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There are adjustments according to the numbers in the paragraphs and they must be adjusted according to the notes below the paragraphs and sequentially according

There are adjustments according to the numbers in the paragraphs and they must be adjusted according to the notes below the paragraphs and sequentially according to the text

Please find attached your paper with my feedback and comments for your review.


[1]American University

Shaping tomorrow's leaders today!

Internship Weekly Follow-Up Report

(To be submitted over the platform and to the coordinator)

Week No: six week

From: 05/ 06 / 2023 To: 11/ 06/2023

Student Number: IAUAEB22FAL1148
Hosting Company Name: MINISTRY OF HEALTH

Supervised By:

Teacher:Prof.zaher[2] kyle

Labor is a key economic developmentactor[3]. The company's mission is to create, manufacture, and sell products to customers. Companies maximize their resources by producing physical equipment and ideas. The nature of my work is thatI[4] have been a doctor in the Ministry of Health for seven years and work as the director of a comprehensive healthcenter[5].

The Ministry of Health was established in 1921, and the first law to regulate health affairs was issued in 1926. This situation lasted until 1939, when the Department of Health was attached to the Ministry of Interior until 1950, when an independent Ministry of Health was established under the name of the Ministry of Health (Ghalib[6]& Hossain, 2008). The Public Health Law No. (43) was issued in 1966, and it was changed by the Public Health Law (No. 21 of 1971), which was amended multiple times until the Public Health Law No. (47 of 2008) was issued, which the Ministry of Health uses to control health concerns in theKingdom[7].

When[8] discussing the Ministry's vision and mission, which is to provide preventive and curative health services as well as to play a regulatory and supervisory role on services related to the citizen's health and safety with justice and high quality, with optimal resource use, and in effective partnership with the relevant authorities within a comprehensive healthpolicy[9]. The institution where Iwork[10] is a health institution that provides health care services to the local community's residents, workers, and visitors, including primary health care and health education (Ghalib& Hossain, 2008). In general, the Ministry of Health aims to provide primary health care services to individuals, businesses, and government departments, as well as public health services through the inspection of food establishments, restaurants, and bakeries, the work of health reports, and the granting of health permits for them, as well as early disease detection, community awareness, and supervision of school health services and other programs.

I[11] am the director of a comprehensive health center, and I have a master's degree in publichealth[12] and am qualified to specialize in the field of community health and public health. The director of the center has several responsibilities, the most important of which is supervising all administrative, financial, and technical matters of the health center and communicating with the local community in order to provide high-quality health care.

The[13] most significant talents for success in a financial and managerial position vary by role, but may include analytical skills, attention to detail, problem-solving skills, and the ability to communicate effectively with both financial and non-financial stakeholders. Specialists may require excellent interpersonal skills as well as the ability to work well in a team, in addition to technical talents. Hours for an administrative position can vary, but they typically involve normal working hours with the opportunity of overtime ifneeded[14].

My[15] organization's organizational chart

In my organization, I am the director of a comprehensive health center and report to the capital's health director. My organization follows a hierarchical structure, with the CEO at the top (represented by the Director of the Capital Health Directorate) and the remainder reporting to the CEO. Whereas the supply manager oversees several departments such as accounting, procurement, and legal, the administrative director oversees administrative and technical issues (connected to doctors). Department heads report to the department manager in addition to human resources management (Greenwald,2014[16]). Any communicationmust[17] pass through this channel from top to bottom until it reaches the employee. Each department has its own manager, for example, accounting has its own manager who oversees all accounting-related work, purchasing has its own manager who oversees purchasing, and legal oversees the legal team. My[18] direct supervisor's qualifications and credentials

My front office manager has a bachelor's degree in general medicine, and then he obtained the board in pediatrics', until he became the first in pediatrics, I have more than 20 years of experience in management, where he worked as a director of administration in more than one hospital at the Ministry of Healthlevel[19].

The[20] type of boss you worked for It was a delight to work with a boss that prioritized fostering a pleasant workplace culture and encouragingher[21] team members. He was always willing to listen to our ideas and perspectives, fostering an environment of open communication and cooperation.It[22] has also supplied us with the resources and direction we require to prosper and flourish. As a result, I was more inspired to work hard and develop my skills, and I was able to contribute more to our team's and the organization's overall success.

