The report should be typed in a Word document, 12-point font, double spaced, and 2-3 pages long. The report should be structured accordingly: 1. Introduction provide an overview of the current situation and the alternatives available. 2. Alternative Choice & Justifications- state the alternative you chose and include the financial and qualitative reasons behind your choice. Cite any outside sources appropriately. YOUR REPORT MUST INCLUDE FINANCIAL ANALYSIS FROM PARTA (break-even comparison, profit margin analysis, sensitivity analysis, etc.) 3. Summary-summarize your stance and key points. EMA. Case Project Classic Coffee Company Alternative 1- Bakery Facing stiff competition from other coffee and beverage shops, Classic Coffee Company (CCC) is considering expanding its products to include bakery items. They would not make the food items themselves, but have items delivered from outside vendors. CCC would now experience higher average sales amounts per customer since beverage sales may be accompanied with food sales. This would, however, increase the company's variable costs since it would need to purchase the food items from outside vendors. The following data pertains to adding the bakery option: Total sales in the number of units would increase 25% with the added bakery option. The average sales price per unit would increase from the current $3.00 to $5.00 when food sales are added to the coffee shop. The variable cost per unit would increase to $2.50 per unit to account for the added cost of bakery items. There would be an increase in fixed costs of $25,000 for advertising to inform the public of this change. . Alternative 2 - Drive Thru CCC is thinking about having a drive-thru installed. Having this amenity would help the coffee shop increase its customer base, allowing them to reach a greater number of customers. This added convenience would permit CCC to slightly increase the price of its average coffee and would not increase the per unit variable costs for the company. The following data pertains to adding the drive-thru option: This alternative is exclusive of alternative 1 Total sales in the number of units would increase by 130% from last year. The construction of the drive-thru would increase fixed costs by $130,000 - which represents one-time construction and installation costs. This alternative would allow CCC to increase their average sales price to $3.20 a cup of coffee and their variable cost per unit would remain the same at $0.90 . . per unit