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think about what procedural changes would have the biggest positive impact, without being excessively costly for our lab members at every level (including undergrads!). Reference:

think about what procedural changes would have the biggest positive impact, without being excessively costly for our lab members at every level (including undergrads!).


the Lab Data Check document provides an example of another lab's procedures (not our own):

SOMO Lab Data Check Procedures

Before data collection: All researchers sign off on preregistration. Minimum of 2 RAs "pilot" the study to provide feedback (either taking the online survey or running through the lab study). All researchers have access to raw data file (e.g., Qualtrics, Google doc of lab study). If lab study, all researchers have access to the live documents that are being updated by RAs. Lab manager sends the final notification of the survey (with sample size, cost, etc.) to Juliana for approval. Data management / communication: All researchers must have access to a central Box or Google Drive folder that contains all materials, data, analyses and code, organized by study. After data collection: Send results to the full team, ideally in a document that is embedded in the Box or Google Drive folder. As a good practice, include the methods & results notes in the document (which will also make the study easy to write for publication later). Before submitting for publication: Checking paper (for typos): RA checks for typos in the written paper. Checking references (substantively): RA spot-checks ~10 references in paper by reading the cited paper abstract and making sure it fits in the manuscript as written. Posting data: Researcher prepares the data to post on OSF. To checkRA reviews the data file to make sure it is fully comprehensible and matches what is in the paper. Both raw data and cleaned data should be posted. For raw data, remove identifying information from columns and nothing else. Posting analysis code: Researcher prepares analysis code to post on OSF. To checkRA uses the analysis code to run data and check to make sure everything matches in the paper. Posting surveys: Researcher prepares surveys to post on OSF. To checkRA compares the surveys with the posted data and the Methods section in paper to make sure everything matches. Checking analysis 1: Researcher runs the paper through (to look for data analysis errors). Checking analysis 2: Minimum of 2 RAs review the posted data file to "spot-check" the analyses in the paper. Spot-checking means RAs independently try to run 1-2 analyses

from each study to see if they get the same results (not using the posted analysis code). RAs send the research team the spot-checked analyses so the team can sign off. Checking data 1: Researcher makes a document that lists the Qualtrics file for each study in the paper. To checkRA downloads the raw data file and compares it to the posted data file to look for inconsistencies. Checking data 2: To look at the posted data for issues, RA creates histograms of the primary DV in each study (by experimental condition) and sends histograms to the research team for sign-off. Checking preregistrations: RA compares the preregistrations against the results sections to identify inconsistencies. If there are inconsistencies, report in the SM.

*A potential way to implement the above list might be completing a Google sheet for each paper, with sign-offs for each check. *Related resource:

while the article provides a broader perspectiveon potential approaches. As you may remember, we discussed this material at a high level previously, so now our goal is to circleback and get into the nitty-gritty of the specific changes our lab wants to make in order to ensure data integrity:

Abstract Scientists, being human, make mistakes. We transcribe things incorrectly, we make errors in our code, and we intend to do things and then forget. The consequences of errors in research may be as minor as wasted

time and annoyance, but may be as severe as losing months of work or having to retract an article. The pur- pose of this tutorial is to help lab groups identify places in their research workflow where errors may occur

and identify ways to avoid them, this article applies concepts from human factors research on how to create lab cultures and workflows that are intended to minimize errors. This article does not provide a one-size-fits-all set of guidelines for specific practices to use (e.g., one platform on which to backup data);

instead, it gives examples of ways that mistakes can occur in research along with recommendations for sys- tems that avoid and detect them. This tutorial is intended to be used as a discussion prompt prior to a lab

meeting to help researchers reflect on their own processes and implement safeguards to avoid future errors. Translational Abstract Everyone makes mistakes. In science, mistakes can occur in many ways: Researchers may transcribe things incorrectly, make typos when writing code to analyze data, forget to do something they intended to, and so forth. These mistakes may simply waste time or require redoing work, but in more serious cases, they can ruin an experiment or lead to false conclusions. However, learning how to avoid errors in research isn't a standard part of training. This tutorial is intended to help lab groups identify places in the research process

where errors may occur and identify ways to avoid them. To do so, this article draws on lessons from high- risk fields such as aviation, surgery, and construction, all of which have developed explicit, practical strat- egies to reduce mistakes on the job. This tutorial is intended to be used as a discussion prompt before a lab

meeting to help researchers reflect on their own processes and implement safeguards to avoid future errors. Keywords: error detection, independent verification, mistakes