My[23] manager is a good manager; a manager with great leadership qualities may be someone who is a good communicator in terms of ensuring information is well put and clearly detailed, or they may be people who like to build great relationships between thestuff[24] and the employee in order to enhance a smooth workflow. They could also be personsthat[25] value integrity and transparency in their work in order to acquire the trust of their employees and colleagues. Some managers also enjoy focusing on their employees' skill development, perhaps by ensuring that they attend trainings and workshops. All of these qualities contribute to a good manager.

My[26] supervisor in helping me to develop professional skills and expertise.

The candidate believed that his supervisor could assist him in developing his professional abilities and knowledge since she was always willing to answer any questions he had and to assist him in developing new skills. For a variety of reasons, the individual believes that their supervisorcan[27] assist them in developing their professional abilities and knowledge.

One[28], the supervisor has always been willing to address the individual's questions. This readiness demonstrates that the supervisor is concerned about the individual's development and wants them to succeed. Furthermore, the supervisor has been eager to assist the worker in developing new abilities (Hersey et al., 2008). This shows that the supervisor is not only interested in the individual's existing skill set, but is also prepared to commit time in assisting the individual in growing. Overall, the individual believes that their supervisor has been helpful and eager to assist them in their professional development.

Human issuesexperienced[29] Human resources concerns may arise as the director of a comprehensive health centre. These issues might range from difficulties with staffing and recruitment to employee morale and retention concerns. Additionally, while working closely with the director of the capital's health, administrative complications may occur. One of the most difficult tasks is providing an adequate and skilled staff. It is possible that the directorwill[30] have difficulty attracting qualified healthcare personnel, particularly in specialized areas. To attract and keep talented employees, the organization may need to adopt successful recruitment techniques, such as competitive salary packages and focused advertising.

Continuous[31][32] training and professional growth are vital as healthcare practices and technologies improve. The director may need to develop training programs to keep personnel up to date on the most recent advancements and to guarantee they have the skills needed to give high-qualitytreatment[33]. Creating opportunities for progression and succession planning are also vital for staff growth and retention.

Employee[34] Morale and Retention: A comprehensive health center must maintain excellent employee morale. The director should foster an environment that encourages employee involvement, contentment, and work-life balance. Recognizing and recognizing employees for their efforts, giving chances for professional development, and creating good communication channels are all important techniques for improving employee morale and loweringturnover[35].

sales crew of thecompany[36]

The health center's sales team comprises of five persons. A sales team member's tenure is typically three years. The team is in charge of accepting new potential patients and following up on leads. They must be outstanding communicators, have strong communication skills, and be able to think on their feet in order to succeed. In the complete health care facility. They collaborate with the Al center's staff of doctors and associated medical experts to effectively advertise the company's products and services to potential clients (Murphy, 2010). Our sales force is our largest department and is critical to our company's success.

Our[37] sales team's major responsibilities include client relationship management, customer service, and strategic sales planning. client relationship management is an essential component of the sales process since it aids in the development of client connections and the development of trust in the company's products and services.client[38] service is also important since it ensures client happiness, builds customer loyalty, and answers any questions they may have. Finally, strategic sales planning aids in the development of effective sales strategies and the achievement of sales team objectives[39].

The[40] oldest and most conventional way of face-to-face sales, particularly in health care. With the advancement of technology, various methods of conducting sales have shifted from face-to-face to inter-network shopping. Face-to-face sales, for example, can only develop belief and the relationship between the consumer and the seller. It also simplifies the process of selling the product to a simple "yes" from the consumer. Consider the purchase of company stock. Previously, purchasing shares required extensive paperwork and materials, making it more convenient for buyers and eventually lowering stock sales. Buying and selling stocks is now as simple as a mouse click thanks to advances in web technology.

There[41] are various methods for following up with clients regarding the things sold. Phone calls and emails are the most typical methods of following up with consumers. But it all depends on how the customer prefers to be followed up with. The comprehensive health centertargets[42][43] all age groups of both nationalities and those who have health insurance and follow the region of the center, as well as those who do not have health insurance, particularly children for vaccination purposes and the elderly for chronic disease monitoring, and any other group that requires primary health care services. According to Jordanianlegislation[44], the health center is entitled to treat any individual, regardless of race or gender, orif[45] the issue is an emergency and has come to the center, as well as non-residents of the area that belongs to him and does not have the necessary treatment.

