THEORY TO PRACTICE Regional Cuisine Publications Corporation (RCPC) 2. Assume that the facility emits certain pollutants into is the publisher of a monthly magazine that features the air. RCPC wishes to partially reconstruct the recipes and articles on culinary traditions from vari- facility after its purchase for purposes of being able ous regions in the United States. RCPC began in the to run the facility for longer periods of time. Does South and has expanded into the mid-Atlantic and New this trigger any regulatory concerns? England markets in the last 10 years. As part of RCPC's 3. Suppose that the facility emits more of a certain pol- business model, the actual name of the magazine dis- lutant than permitted by the EPA standards. What tributed in a certain region takes on that region's are RCPC's options under the CAA's market-based name (Southern Cuisine, New England Cuisine, etc.). approach? Although RCPC began its business by contracting 4. Assume that the facility discharges waste from the with outside vendors that supplied magazine-quality paper, as it has expanded circulation, RCPC has sought paper production process into an adjoining river and, because Paper Production was struggling finan- to reduce its rising paper costs by producing its own paper in-house. RCPC's management has located a cially, the company never upgraded its technology. small production facility that has been owned by Paper If RCPC purchases the facility, will it be required to Production Inc. since 1950. RCPC is now considering upgrade the waste discharge technology under the purchasing the facility and property. Clean Water Act? What is the standard set by the CWA for upgrading technology? 1. In investigating the purchase of the facility, what 5. What type of precautionary measures should environmental laws will RCPC need to be aware of? RCPC's management take to be sure to limit In what way could environmental regulation affect potential Superfund liability prior to purchasing the costs of the transaction? the site