No one is immune from making mistakes. In research, mistakes

might include analyzing raw data instead of cleaned data, revers- ing variable labels, transcribing information incorrectly, or inad- vertently saving over a file. The consequences of these kinds of

mistakes can range from minor annoyances like wasted time and resources to major issues such as retraction of an article (Kovacs et al., 2021). Mistakes can happen under any circumstances, but the incentive structure of sciencewhich rewards rapid, prolific publication rather than slow, methodological, and systematic work may increase the frequency of their occurrence.

Estimates of error frequency are difficult to obtain because many go undetected or unreported. One way of estimating error rates is to

conduct reanalyses of published work; a recent assessment of statisti- cal reporting in psychology journals over the last 30 years showed

that 49.6% of articles had at least one statistical inconsistency (e.g., inaccurate p-values given the degrees of freedom and test statistic reported; Nuijten et al., 2016). However, this approach can detect only one kind of errorinaccurate statistical reportingand does not enable us to distinguish between true mistakes (e.g., copy-pasting

the wrong p-value) and intentional misreporting (e.g., rounding a p- value to be slightly lower than it actually was).

Another method for assessing error prevalence is through researcher surveys. In a survey of 486 psychology researchers, 79% reported that they had made mistakes with "very low" or "low" frequency (Kovacs et al., 2021). However, given the stigma associated with admitting being wrong in science (Fetterman & Sassenberg, 2015), self-reported error rates may underestimate true error rates. In addition, many errors are likely to go undetected, further deflating self-reported error rates. Even if errors occur relatively infrequently, their consequences can be severe: In Kovacs et al.'s (2021) survey, when asked about the most serious mistake made, 22% involved major or extreme consequences such as "strongly affecting the central conclusion of the article," and "damaged professional reputation."

Although some changes to the practice of science can be con- tentious (e.g., requirements to preregister), the wonderful thing

about mistakes is that we can all agree they are a problem! So

Julia F. Strand I'm very grateful to all the people who have publicly shared their mistakes (Aboumatar et al., 2021; Grave, 2021; Livio, 2013; Ronald, 2013; Werner, 2018) and provided input on this project: Norwid Behrnd, Violet Brown, Naseem Dillman-Hasso, Lisa Fazio, Daniel Hernndez, Daniel Lakens, Emmett Lefkowitz, Brian Louks, Annalisa Myer, Jeff Rouder, Dan Simons, Jon Strand, Aaron Swoboda, Janna Wennberg, and Philipp Zumstein. This work was supported by Carleton College and a Grant from the National Institutes of Health, R15-DC018114.


Psychological Methods

2023 American Psychological Association ISSN: 1082-989X

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

what can we do to make it less likely we will make mistakes, and more likely we will catch the mistakes we do make? The first step is understanding why errors occur.

Why Do Errors Happen?

We can conceive of the root of errors in two different ways: the person approach and the systems approach (Reason, 2000). In the person approachor, as Dekker calls it in The Field Guide to Understanding Human Error (Dekker, 2017), the "bad apple theory of human error"errors are attributed to an individual's negligence, forgetfulness, or inattention. The systems approach, on the other hand, thinks of errors as consequences, not causes; that is, errors are "the inevitable by-product of people doing the best they can in systems that themselves contain multiple subtle vulnerabilities" (Dekker, 2017, p. 4). The person approach may be appealing because it is usually possible to identify someone who is responsible. It also provides easy resolution when errors occur:

Simply direct blame toward whomever made the mistake. How- ever, the person approach can do little to systematically reduce the

likelihood of future errors, as it does not target the root cause of mistakes. Thus, preventing future errors requires taking a systems

approach and conceiving of mistakes as shortcomings in our work- flows, rather than failures of individuals (Rouder et al., 2019).