Accountants[46][47][48] ensure that bills are correct and materials are available for sales, finance managers ensure that there is cash flow to keep operations running, and managers ensure that people are satisfied - happy employees = happy customers. Operations offer utilities to customers, IT assists in communicating value and providing utilities to consumers, and Research and Development ensures a continual flow of newsolutions[49].

My[50][51] organization is a comprehensive health center that provides primary health care services to members of the local community. Every day, we deal with a wide range of customers. Some of them come to receive treatment and medical consultations, while others have demands for other types of events such as emergency, maternity, and child services.We[52] also provide a health education program through school field trips and the provision of school health services. My supervisors also play a key role in making the health institution one of the best by encouraging and motivating employees to offer the best service possible. Personally, I believe that our company is superior to its competitors because many new health services, in addition to general medicine, have become available, as have new specialty clinics such as dermatology, venereology, obstetrics and gynecology, internal medicine, dentistry, and family medicine.

Our[53] company outperforms its competition becausewe provide[54] competitive pricing, outstanding customer service, and cutting-edge technology. Our competitive pricing and cutting-edge technologies help to ensure that consumers receive the most bang for theirbuck[55]. Furthermore, our great customer service helps to establish customer loyalty because clients know that their demands will be met.

We[56][57] do not currently cater to a niche market, but we believe that doing so could benefit our company by focusing on a specific segment of the market. Catering to a niche marketcan[58] boost customer loyalty and brand awareness since clients are more likely to be interested in the unique products and services that the company provides. Furthermore, catering to a specialized market might help to lessen competition because the company is not competing for clients with as many other companies.

To[59] stay up with shifting industry trends, our company's marketing strategy has evolved over the last five years.We've[60] moved away from traditional marketing approaches and towards more digital and social media channels. We have been able to reach a larger audience and deliver better customer service as a result of this (Garner, 2019). Furthermore, digital and social media platforms are less expensive and more efficient in terms of time spent on marketing efforts than older techniques. This transition has also enabled us to more properly and quickly measure the effectiveness of our marketing activities, allowing us to make the required adjustments to ensure the success of ourcampaigns[61].

Expectations/goals for theproject[62]

One of the business tasks on which I worked was the installation of a new computer and billing system for the clinic. The project's major goal was to increase the efficiency and productivity of medical processes by replacing the old manual system with a modern computer system. The project entailed setting up a computer network with numerous workstations, each of which was outfitted with a computer tower, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and printer. We also installed a number of programs to aid in the management of clinic inventory, sales, and customer information.

In terms of technical ortough[63] skills, I learnt alot[64] about computer hardware and software, as well as how to configure a computer network. For example, I learned about many types of computer towers, monitors, peripherals, and printers, as well as their unique characteristics and interoperability with other computers. I also learnt about many IT security processes and safeguards that a clinic can use to protect sensitive data, such as firewalls, password protection, and data encryption. These technical skills enabled me to successfully install and configure the new computer system and ensure its appropriate operation.

In[65] terms of "people" or soft skills, I learnt how to collaborate with other project members and effectively communicate with clinic employees to enable a smooth transition to the new computer system. For example, Ihad[66] to explain the purpose and benefits of the new computer system to staff and train them on how to utilize it successfully. This helped me develop my teamwork, communication, and leadership skills, all of which are necessary for commercial success.

In[67] terms of boosting the efficiency and productivity of clinic operations, the initiative met its goals and objectives. The new computer system has streamlined the processes involved, saving time and effort for jobs such as inventory management and customer service. However, we encountered numerous hurdles during the deployment phase, such as software and hardware compatibility concerns in the clinic, as well as difficulty in educating personnel on the new system. Despite these difficulties, we were able to overcome them through strong cooperation, communication, and problem-solving abilities.

Finally[68], the job assignment presented me with significant learning opportunities in both technical and soft skills. I was able to utilize what I had learned and improve my grasp of computer systems and their role in enhancing business processes in future initiatives. The project also taught me the value of teamwork, communication, and problem-solving abilities in the workplace, and how these talents may have a substantial impact on projectsuccess[69].

