The Medal One Company manufactures windows. Its manufacturing plant has the capacity to Cost information for the current activity level is as follows: produce 6,000 windows each month. Cursent production and sales are 5.000 windows per month. The company normally charges $200 per window. (Click the icon to view the cost intormation.) (Click the icon to view the special order information.) Read the reguirements. Requirement 1. Should Medal One accept this special order? Show your calculasions, Begin by completing an analysis, and start by showing the computation of the company's operating income without the special arder. Next, calculate operating income with the special order, and then calculate the cifferences between the two columns, (Complete all inpui fields. For amounts with no change, make sure to enter "o" in the appropriate celts of the Dillerence column.) The Medal One Company manutactures windows. its manufacturing plant has the capacity to Cost information for the current activity level is as follows: produce 6,000 windows each month. Current production and sales are 5,000 windows per month. The company normaly charges $200 per window. (Click the icon to view the cost information.) (Clck the icon to view the special order information.) Read the ceguirements, Requirement 1. Data table Begin by complet Lext, calculate operating income with the special erder, and then calculate the difter he appropriate cols of the Dillerance column.) The Medal One Company manufactures windows. Its manufacturing plant has the capacity to Cost information for the current activity lovel is as follows: produce 6,000 windows each month. Current production and sales are 5,000 windows per month. The company normally charges $200 per window. (Click the icon to viow the cost information.) (Click the icon to view the special order information.) Read the reauirements. Requirement 1. Shoult BeginbycompletingantcalculasethedifferenceModalOnehasjustreceivedaspecialone-time-onlyorderfor1,000windowsat$175perwindow.Acceptingthespecialorderwouldnotaflectthecompanysregularbusinessoritsfredcests.MedalOnemakeswindowsforitsaxistingcustomersinbatchsizesof25windows(200batches25windowsperbatch=5,000windows).ThespecialorderrequiresMedalOnetomakethewindowsin10batechesof100windows.Moreinfo rdec. Next, calculate operasing income with the special orser, and then in the appropriate cells of the Dillerence columit) The Medal One Company manutactures windows, its manufacturing plant has the capacty to Cost information for the current activity level is as follows: produce 6,000 windows each month. Current production and sales are 5,000 windows per month. The company normaly charges $200 per window. IEB (Click the icon to view the cost information,) (1) (Click the icon to view the special order information.) Read the 5eouitements. Requirements x Requirement 1. Shoulc Begin by completing an 1. Should Medal One accept this special order? Show your calculations. rder. Next, calculate operating income with the special order. and then calculate the difference- 2. Suppose plant capacily were only 5,500 windews instead of 6,000 windows each month. The special order must either be taken in ful or be rejected completely. Should Medal One accept the special order? Show your calculations. 3. As in requirement 1, assume that monthly capecity is 6,000 windows. Medal One is concemed that if it accepts the special order, its existing custemers will immedialely demand a peice discount of $5 in the month in which the special order is being filled. They would argue that Medal One's capacily costs are now being spread over more unilts and that ewiting cusitomers should got the benefit of these lower costs. Should Medal One accept the special order under these condtions? Show your calculationt. o+in the appropriate cells of the Difference column.) Direct materials Bateh manulacturir Fived cosis: Ficed manufacturin Print Done Foed marketing co/ Total costs Operating income