Fields in which errors have immediate and dire consequences such as medicine (Kohn et al., 2014; Leape, 2009), aviation (Helmreich, 2000), and nuclear power (Heo & Park, 2010) have already adopted a systems approach (see Frese & Keith, 2015 for a review) and recognize that errors are inevitable, even among highly trained professionals. One of the pillars of DevOps culture

(Kim et al., 2021)an approach used widely in software engineer- ingis the principle of continuous learning. This advocates for

correcting mistakes without blame, identifying the root of the mis- take, and sharing what was learned from the mistake throughout

the institution. For example, when developers at Google identify

an error, they conduct "blameless postmortems" focused on identi- fying why the mistake happened and with the assumption that

"everyone involved in an incident had good intentions and did the right thing with the information they had" (Lunney & Lueder, 2017). The name, blame, and shame approach that is often applied in cases of scientific misconduct does little to reduce the likelihood of unintentional errors (Nath et al., 2006). Thus, psychologists and other scientists may be able to learn from disciplines in which errors are severe and costly enough that significant resources have been devoted to understanding how to avoid them (see Aboumatar et al., 2021). This article is not intended to summarize the extensive literature on best-practices

for data management; interested readers should consult the recom- mended readings for more in-depth tutorials on that topic. Instead,

the article aims to bring the conceptual approach many other disci- plines take regarding error prevention to psychological research- ers. A guiding principle underlying this work is that we cannot

simply hope that mistakes will not happen; we must assume mis- takes will occur and create systems to catch them. Next, the article

presents guidelines for fostering a lab that embraces safety culture (see below), followed by recommendations for standardizing lab practices with error prevention in mind.

Best Practices for Error Prevention Safety Culture in the Lab The term safety culture (or "climate of safety") has been used by human factors researchers since the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster in 1986 (Pidgeon, 1991) to describe a set of practices, norms, and beliefs that are intended to minimize danger within an organization (Guldenmund, 2000; Pidgeon & O'Leary, 1994). This framework for fostering a culture to reduce aversive events can easily be applied to research labs. Pidgeon and O'Leary (1994) argue that safety culture is promoted by four facets.

First, responsibility for safety should not lie solely at the opera- tional level; senior management must identify safety as a core

value and demonstrate a commitment to it. In the airline industry, this means that management makes it clear that they would prefer

delayed flights over potentially unsafe flights and, therefore, incen- tivizes practices that promote safety rather than efficiency. In the

research lab, this means that senior lab personnel must be actively

involved in crafting systems to help their trainees (and them- selves!) avoid making errors (see below), and be willing to accept

slower, more methodical progress. The second component for building safety culture proposed by Pidgeon and O'Leary (1994) is shared concern about hazards within an organization. That is, the burden of thinking about safety should not be carried by just one part of the organization. In a typical research project in which all contributors (e.g., authors)

are invested in the work, shared concern will likely occur natu- rally. However, when people are involved in the work but not

invested in it (e.g., individuals responsible for data entry without much intellectual engagement or the expectation of authorship), they may feel less concerned about ensuring the accuracy of their work. Thus, shared concern may be facilitated by ensuring that everyone involved in the project is invested in its accuracy and understands how their work contributes to its success. The third component for building safety culture is establishing and conveying realistic norms and rules about hazards. Senior lab

personnel can explicitly convey to trainees that there is an expecta- tion that all work in the lab will follow standard procedures

intended to prevent errors. Just as rules about safety are explicitly posted on a construction site (e.g., "Hard hats must be worn beyond this point"), labs can also explicitly convey rules about implementing practices to reduce errors (e.g., "All code must be independently reviewed by at least one other contributor").