Internship Experience[70]

Throughout my internship, I discovered numerous personal strengths. I discovered that I have excellent organizational skills. I'velearnt[71] how to use numerous organizational tools like charting, task lists, and calendars properly. In addition, I've grown considerably more comfortable interacting with field employees. I've also learned the value of working under strict deadlines and completing objectives. In addition, my attention to detail has improved significantly. Overall, I've become a far more proactive and organized person.

My[72] initial internship goal was to get practical knowledge and insight from a professional setting. However, as the experience proceeded, I was able to add a new goal: to improve my communication and interpersonal abilities. Ialso[73] set a goal of utilizing my talents, knowledge, and resources to assist the organization in reaching its objectives. In addition, I established a goal of better understanding the organization's processes and regulations.

This[74] organization, in my opinion, is an excellent location to study. The organizational structure is very favorable to learning. There are numerous people from various backgrounds from whom I can learn. Furthermore, the organization gives me the possibility to take on leadership tasks. Professionally, Ibelieve[75] the experience has aided my professional development. The organization also gives helpful materials and direction to ensure that I can contribute well to the organization.

My[76] professional network has grown tremendously since interning with this organization.I've[77] been able to develop essential connections with field employees. Furthermore, I have formed ties with several key members of the organization that will be extremely beneficial to me in the future. Invitations to seminars and other professional events have emerged from these ties. My professional network will grow as I continue to build these ties.

Reference[78] Ghalib, A.K[79]., & Hossain, F. (2008). Social Business Enterprises Maximising Social Benefits or Maximising Profits? The Case of Grameen-Danone Foods Limited. Social Business Enterprises Maximising Social Benefits or Maximising Profits? The Case of Grameen-Danone Foods Limited. Brooks World Poverty Institute. Retrieved from P. Hersey, Kenneth H. Blanchard,Dewey[80] E. Johnson. (2008). Management Of Organization Behavior: Leading Human Resources. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Greenwald, A. G. (2014). Why Attitudes are Important: Defining Attitude. Attitude structure and function, 429. Murphy, Rob. (2010). The value of face-to[81]-face marketing in a virtual age. MarketingProfs. Retrieved from Garner, Eric. (2019). Customer feedback: 6 ways to find out what your customers think. Zenbusiness. Retrieved from Wroblewski, M. T. (2019). What Are the Six Major Modes of Communication in Marketing? smallbusiness. Retrieved from NP Digital, LLC. (2023). The 5 best ways to get feedback from your customers. Retrieved from Information Systems for Business and Beyond (8th ed.) byDavid[82] T. Bourgeois Management Information Systems for the Information Age (10th ed.) by Stephen Haag, Maeve Cummings, and Donald J. McCubbrey. The Handbook of Technology Management (4th ed.) by Harvey J. Sachdev.


During[83] the course of my internship, I was able to identify a wide variety of my own particular qualities. I was surprised to discover that I have excellent organizational skills. In particular, I have improved my ability to make effective use of a wide variety of organizational tools, including charting, task lists, and calendars. In addition, I have gained a great deal of self-assurance in my ability to communicate with workers out in the field. I have also gotten an understanding of the significance of working within predetermined time constraints and achieving one's objectives. In addition, I have honed my attention to detail to a far finer degree, paying close attention to each and every challenge that comes my way. Because I have embraced and am making use of all of these skills, I am in a better position to pinpoint the aspects of my performance that could use some work. Because of this, I've been able to become more proactive and organized in each and every work that I undertake.

My ability to organize information has allowed me to devise a method that is more organized and productive for completing the activities that have been delegated to me. By doing so, I can readily identify areas in which my productivity could be increased and put adjustments into effect to achieve that goal. In addition, I have developed a greater sense of self-assurance when I am working in the field. Through experiences like going to meetings and visiting companies,I've[84] built up a lot of confidence when it comes to interacting with coworkers and people. This self-assurance is inextricably tied to the enhanced communication skills that I have developed as a direct result of my interactions with field employees. In addition to this, I have developed a far deeper comprehension of the significance of adhering to set deadlines. Because of this, I am able to organize my tasks more effectively, which enables me to keep up with the due dates that have been set.

