Science A
Stress and Health A
Structural Equation Modelling A
Studies in Comparative International Development A
Studies in Higher Education A
Supply Chain Management: an international journal A
Survival B
System Dynamics Review A
Systemic Practice and Action Research B
Systems Research and Behavioral Science A
Team Performance Management C
Technological Forecasting and Social Change A
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management B
Technology Innovation Management Review C
Technometrics A
Technovation A
The American Sociologist B
The China Review: an interdisciplinary journal on greater China C
The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability C
The International Journal of Logistics Management A
The International Journal of Management Education C
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science B
The Journal of High Technology Management Research C
The Leadership Quarterly A*
The Learning Organization C
The Milbank Quarterly B
The Pacific Review A
The Social Science Journal C
The Sociological Review A
The TQM Journal B
Theory, Culture and Society A
Third Sector Review C
Third World Quarterly A
Thunderbird International Business Review B
Time and Society B
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence C
Training and Management Development Methods C
Transfer: European review of labour and research C
Urban Affairs Review B
Urban Studies: an international journal for research in urban studies A*
Variance: advancing the science of risk C
Vision: The Journal of Business Perspectives C
Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations B
Western Journal of Communication C
Work & Stress: An international Journal of Work, Health and Organisations A
Work and Occupations A
Work, Employment and Society A
World Bank Research Observer B
Written Communication: an international quarterly of research, theory, and application B

1. Research media articles to identify a management issue

Find a minimum offivemedia articles concerning an ethical issue facing managers in the digital economy. Your issue should be related to one of the functions of management (planning, controlling leading or organising)andtoethics (including corporate social responsibility, diversity, or social inclusion).

Possible management issues about the digital economy include:

  1. The ethical challenges of leading in the gig economy.
  2. The ethical challenges of controlling cyber security issues especially the privacy of customer data.
  3. The ethical challenges of planning for artificial intelligence.
  4. The ethical challenges associated with controlling workers in the gig economy.
  5. Controlling for the potential negative impacts of artificial intelligence on social inclusion.
  6. Planning for the corporate social responsibility challenges associated with the influence of social media companies on politics.
  7. The implications of remote work on leading diverse organisations.
  8. The ethical issues associated with bossware and the control of employees.

These are suggestions only. You may investigate other issues as long as they relate to one of the four functions of management, to ethics (including corporate social responsibility, diversity or social inclusion) and to the digital economy. If you choose one of the suggested issues you may need to refine it further by choosing specific industries or situations to focus on.

  1. Research journal articles to identify scholarly management evidence.

Findthreejournal articles published in scholarly management journals which relate toethics (including corporate social responsibility, diversity, or social inclusion). Ideally, these articles should berelevant to the ethical issue facing managers that you have identified. For example, if your issue relates to the implications of remote work for leading diverse organisations, you should find journal articles that discuss the equity and inclusion issues associated with remote work.

Your articles must be published in journals on the approved list of journals on the course blackboard site. You do not need to choose your three articles from three different approved journals. However, you cannot choose an article from a journal not on the approved list. These journals have been chosen because they represent high quality, peer reviewed scholarly research in the field of management.

  1. Write up your assignment.

Your assignment should be structured into sections, as outlined below. Please use the template provides on the course blackboard site.

Section 1: Introduction

W a brief introduction that outlines your issue, explains the focus of the journal articles that you found and outlines the three recommendations you identified.

Section 2: Management Issue

Use media articles to describe a management issue related to the digital economy. Be sure to explain how the issue you identified relates to one of the functions of management (i.e., planning, controlling, leading, and organising) and toethics (including corporate social responsibility, diversity, and social inclusion).

This section should not contain more than 10% direct quotes from the media articles (i.e., 45 w).

Section 3: Scholarly Management Evidence

This section should be structured into three paragraphs with one paragraph written on each journal article. Write 150 w on each article discussing the insights it offers into one of the topics (ethics, corporate social responsibility, diversity, or social inclusion). Rather than summarising the whole article, focus on explaining what you learned about the topic from the reading the article.

One option is to paraphrase the author's ideas and insights into your own words by answering the following questions:

  1. What question is the author(s) trying to answer in their research?
  2. What did they find?
  3. How are their findings interesting and relevant to theethical issueyou have chosen?
  4. What new insights does the article offer?

This section shouldnotmention your management issue.

This section should not contain more than 10% of direct quotes from the journal articles (i.e., 45 w).

Section 4: Application of Evidence to Issue

In this section you should show how one insight from each journal article relates to how managers, leaders and/or organisations have addressed your management issue. You should use these insights to explain the elements ofethics, corporate social responsibility, diversity, or social inclusionthat were done well and elements that needed improving. You might also comment on whether the management evidence from the journal articles seems to support or contradict what happened in practice.

Be sure to cite each journal article as you discuss it, so it is clear which insight came from which article.

This section should not contain direct quotes from the media articles or journal articles.

Section 5: Recommendations

In this section you should outline three recommendations that logically flow from the application section. Given everything you have read, what advice would you give to a manager, leader, or organisation who needed to respond to a similar issue in the future? For example, if your application suggested that a certain ethical approach was ineffective you might recommend an alternative approach.

You may make one recommendation per journal article OR three recommendations that are a synthesis of the three articles. Either way it should be clear that you have incorporated ideas from all three journal articles to make your recommendations.

Be sure to cite each journal article as you discuss it, so it is clear how the recommendations relate to each article.

This section should not contain direct quotes from the media articles or journal articles.

pls show the screen shot of your three articles

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