This activity is important because as a manager, you will want to implement policies and practices that have positive impact. Correiations telf you how often changes in one variable lead to changes in another variable. With this knowledge, you can be more effective in choosing methods to increasejob performance and organizational commitment. The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate your understanding of correlotions by matching described relationships to different strengths of r values. Match each correlation strength to the corresponding description of organizational research results. Perfect {f=100} Moderete (r=30} Mach each of the obtions above to the liems beigw James says thot higher pay wit oways lead to higher job performance. You are skeptical because you know perfect relationships are not realistic in 0B given the marly infiuences on people's behaviors: A consuttant advises you that more empioyee absences will iead to a moderately higher level of negative work behaviors. The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate your understanding of correlatlons by matching described relationships to different strengths of values; Match each correlation strength to the corresponding description of organizational research results. Match each of the options above to the items below, James says that higher pay will always lead to higher job performance. You are skeptical because you know perfect relationships are not realistic in OB given the many influences on people's behaviors. You find that there is a strong relationship between training on new machines and accuracy of work. If you increase training. accuracy will increase. although not every time because the relationship is not perfect. Although you thought more employee meetings would result in higher job satisfoction, this did not happen. There was actualiy no relationship whatsoever between these two variables