When[85] I started my internship, one of my primary objectives was to obtain experience and comprehension gained from working in a professional setting. On the other hand, as the event went on, I was able to formulate an additional objective for myself, which was to further improve my ability to communicate and interact with others. My capacity for both speaking and listening has improved greatly as a result of my participation in meetings and my interaction with my fellow employees. In addition, one of my objectives is to contribute my expertise, experience, and resources to the accomplishment of the objectives of the organization. Because I am constantly interacting with different members of the staff, I have made it a point to actively share resources and solutions that can be of assistance to the organization. In addition, I have identified areas of improvement and provided ideas as a means of further assisting the organization in achieving its goals. In conclusion, one of my objectives is to improve my understanding of the procedures and practises that are followed within the organization. I have gained a deeper comprehension of the protocols that are followed by the organization as a result of the careful attention that I have paid to each and every work that I have been given.

My[86] experience has led me to conclude that this company offers fantastic opportunities for professional development and education. The organizational makeup is one that lends itself well to the pursuit of education. There are many people from a variety of walks of life that I can pick up useful information from. Because I have such a wide range of experience, it will be much simpler for me to learn new ideas and the finest methods that are currently being used in the area. In addition, I have the opportunity to take on jobs of responsibility within the organization. I need to be able to quickly transition between different jobs or projects and evaluate my talents in order to be able to address problems in the most effective way. I believe that the experience has contributed to my professional development and that it has helped me grow as a professional. Because I am now more confident when confronted with difficult responsibilities, I am able to take on more complicated positions. Additionally, the organization makes available to me valuable resources and assistance, ensuring that I will be able to positively contribute to the organization. This further ensures that I can have a great experience overall and that I am properly supported in any situation that I find myself in.

Because[87] I had an internship here, I've been able to greatly increase the size of my professional network. I have been able to create connections with employees in the field by going to meetings and developing relationships with the people I have worked with in the past. These ties have proven to be really helpful. In particular, I have been able to cultivate ties with members of the organization who come from backgrounds that are comparable to mine. These contacts have been essential when discussing issues pertaining to the job and gaining a different view of the organization from a unique vantage point. In addition, I have built ties with a number of the organization's most important members, which will be of tremendous use to me in the years to come. It is quite beneficial to be able to acquire knowledge from people who have worked in the same industry or organization as oneself. As a result of these ties, I have been invited to participate in several professional seminars and other events. My professional network will continue to increase as I continue to create these contacts, which will enable me to have access to a perspective that is more diversified and original.

These required amendments are sequential by page:

Please insert a title page that includes the following:

SHORTENED TITLE OF CLASS PAPER UP TO 50 CHARACTERS (in capital letters) flush left in the header; page number 1, flush right in the header

Please follow the format of p.1 of the IAU APA template: "APA Format for Case Studies - Example" on the IAU Writing Center web page

Center the following and double line spaced:

Full Title of Your Class Paper (bold, centered, Title Case)

Student's Full Name Goes Here

International American University

Class Number: Class name

Instructor's Full Name

Month Date, Year

Please repeat the Full Title of Your Class Paper at the top of p.2.

Of what is labor "a key economic development?" Create a clear topic sentence in your introduction.

I suggest using this paragraph as your "Review/Analysis of the Case" paragraph. Move the second paragraphup to the top as your introduction, which gives good background information.

Avoid using the firstperson "I" in academic writing by using the gerund (present participleas the subject).

For example, instead of "I organized," use "Organizing ... was beneficial because... which allowed me to develop my ... skills."

In your introduction, ensure to paraphrase your source to support the main idea of your paper by giving the author's last name and the year of publication in the parenthetical citation of the source in APA 7th ed. (see "The Citing Sources Guide" and "APA Common Citations" guide). According to which study?

Your main idea should be the last line of your paragraph supported with your reasons how or why it is important.

Parenthetical citation:

... (Jones, 2013).

Paraphrased citation:

Jones (2013) claimed ...

Immediately after your introduction, include a Level-one heading (bold, centered, Title Case) above your first paragraph. This is the "Review/Analysis of the Case" heading in the IAU APA template.

Leave one character spacebetween the author's last name and the & in the parenthetical citation.

In which"Kingdom?"

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) above your first paragraph that refers to its main idea about the Ministry' vision and health service provided.

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half an inch.

Your topic sentence is long and is a fragment (unsupported dependent clause). Add a main clause (subject, verb) after "health and safety."

Or, remove the "When" and add a verb to complete the main clause.

Avoid the first person "I" in academic writing by using the gerund (presentparticipleas the subject).

