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Theoremn 3 . 4 . For the ring Zpt , xPG ( Z , : ) = p - p + 2 ^ 2 2

Theoremn 3.4. For the ring Zpt,xPG(Z,:)=p-p+2^22=5=p+3,Proof. Any two non-zero elements of PGi (Z,:) are adjacent if and only if both these elementsare divisible by p^2 and p^2. There are p^2- l elements divisible by p^2 and p and all are adjacent toeach other. So, these vertices induces a complete subgraph k-1 and the vertices of this cliquecan be colored withp^2-l colors.There are p'(p-1) elements which are divisible byp but not and p^2. These elements arenot adjacent to each other but are adjacent to the elements divisible by p and the elements ina set of units. So, the vertices divisible by p can be colored with any one color assigned to thevertices divisible by p'.Theorem 3.5. For the ring Z',ifp is odd prime.The remaining p^2(p -1) elements which are not divisible by p, p^2 and p are adjacent to allthe elements in a set of non-zero zero divisors and form two complete subgraphs having Pelements in each subgraph. So, the vertices in these two complete subgraphs can be properlycolored with colors except the colors assigned to the vertices of the clique ky-1:ifp =2.Also, the vertex 0 is adjacent to all other vertices in PGi(Z,). So, the vertex 0 can becolored with a single color except the colors assigned to the vertices of the cliques cliques k-]:kpn-. Thus, the graph PG(Z) can be properly colored with (p -1)+ P+l colors.Therefore, xPGi (Z)= PP, ifp is an odd prime.In case when p =2, Zi6={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15}. Here, the ele-ments {0,4,8,12} forms a complete subgraph k and the vertices of this clique can be coloredwith 4 colors. The elements {2,6,10,14} are not adjacent to each other and the elements 4and 12. So, these vertices can be colored with any one color assigned to the vertices 4 and 12.The elements {1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15} are not adjacent to each other but are adjacent to all theelements in a set {0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14}. So, these vertices can be colored with a single colorexcept the colors assigned to the vertices of the clique k4. Thus, the graph PGi(Z6) can beproperly colored by 5 colors. Hence xPGi(Z6)=5=p+3.XPG(Z,)=P-p'+2(+1)2=6=p+4,ifp is odd prime.fp =2.Proof. Any two non-zero elements of PGi (Zs) are adjacent if and only if both these elementsare divisible by p and p^2. There are p^2-l elements divisible by p and p^2 and all are adjacent toeach other. So, these vertices induces a complete subgraph k- and the vertices of this cliquecan be colored withp- l colors.There are p^2(p-1) elements which are divisible by p'. These elements are not adjacent toeach other and the elements divisible by p but are adjacent to the elements divisible by p andp'. So, these vertices can be colored with a single color except the colors assigned to the verticesdivisible by p and p.There are p(p-1) elements which are divisible by p. These elements are not adjacent toeach other and the elements divisible by p and p', but are adjacent to every element from the setof units in a graph. So, these vertices can be colored with any one color assigned to the verticesdivisible by p and p.The remaining p (p-1) elements which are not divisible by p, p^2, p and p are adjacent to allthe elements in a set of non-zero zero divisors and form two complete subgraphs having Pelements in each subgraph. So, the vertices in these two complete subgraphs can be properlyColoring of Prime Graph PGi(R) and PG2(R) of a Ring101colored with colors except the colors assigned to the vertices of the clique k:-) and theAlso, the vertex O is adjacent to all other vertices in PGi(Z). So, the vertex 0 can be coloredwith a single color except the colors assigned to the vertices of the cliques k-|, kyp-) and thevertices divisible by p^2. Thus, the graph PG1(Z) can be properly colored with (-1)+1+p'p-D +1. Therefore, xPG,(Z,) PP2+D ,ifp is an odd prime.In case when p =2, In PGi(Z32) the elements {0,8,16,24} form a complete subgraph k4.So, the vertices of this clique can be colored with 4 colors. The elements {4,12,20,28} arenot adjacent to each other but are adjacent to all the elements in a set {0,8,16,24}. So, thesevertices can be colored with a single color except the colors assigned to a clique k4. The elements{2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30} are not adjacent to each other and the elements divisible by 2 and22. So, these vertices can be colored by any one color assigned to the vertices divisible by 2 and22. Also, The elements in a set of units are not adjacent to each other but are adjacent to all theelements in a set of zero-divisors. So, these elements can be colored by a single color except thecolors assigned to the clique k4 and the elements divisible by 22. Thus, the graph PGi(Z2) canbe properly colored with 6 colors. Hence xPGi (Z2)=6=p+4.vertices divisible by .
question : From the code above, how do you color element 0 in p**4 differently from the other elements in p**4 with p =3?? Is using greedy coloring correct??? please fix my code, I'm really stuck
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def is_adjacent_zp4(v, u, p):
if v == u:
return False # No self-loops
if v ==0 or u ==0:
return True # Vertex 0 is adjacent to all other vertices
if v %(p*p)==0 and u %(p*p)==0:
return True # divisible by p^2
if v %(p*p*p)==0 and u %(p*p*p)==0:
return True # divisible by p^3
if v % p ==0 and u % p ==0:
return False
if (v % p ==0 and v %(p**2)!=0 and v %(p**3)!=0) and (u % p ==0 and u %(p**2)!=0 and u %(p**3)!=0):
return False
#if (v % p ==0 and v %(p**2)!=0 and u % p ==0 and u %(p**2)!=0):
#return True
# Kondisi adjacency jika tidak habis dibagi p, p^2, atau p^3
if (v % p !=0 and v %(p**2)!=0 and v %(p**3)!=0) and (u % p !=0 and u %(p**2)!=0 and u %(p**3)!=0):
return (v+u)% p !=0 and (v+u)%(p*p)!=0 and (v+u)%(p*p*p)!=0
return True
def generate_graph(vertices, p, is_adjacent):
edges =[(v, u) for v in vertices for u in vertices if is_adjacent(v, u, p)]
# Create the graph
G = nx.Graph()
return G
def analyze_graph(G):
max_clique = max(nx.find_cliques(G), key=len)
max_clique_size = len(max_clique)
color_map = nx.coloring.greedy_color(G, strategy="largest_first")
chromatic_number = max(color_map.values())+1
return chromatic_number, max_clique, max_clique_size
def draw_graph(G, color_map, title):
pos = nx.spring_layout(G) # Layout adjusted for better visualization
node_colors =[color_map[node] for node in G.nodes()]
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_color=node_colors, node_size=300,
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, width=1.0, alpha=0.5)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, labels={node: str(node) for node in G.nodes()}, font_color='black', font_size=10, font_weight='medium')
# Example usage for p=3(adjust accordingly for p=2 or other odd primes)
p =3
vertices_zp4= list(range(p * p * p * p))
# Generate graph for Zp^4
G_zp4= generate_graph(vertices_zp4, p, is_adjacent_zp4)
# Analyze the graph
chromatic_number_zp4, max_clique_zp4, max_clique_size_zp4= analyze_graph(G_zp4)
# Expected chromatic number
expected_chromatic_number_zp4=((p * p * p*p)-(p * p*p)+<

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