The WBS Dictionary contains all the details of the WBS necessary to successfully complete the project. A WBS is a list of distinct tasks which will require time and resources to complete. Most importantly, it contains a definition of each work package, which can be thought of as a mini scope statement. Resources on the project will look at the WBS Dictionary to determine the scope of the work package they have been assigned, so it is important to be clear when writing the definition. Please note that Sheet 1 should be considered a reference. Your assignment is set up for a simplified version of Sheet 1 to be completed for the project, Dinner. 2 It is very hard to take the task of planning and summarize it into a single line since there are a number of tasks that make up planning. As this sheet states, it should define the work for planning a project: determine grocery list, who is responsible for what, etc. The intent was for you to layout the tasks under planning. For example: 1.2 Planning This phase is to plan what is needed for dinner and who will do what task 1.2.1 Plan the menu Determine what will be served for dinner to decide what ingredients are needed 1.2.2 Develop grocery list Look to see what ingredients you already have and make a list for what needs to be purchased This level of granularity should be done for each process group. 3 Use this video to help you complete this assignment: V=KrFEUV7rJOA& 4 WBS Task Name Description of the Associated Work Resource to Complete the Task 5 Code 6 1 Family Dinner All work applicable to procure dinner 7 1.1 Initiation Figuring out what you want for dinner 1.2 Planning 8 The work for the planning process for the project: determine grocery list, who is responsible for what, etc. 9 1.3 Executing Work to prepare and serve dinner 10 1.4 Control and Monitor What will be done to make sure everything is perfect 11 1.5 Closing The work to close-out the project: clean up dinner 12