Instead of "I update,' use "Updating ... allowed me to

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) above your paragraph that refers to its main idea about your Qualifications and Experience.

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half an inch.

Capitalize the first letter in the name of a degree title.

Use a shorter topic sentence by diving it into two main clauses.

Develop your idea furtherand support your idea by paraphrasing your source in APA 7th ed.

Sum up the main idea in your concluding sentence.

(see "the Persuasive Paragraph Organizer.")

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) above your paragraph that refers to its main idea, about your "Skills."

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half an inch.

Please leave only one double line space between paragraphs.

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) above your paragraph that refers to its main idea about the organizational chart.

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half an inch.

A nicely paraphrased source by one author.

or "should."

If this is a topic sentence for your paragraph, please include the verb to make a complete sentence (active voice).

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) above your first paragraph that refers to its main idea about your supervisor's qualifications and credentials.

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half an inch.

Perhaps developthis idea furtherand support your idea by paraphrasing your source in APA 7th ed.

Sum up the main idea in your concluding sentence.

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) above your paragraph that refers to its main idea about the personality style of your supervisor.

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half an inch.

Keep a consistent personal pronoun. "Their" is now accepted as third person pronoun in APA 7th edition.

What has supplied you?

Avoid first person 'I" by using the gerund of "work."

For example, "Analyzing data allowed me to ... which was beneficial because ..."

I suggest using a Level-three heading (bold, flush left, italics, Title Case) above your paragraph that refers to its main idea about the leadership of your manager.

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half an inch.

Proofread for spelling.

"who" not 'that' since you refer to people.

For each new paragraph witha new idea, please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) above your first paragraph that refers to its main idea about your professionaldevelopment.

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half an inch.

Or "could" to express probability.

Do you mean "First, ...?"

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) above your paragraph that refers to its main idea about Human Resources.

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half an inch.

Paraphrase your source to supportyour idea in APA 7th editionby giving the author's last name and the year of publication in parenthesis.

Use the Conditional "would" instead of "will."

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) above your paragraph that refers to its main idea about training.

I suggest moving this paragraph about training up underneath your professional development paragraph as a second paragraph.

Please indent the first line of your paragraph by half an inch.

Paraphrase or directly cite your source to support your idea in APA 7th edition.

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) above your first paragraph that refers to its main idea about "employee morale and retention."

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half an inch.

Please paraphrase your source to support your idea in APA 7th edition(see "The Citing Sources Guide" and "APA Common Citations Guide").

... (Jones, 2013).

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) above your paragraph that refers to its main idea about the sales team.

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half an inch.

I suggest using a Level-three heading (bold, flush left, italics, Title Case) above this paragraph that refers to its main idea about the sales team's responsibilities.

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half an inch.

Capitalize the first letter in a word at the beginningo a sentence.

Paraphrase your source to support your idea on sales.

... (Holt, 2016).

Holt (2016) claimed ...

Your topic sentence is a fragment that lacks a subject. What is "the oldest and most conventional way?"

If the main idea of your paragraph about communication is a sub heading of the previous paragraph, use a Level-three heading (bold, flush left, italics, Title Case).

If it is a new paragraph with a new idea, use a Level-tow heading.

Support this idea by giving statisticaldata cited in APA 7th edition. (see "The Citing Sources Guide" on how to create an in-text reference to a table, figure or chart).

Table 2 shows ...

... (see Table 2).

Paraphrase the source in APA 7th edition by giving the author's last name and the year of publication in parenthesis.

Create a shorter concluding sentence to your paragraph.

Create a transitionbetween paragraphs to connect the main idea in the concluding sentenceof the previous paragraph with the main idea in the topic sentence of this paragraph.

If the main idea of your paragraph is a sub heading of the previous paragraph, use a Level-three heading (bold, flush left, italics, Title Case).

Create a shorter topic sentence to your paragraph by concisely stating both if you refer to both in the same paragraph.

Develop this idea furtherby giving more detailand paraphrase to support youridea in APA 7th edition.

Please paraphrase your source to support the main idea of your paper by giving the author's last name and the year of publicationin your parentheticalcitation of the source in APA 7th ed. (see "The Citing Sources Guide" and "APA Common Citations" guide).

Your main idea should be the last line of your paragraph supported with your reasons how or why it is important.

