Theranos was a blood testing company started by Elizabeth Holmes. As a child Elizab 'ery driven and took an interest in science; she was also very competitive. She studied arin and she eventually got accepted into Stanford University in 2002. The summer of h nan year in college, she internship at the Genome Institute in Singapore. That is part of inspired her to start her company so in 2003 at 19, she dropped out of Stanford to do so. _es started working on Theranos and her goal was to create a blood testing device that co t issues such as cancer or high cholesterol with a small amount of blood. Elizabeth was r ambitions woman and believed in her product a lot, so she was able to talk her family 1, Tim Draper, to invest in her company. He gave her one million dollars and was her fir: tor. Previous employees of Theranos describe the work environment there as toxic. Jeth was a very demanding boss, very secretive and usually fired anyone who questionel Eventually, she developed the first machine that was supposed to test blood and she calls Edison\". However, \"The Edison\" had many problems, the test was inaccurate and word: 7alse results; the engineers and scientist that worked on \"The Edison\" warned Elizabeth this product was not ready for the public to use but Elizabeth continued forward and sig l with Walgreens to have her blood testing device in stores. Soon outside scientist and th started testing \"The Edison\" and finding those inaccuracies that Theranos tried to hide. . Theranos having to shut down their labs and in 2018 she was charged with massive frat Jeth had to pay a five hundred thousand dollar fine and give up financial and voting con eranos. She is currently awaiting trial for fraud which could land her in prison for up to