There": atal plenty that netid to be iepeoved Befoe selfidrivine veliches sould safely talke to the roted Compiter visioe sutems are able to reliubly recognize objects Whar remains challescing is "sceno Driving a car to merge into rapidly flowing luer of trime is an iscricate task that ofien requires eye contact With oncosuing drivers. How caa autosombus vehches communicate with humans and other machines to let them know what they wane to da? Reesonrsbers are imestigatieg whellee clectronic signs and ear-to-cat comnmunication systems would solve this problem There's also what's called the "trolley problem". In I situation where a crash is unavoidable, bon does a robet car destde wbom or what to hif? Sbould is hit the car coming up on ies left of a tros on the side of the coad? And Iet's not forget secerity. A self-dmiving ear is esseetially s collcction of netwodked campaters and sensom safe from intraders who want to cma or weapotime cairs moy prove to be the greatest challenge confronting antonomous vehictes in the foture. Some pundies predict that in tho nent fam decides, drneriess techanology will add $7 trillion 10 the global cconomy and sire hundreds of thousands of lives At the same tame, it could devastate the auto indostry along, with gas sarioms, taxi drivers, and trockers. Peopio miglit stop buying cars because services like Uber ming self-driving ears would be cheaper. Thir coald catise natss unemploy ment of taxi drivers and large reductions In auto saler: If would atso cit deswu the ncod for mapry parking gabaes and parking spaces, frecing up valuable real estate for other perposes More prople mighe decide to live further from their workplaces because autonomous vabicher linked to irafific systems would make traflic flow more smoothly and free riders to work, nap, or watsh video while commating. Some people will prosper Most will probably benefit, but many will be left behind. Drivertess technology is estumated to change one in every nine U.S. jobs, although it will also creace new jobs. A nother consilifrationti is that the tremendous investment in autonomous vehicles, estimated to Caves Squty Cacitions * What are the chaliciece poiced by kell -driving cars? - Aft setf-friting gars good busiocse invesements? Explainyour