Parenthetical citation:

... (Smith, 2022).

Paraphrased citation:

Smith (2022) claimed ...

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) that refers to the main idea of your paragraph above your paragraph about "healthcare services."

Since this is background information, I suggest moving up to the beginning of your paper in your introduction.

Avoid "we" in academic writingby restating the subject. Which organization?

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) that refers to the main idea of your paragraph about "Competition."

If the main idea of your paragraph is a sub heading of the Sales paragraph, use a Level-three heading (bold, flush left, italics, Title Case).

Indent the first line of the paragraphby half an inch.

Use "by" + present participle of the verb.

For example, "by organizing ..."

Support that idea by paraphrasing your source in APA 7th edition.

Elaborate and explain furtherhow and why.

Who does not "cater to a niche market?"

If the main idea of your paragraph is a sub heading of your Marketing paragraph, use a Level-three heading (bold, flush left, italics, Title Case).

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half in inch.

"could" or "would" to express probability.

Paraphrase to support your idea:

... Holt (2016).

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) that refers to the main idea of your paragraph about the "Marketing Strategy."

I suggest moving this paragraph up above your "Niche Market" paragraph.

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half in inch.

Avoid "we" by using the gerund of "moved" and adding a verb after "channels" to complete the main clause.

Nicely explained.

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) that refers to the main idea of your paragraph above your first paragraph.

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half in inch.

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) that refers to the main idea of your paragraph aboutyour Technical Skills.

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half in inch.

What other word than "a lot of" could youuse? ( and>

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) that refers to the main idea of your paragraph about your "People" or interpersonalskills.

Avoid "I had," by using "being responsible for ... was importantbecause it allowed me to ..."

What heading style should you use above this paragraph?

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half in inch.

I suggest using this as a second paragraphto your technical skills paragraph.

Paraphrase your sourceto support your idea in APA 7th edition.

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) that refers to the main idea of your paragraph about your personal strengths.

Use the gerund of "learned" (present participle as the subject).

Avoid contractions (unless used in a direct quote).

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) that refers to the main idea of your paragraph about your goals.

Use the gerund of "set" and 'establish."

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) that refers to the main idea of your paragraph above your first paragraph.

If the main idea of your paragraph is a sub heading of the previous paragraph, use a Level-three heading (bold, flush left, italics, Title Case).

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half in inch.

Avoid first person in academicwriting by starting your main clause with 'this experience has ..."

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) that refers to the main idea of your paragraph about your professional network.

How can you avoid use of first personI?

Your referencesgo on a separatepage at the end of your paper (see p.7 of the IAU APA template).

List each referencealphabetically by the author's last name.

Indent the second and subsequentlines of each reference by half an inch.

Online Source from a Website by Two Authors with a Retrieval Date:

Author's Last Name, First Initial. & Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Year published, Month, Day). Title of article(italics). Website name. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL of web address

(see "The APA 7th Edition References Example Guide").

Article (Journal or Magazine located on a website with a DOI - Digital Object Identifier) and double line spaced:

Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Date published). Title of article in sentence capitalization. Title of Journal or Magazine(italics). Volume Number(italics) (Issue). Pages. URL of web address. DOI

Italicize the title of an online source by one author.

Include the month and day in the parenthesis:

Online Source from a Website by One Author:

Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Year published, Month, Day). Title of article(italics). Website name. URL of web address

Reference a book as follows in APA 7th edition:

Author's Last Name, First Initial(s). (Date published). Title of book in sentence capitalization and italics (edition). Publisher.

Please move this paragraph into the body of your paper. Only the referencesgo at the end.

This is a summary of your internship experience. You may wish to use this as your conclusion, which should be no more than two paragraphs.

Avoid contractions in academic writing (unless used in a direct quote).

Use the gerund of 'built" for example, the gerund of update is 'updating."

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) that refers to the main idea of your paragraph above your first paragraph.

If the main idea of your paragraph is a sub heading of the previous paragraph, use a Level-three heading (bold, flush left, italics, Title Case).

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half in inch.

Please use a Level-two heading (bold, flush left, Title Case) that refers to the main idea of your paragraph above your first paragraph.

If the main idea of your paragraph is a sub heading of the previous paragraph, use a Level-three heading (bold, flush left, italics, Title Case).

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half in inch.

Indent the first line of your paragraph by half an inch.

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