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The worksheet ChemProc.MTW gives data on the reaction time and catalyst used in a chemical production process and an indication of whether or not the

The worksheet ChemProc.MTW gives data on the reaction time and catalyst used in a chemical production process and an indication of whether or not the final product was of prime quality. Use binary logistic regression to a fit model involving both reaction time and catalyst condition. Catalyst has to be specified as a factor as well as being included in the model. Store the event probabilities (for all observations) and display them plotted against reaction time using Graph>Scatterplot..., selecting With Connect and Groups and specifying Catalyst under Categorical variables for grouping. State recommendations that can be made with regard to running the process.

Time Outcome Catalyst 65 Success B 45 Fail B 65 Fail B 50 Success A 65 Fail B 60 Success B 35 Fail B 55 Fail A 70 Success A 60 Fail A 40 Fail B 70 Success B 65 Fail B 60 Fail A 40 Fail A 40 Fail B 45 Success A 65 Success A 70 Success B 65 Success B 40 Fail A 60 Fail B 50 Fail B 55 Success A 70 Success B 55 Success B 60 Fail B 45 Fail B 40 Fail B 60 Fail A 55 Success A 35 Fail B 55 Success A 60 Success A 40 Fail B 65 Success B 65 Success B 45 Fail B 40 Success A 50 Success A 60 Success A 50 Success A 70 Success B 60 Success A 45 Success B 40 Fail A 60 Success B 60 Success B 50 Success A 40 Fail A

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To solve this problem you will need to perform binary logistic regression using reaction time and catalyst conditions to predict whether the product w... blur-text-image
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