Finally, Pidgeon and O'Leary (1994) advocate for ongoing reflec- tion about current practices. Although some concerns about safety

can be predicted ahead of time, new ones will always arise, so it is important to make discussing safety a regular habit. Normalizing

conversations surrounding risks and errors in the lab will help iden- tify new threats, and may also make lab members more willing to

admit when they have found errors. Indeed, research in auditing firms indicates that people are more likely to report errors in firms that have an open climate around errors rather than those that take a more

punitive approach to errors (Gold et al., 2014). To help build a cul- ture that reflects on error prevention in a research lab, senior mem- bers may share stories about their own mistakes or near-misses.

Talking about mistakes can also be part of the process of onboarding new students so everyone in the lab understands the lab philosophy


This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

surrounding errors and their responsibility to say something when they occur. For example, part of the process of training new students in my lab involves reading and discussing this document, and my lab handbook includes the statement: "When mistakes happen (or nearly happen) in the lab, it's a great opportunity for us to figure out how to make our systems work better. Tell Julia about it right away and we'll use what you found to improve the work we do."

Safety culture is a guiding principle for many industries, includ- ing mining (Pillay et al., 2010), construction (Wamuziri, 2006),

offshore drilling (Cox & Cheyne, 2000), medical care (Singer & Vogus, 2013), and many others. Although errors in psychological research are not likely to be immediately life-threatening in the way that mistakes in these disciplines can be, psychology researchers can benefit from the lessons derived from these higher-risk fields to minimize errors. In addition to this conceptual approach of fostering a culture that accepts the reality of errors occurring, reducing errors also requires modifying lab procedures. Lab Protocols Given that the most common cause of self-reported research errors is poor project preparation or management (Kovacs et al., 2021), a substantial proportion of errors may be avoided through programmatic changes to a research workflow.

Record Keeping Keeping detailed records is part of the scientific process. However, in many labs, the only written record of the work is the article that is ultimately produced. Keeping a written record of the process of the

work in addition to the final product it produces is useful for docu- menting the decisions that were made and reducing the likelihood of

errors. In my lab, we keep these records in two forms: a Project Log and a Participant Log. The Project Log consists of a shared Google

Doc that everyone on the team contributes to, but could be imple- mented in another form such as an electronic lab notebook (Nishida

et al., 2020). Although the specific content within the Project Log will vary across labs, it may be helpful to include decisions made and the rationale for them (e.g., "we're going to run this study online rather than in the lab because it needs to be run between-subjects and

we'll have trouble recruiting enough participants in the lab"), con- crete steps in the research process (e.g., "VB wrote the code for anal- ysis"), explanations of work that contributed to the article (e.g.,

"NDH drafted the introduction of the article"), and notations of when the work was checked by another lab member (e.g., "KS checked that the stimuli were properly labeled"). Having a detailed log of the process helps facilitate checking whether the work was done correctly. For example, knowing the intended volume of auditory stimuli will enable someone checking

Figure 1 A Snippet of a Sample Project Log From Our Lab

Note. Acronyms are the initials of the team member who completed the task.


This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

the work to verify that the actual volume matched the final volume (see Sample Project Log in Figure 1). A routine part of logging work can be flagging things that need to be checked by someone else. For example, in the May 3 entry of the sample project log in Figure 1, JS originally wrote "Who can check these stimuli to make sure they're labeled correctly?" and after checking them, JV replaced that line with "JV checked all stimuli ...." Thus, the log includes both a reminder to check work and information verifying that it was checked.

