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The Regal Cycle Company manufactures three types of bicyclesa dirt bike, a mountain bike, and a racing bike. Data on sales and expenses for the

The Regal Cycle Company manufactures three types of bicyclesa dirt bike, a mountain bike, and a racing bike. Data on sales and expenses for the past quarter follow:

Total Dirt Bikes Mountain Bikes Racing Bikes
Sales $ 923,000 $ 263,000 $ 402,000 $ 258,000
Variable manufacturing and selling expenses 465,000 114,000 194,000 157,000
Contribution margin 458,000 149,000 208,000 101,000
Fixed expenses:
Advertising, traceable 70,000 8,800 40,300 20,900
Depreciation of special equipment 43,900 20,500 7,700 15,700
Salaries of product-line managers 114,200 40,400 38,600 35,200
Allocated common fixed expenses* 184,600 52,600 80,400 51,600
Total fixed expenses 412,700 122,300 167,000 123,400
Net operating income (loss) $ 45,300 $ 26,700 $ 41,000 $ (22,400)

*Allocated on the basis of sales dollars.

Management is concerned about the continued losses shown by the racing bikes and wants a recommendation as to whether or not the line should be discontinued. The special equipment used to produce racing bikes has no resale value and does not wear out.


1. What is the financial advantage (disadvantage) per quarter of discontinuing the racing bikes?

2. Should the production and sale of racing bikes be discontinued?

3. Prepare a properly formatted segmented income statement that would be more useful to management in assessing the long-run profitability of the various product lines.

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