the values of , G, and G hit the following calibration targets: G Y = 0:2102921; G Y = 0:2341014; and N N = 1:7212276. The rationale for these targets is as follows: the government- spending GDP ratios for the home (United States) and foreign (United Kingdom) countries are calculated using the data that you used initially in this problem. In turn, it can be shown that same data that total work hours per population in the United States are 1.7212276 times total work hours per population in the United Kingdom. So, the parameter is normalized to 1 and the parameter is chosen to hit this total-work-hours ratio. Also, for the purposes of this code ZUK. has been normalized to 1 and the corresponding U.S. parameter has been set to the ratio 1.140758039274864, which is the ratio of ZUS to ZUK using the estimated values you should have obtained from your work earlier in this problem. All told, please creat a version of the following table in the Word Ole you created earlier and Oil out the table in with the values you obtain for the calibrated parameters. Calibrated Parameter Values Parameter Value G G Part e. (20 points total.) The Matlab .m Ole called iFullOERBC_DynareCodeControli is set up to run the Dynare mod Ole called iFullOERBC_DynareCodeiThis mod Ole implements a dynamic stochastic simulation of the model under consideration in this problem. However, the .mod Ole is incomplete: it is missing 3 parameter values and 4 equations under the imodel block.i Please complete the .mod Ole as necessary so that the simulation runs (among other things, you will need to implement parameter values that you found earlier in this problem). For your learning, please note how the ishock blocki has been modioed to Ot the needs of this simulat