An added benefit of using a Project Log is that having a clear re- cord of contributions over the course of the entire project can facil- itate decisions about authorship at a later date. Knowing exactly

how each individual contributed to the project may be useful for determining author order and can also help groups using the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy; Allen et al., 2014) system for tracking different forms of contributions to scientific scholarly output (see Holcombe et al., 2020 for an introduction to a web app and R package called Tenzing that is designed to facilitate the use of CRediT standards). Many research groups also include a Participant Log for every project: a spreadsheet that includes each participant's ID, the date and time they were run and by which experimenter, and a place to provide notes about anything unusual that happened during data collection (e.g., the fire alarm went off and they had to stop early). This facilitates making decisions about excluding participants prior to looking at their data and can help to clarify missing or mislabeled data. This record is also useful if issues are discovered

later that affect some but not all of the data (e.g., a particular ex- perimenter was giving instructions incorrectly, one of the testing

computers had a timing issue or was presenting auditory stimuli at the wrong level, etc.). Although information in the Participant Log is typically only used within a lab while a study is being run, if there are situations in which any of the information contained in the log may be useful postpublication, researchers should consider

storing the Participant Log with the rest of the study data and mak- ing it accessible to others (subject to safeguards to protect partici- pant identity).

Consistency Across Teammates

Labs often allocate work such that the same taskrunning partic- ipants, setting up equipment, transcribing participant responsesis

done by multiple people. Using a written protocol for these tasks helps to ensure consistency in how these tasks are completed and avoid errors due to misunderstandings or misremembering (Gawande, 2010). This can be implemented via detailed, written protocols for how participants should be run that include the verbatim instructions experimenters should give, the order in which tasks should be completed, reminders about where to save data and what to name files, and other notes about administration. Some groups have even recorded videos of mock sessions of data collection to help ensure consistency across research sites (R. Klein et al., 2014). For studies that require that lab members transcribe verbal responses from participants or code behaviors from videos, it may also be helpful to include protocols that give detailed information about how to transcribe or code responses for each task (e.g., a note to hide the column with the experimental condition when scoring to limit bias in the transcription process). Even if many

transcription choices are straightforward, if coders are not given explicit instructions about what to do in unusual circumstances (e.g., the participant skips several trials, provides two words instead of one, the response is unintelligible, etc.), different people may code those responses differently. Using these standardized

processes helps to avoid researcher misunderstanding or miscom- munication about how the work is intended to be completed.

Errors can also be avoided by standardizing practices related to

data storage and organization. For example, someone might be for- given for thinking a file called "project_data_final.csv" was the

appropriate data to be analyzed, despite the fact that they should

have used "project_data_final_FINAL.csv" (I would not recom- mend this naming convention). To help avoid these kinds of

errors, protocols can include explicit instructions for file naming conventions, standardized practices for commonly used variables, and instructions about the file types that should be used. Project

TIER (Project TIER, 2022) provides a set of standards for docu- menting research and is likely to be a useful starting point for

those looking to standardize how data are stored and organized (see also Sandve et al., 2013). Checking Work If we start with the assumption that mistakes will happen even when people are trying to avoid them, we must come up with methods of checking our work to find those mistakes. Among the

most dominant paradigms in many safety-related disciplines (Lar- ouzee & Le Coze, 2020) is James Reason's "swiss cheese" model

of human failures. According to this model, in a complex system, each layer of protection against errors provides some defense but is imperfect. Although any given process may have holes in it, as long as the weaknesses of one layer are caught before the next, errors will not persist all the way through the project (Reason, 2000).

In scientific research, the first layer of protection against scien- tific errors is the approach of the individual researcher. This

includes practices like "go slowly" and "be careful." For many, this is the extent of error prevention practices. As with any layer, however, it is imperfect. Thus, individuals can implement a second

layer of protection by altering their workflow based on an under- standing of how and why errors occur. When writing analysis

code, for example, researchers can regularly write in tests to ensure that some of the assumptions about the data are actually true. This may include thinking through the number of participants or observations there should be at a given point in the analysis and including a line of code to check that the assumed number matches how many there actually are. It also includes visualizing all the raw data to identify obvious errors (e.g., ensure that proportions are bounded by 0 and 1). This additional scrutiny certainly catches some errors, but is not sufficient to catch all mistakes, as many errors occur in unexpected places. The third layer of protection happens at the level of the lab or research group, and relies on multiple people verifying each step of the research process. In industries that rely heavily on coding, it would be considered poor practice to "publish" code that a single person had written and no one had verified in-house, but this is common practice in psychology. Additional scrutiny can be

achieved by asking someone who did not write the code to thor- oughly check every line to verify it. Given that it may be difficult


