The mystery function is invoked with 3 parameters, in the x64 environment (64-bit mode). Note that the function arguments are passed to the function in Sxmmo, Exmmt, and Sxmm2. The function returns its result in xmmo. Here is a particular example: xmmo xmmt xmm2 Output 7.7 -0.9 -8.9 285557.5281636 Designating xmmo as x, xmm1 as y, and xmm2 as z, enter the result computed by the mystery function as an expression involving parameters x, y, and z and the appropriate constants. M: N: mystery: .double .double 7.5 -7.7 movsd movsd movsd fldl fid xmme, -8(%rsp) xmmi, -16(Srsp) %xmm2, -24(rsp) -8(%rsp) %st(e) - 16(%rsp) -24%rsp) %st (0) Est(e) M fmulp fldl fldl fld fld fmulp fmulp fmull fmulp fmulp fldi fldl fmull fmull fldl fmull fmull fmulp -8(%rsp) -16(rsp) - 16(Ersp) -16%rsp) -24 (rsp) -24(Krsp) N fmulp faddp fstpl movsd %st(e), Ast(1) -24(Srsp) -24 (rsp), xmme ret Check Answer The mystery function is invoked with 3 parameters, in the x64 environment (64-bit mode). Note that the function arguments are passed to the function in Sxmmo, Exmmt, and Sxmm2. The function returns its result in xmmo. Here is a particular example: xmmo xmmt xmm2 Output 7.7 -0.9 -8.9 285557.5281636 Designating xmmo as x, xmm1 as y, and xmm2 as z, enter the result computed by the mystery function as an expression involving parameters x, y, and z and the appropriate constants. M: N: mystery: .double .double 7.5 -7.7 movsd movsd movsd fldl fid xmme, -8(%rsp) xmmi, -16(Srsp) %xmm2, -24(rsp) -8(%rsp) %st(e) - 16(%rsp) -24%rsp) %st (0) Est(e) M fmulp fldl fldl fld fld fmulp fmulp fmull fmulp fmulp fldi fldl fmull fmull fldl fmull fmull fmulp -8(%rsp) -16(rsp) - 16(Ersp) -16%rsp) -24 (rsp) -24(Krsp) N fmulp faddp fstpl movsd %st(e), Ast(1) -24(Srsp) -24 (rsp), xmme ret Check