This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

to thoroughly check data you believe are correct, insulating the "checker" from the hypotheses or outcomes (so that they are unaware of whether the results are expected or unexpected) may be helpful. Another strategy is telling the "checker" that there is an error somewhere in the code (you can even plant one, provided you come up with a system to make sure you remove it later!) to encourage them to look closely.1 Alternatively, error-proofing

code can be achieved by having two people write code independ- ently to see if they arrive at the same conclusion. Success at this

level is enhanced by having established a safety culture within the

group so that the lab is mutually invested in the accuracy of every- one's work.

An additional layer of defense against errors can happen during the peer-review process, when reviewers identify issues that have managed to sneak past both the individual and the research group. Error detection at this level is facilitated by giving reviewers access to data and code associated with the experiment as many errors may not be detectable from the article alone. However, it is worth noting that carefully checking code is not a task many reviewers engage in, so authors should not rely on the peer-review process to identify errors.

The final layer of scrutiny is the scientific community, postpu- blication. Ideally, everyone wants to avoid or catch mistakes

before publication. However, if that cannot be achieved, it is better to catch problems once they are published than to let them remain

uncorrected in the literature. Thus, after publication, the availabil- ity of data and code in a publicly accessible repository such as the

Open Science Framework further increases the likelihood that any mistakes will be found eventually. The thought of making your mistakes easier for others to find may be daunting, but finding them early facilitates scientific progress and ensures that future scientists do not waste time and resources building on spurious findings (Bishop, 2018). In their work on building high-reliability organizations, Weick et al. (1999) advocate for approaching work with the expectation

that things will go wrong and therefore actively seeking out prob- lems (what they refer to as a "preoccupation with failure").

Researchers are more likely to go looking for problems or mis- takes in their work when the data are not in line with their expecta- tions. The danger of this "selective checking" is that we are only

critical of a subset of our results: those we do not expect (see Bak- ker & Wicherts, 2011). Developing systems of looking for mis- takes (Rouder et al., 2019)and being open to finding them!

ensures that all results (not just surprising ones) are checked. Incorporating error hunting into every project makes it clear that

checking for errors is not an indication of a lack of trust, it is sim- ply part of the lab workflow.

Making Your Lab More Error-Tight A recurring theme when reading about scientific errors is that mistakes happen in unexpected places and in unexpected ways. Reading examples of others' mistakes may therefore be useful to identify places where mistakes may happen in your process. Table 1 catalogs errors that researchers have made or nearly made at every

stage of the research process: designing and programming experi- ments, collecting data, storing data, analyzing data, and reporting

results. The rightmost column contains references to resources you

can use to implement the approaches if you are not familiar with them. This tutorial is meant to be discussed by research groups in a lab meeting. I recommend reading the article prior to the meeting, and then using the steps below to structure your discussion about how these issues apply to your own research. Step 1 Make a list of the stages in a typical research project in your lab (e.g., what happens during the design phase, the data collection phase, etc.). Be sure to list every step even if it seems error-proof. For example, you may note that during each experimental session, participants must be given instructions, run on the most up-to-date

version of the experiment, and assigned to the appropriate partici- pant group.

Step 2 Brainstorm ways that errors might happen at each stage. These might be inspired by the examples given in Table 1, but it may also help to talk about ways that each phase was challenging to learn, or things that were unclear to trainees when they were first learning each stage. It is also likely to be useful to discuss ways that things have almost gone wrong previously: Identifying places

where mistakes were nearly made is a great way of finding poten- tial weak spots in a workflow. In the previous example, the experi- menter could give the instructions incompletely or incorrectly, run

the wrong version of the experiment, or assign a participant to the wrong group. Step 3

Identify specific steps that could be used to reduce the likeli- hood of mistakes occurring at each stage (see the "How to avoid"

column). To avoid the errors described in Step 2, you may decide to protocol that specifies exactly the instructions that should be given, ensure that the folder that contains the experiment does not contain anything else that it may be confused with (e.g., other experiments), and ask experimenters to double check the participant group before they begin. It may be useful to write down any proposed changes to your workflow in a document that everyone has access to (e.g., final data files for analysis will be named ...; the process for getting someone to independently check analysis code is ...), such as a lab manual (Aly, 2018; Mehr, 2020). Keep in mind that if making all these changes seems overwhelming, it is perfectly reasonable to identify and implement a few changes that are manageable at first. Step 4

Unfortunately, mistakes can happen, even in labs that imple- ment all these practices. Therefore, it is worthwhile to discuss

what to do in the event that someone finds an error. For example, 1 A joke among computer programmers is "Ask a programmer to review 10 lines of code, they'll find 10 issues. Ask them to do 500 lines and they'll say it looks good" (zil, 2013). Consider implementing checking at regular intervals rather than at the end of a project.


This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Table 1 Types of Errors That Can Be Made at Each Stage of the Research Process and How to Avoid Them Stage What can go wrong Example How to avoid Designing/ programming

Errors in stimulus presentation software

Using mislabeled stimuli (Grave, 2021); programming an influential difference in the timing of two conditions (Strand,

2020); program was intended to ran- domly assign people to conditions but

only assigned them to one condition.

Independent checking; leaving time to pilot and analyze pilot data prior to beginning the experiment so errors in programming

are caught early; saving as much infor- mation as possible to recreate a trial if


Forgetting what you decided to why, or what you hypothesized and why

"Did we predict an interaction here?"; "Why did we choose Method A over Method B?"

Keeping records of decisions in a Project Log; formally preregistering your work (B. A. Nosek et al., 2018)

Collecting data Equipment malfunction/ changes

Eyetracker becomes improperly cali- brated; keyboard is sticky; screen reso- lution changes (Rouder et al., 2019);

presenting stimuli at the wrong volume

Separate "running" computers from "coding/working" computers; keeping records of what equipment is used for each participant (to know which data to exclude) in a Participant Log

Instructions are given to par- ticipants inconsistently

Telling some participants "complete both tasks to the best of your ability" and some "complete both tasks, but this task is the most important"

Using data collection protocols with clear scripts (or instructing experimenters to

only read what is written on the instruc- tion screen); keeping a Participant Log

that includes which experimenters ran which participants

Errors in manual coding Incorrectly transcribing participant responses (Werner, 2018)

Giving explicit written instructions about how to do tasks; double-code pilot data to ensure consistency

Experimenter forgets some- thing during data collection

Forgetting to hit "record" prior to starting the participant on the task

Using data collection protocols with check- lists for each step (Gawande, 2010)

Storing data Data loss Accidentally deleting files/writing over


Using systems with version control like Git (Blischak et al., 2016; Chacon & Straub, 2014) or cloud storage; storing files in online repositories like the Open Science Framework to avoid overwriting and clearly delineate the active copy (see O. Klein et al., 2018 for a comparison of data sharing platforms); maintaining backups of all materials

Using the wrong version of

the data; poor documenta- tion (not knowing what files

to use/code to run/etc.)

Analyzing raw rather than cleaned data Clear naming standards (Gorgolewski et al., 2016); using consistent file structure (e.g., only one file named project_data. csv is ever stored in the "data analysis" folder); maintaining a Project Log

Variables in the data are mis- labeled/ambiguous

Running the analysis on the wrong accu- racy column in a dataset that contained

two columns for accuracyraw score

and proportion correct; flipping varia- bles (Miller, 2006); using mislabeled

physical materials (Gewin, 2015);

unintentionally replacing missing val- ues (Aboumatar et al., 2021)

Setting up a lab style guide with clear and consistent naming standards (Arslan, 2019), including codebooks or metadata (e.g., each dataset is accompanied by a document that describes what each of the column headers means), manually checking for out-of-range values.

Unwanted changes to data Excel converting numbers to dates (Ziemann et al., 2016)

Using software without the known issues (Ziemann et al., 2016); following best

practices for data organization in spread- sheets (Broman & Woo, 2018); imple- menting in-house independent checking

Analyzing data Coding errors Creating composite scores without reverse coding the necessary items; failing to exclude participants that should have been, treating a variable as an integer rather than a factor; scripting/coding error (Mann, 2013; Poldrack, 2013; Poldrack et al., 2020), reversing variable codes (Aboumatar et al., 2021)

Cleaning and analyzing data using a script- ing language such as R in which every

step is documented (Helping Organizations Migrate to the R Language, 2016); employing in-house independent checking; copiloting (Veldkamp et al., 2014); using a "Red Team" (Lakens, 2020); unit testing (Testing Your Code, 2013; Unit Testing for R, n.d.); having two coders work collaboratively to write code ("pair programming"; J. T. Nosek, 1998)

(table continues)


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you might set as a lab policy that after identifying an error, the first step is to ask someone to verify that a problem has occurred (to avoid alerting the whole lab in the event of a false alarm). It is also useful to discuss who to tell first, how to evaluate if the problem

affects published papers or works in progress, and so on. For prin- cipal investigators, this can be an important opportunity to explic- itly tell your trainees that they will not be punished or penalized

for reporting an error. It may also be useful to remind students that sharing stories of near-misses are also informative, because it is possible to incorporate changes to your workflow based on those as well. Step 5 After implementing some of the changes, plan a follow-up meeting where you can discuss what worked well and what needs improvement, and refine your process as needed. Conclusions

Although entirely eliminating errors from research seems like a laudable goal, it is important to consider that the strategies described above require researchers' time and effort that could otherwise be invested elsewhere. To evaluate the value of these error mitigation practices, it may therefore be necessary to weigh the potential benefits (i.e., What are the consequences of avoiding

errors?) against the costs (i.e., How much time and effort are nec- essary to implement these steps?). For some disciplines, this cost- benefit analysis is clear. In accounting, where errors are financially

costly (Stefaniak & Robertson, 2010), or in surgery (Haynes et al., 2009) and aviation (Degani & Wiener, 1991), in which mistakes

can be fatal, systems explicitly designed to avoid errors are stand- ard practice, even if they decrease efficiency.

In psychological research, major mistakes may threaten researchers' careers, hamper progress in the field, and undermine public faith in science. Thus, the clear benefit of implementing error mitigation strategies is avoiding these adverse outcomes. However, many of the methods described in this article have

benefits beyond error prevention as well. For example, practices like preregistration and sharing data increase research transparency

and facilitate a more cumulative science, maintaining a digital or- ganization system saves time and energy searching for content,

and writing commented code facilitates reuse. The costs of implementing error-prevention practices can range from very low (adopting a consistent file naming convention) to very high (having three team members independently write the same analysis code to ensure they arrive at the same outcome), so researchers must decide the approach that seems most reasonable given the context in which the decision is made. Critically, all the

changes suggested above can be incorporated piecemeal; it is pos- sible to add any component individually rather than implementing

them all at once, so the individual costs need not be paid in one lump sum. Further, the costs in our discipline are already reduced

because high-risk disciplines have done the hard work of identify- ing effective strategies for reducing errors. Thus, psychology

would benefit from adopting these strategies; we must approach our work with the understanding that humans will make mistakes

and preventing those mistakes requires reexamining both lab cul- ture and research workflow.

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