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This assignment has a REQUIRED template which is also attached: ITI - New Service Proposal Template.docx (File 1) Please read and follow the instructions in

This assignment has a REQUIRED template which is also attached: "ITI - New Service Proposal Template.docx" (File 1)

Please read and follow the instructions in the attached file: "New Service Proposal Group Assignment.pdf" which I provided in the text form(File 2) at the starting "New Service Proposal Group Assignment"

Add in a Team and Team Member Report new version for this assignment.

Also use Track Changes --> Everyone, and share the document, and resolve changes together, and use comments if helpful.

We are 3 members in the group: Amit,Gagan, Palak

Follow the best practices as per the PMBOK book and ITIIL material.

file 1

ITI - New Service Proposal Plan
[Insert Project Name]

Table of Contents

Project Charter 2

Requirements 4

Business Requirements 4

Service Applicability 4

Service Contacts 4

Service Design 4

Service Functional Requirements 4

Service-Level Requirements 4

Service & Operational Management Requirements 4

Service Design and Topology 4

Organizational Readiness Assessment5

Service Lifecycle Plan 5

Service Programs 5

Service Transition Plan 5

Service Operational Acceptance Plan 6

Service Acceptance Criteria 6

Revision History 7

Project Charter

Background [Why is the project being undertaken? Describe an opportunity or problem that the project is to address.] Goals

  • [specific & measurable goal 1]
  • [specific & measurable goal 2]
  • [specific & measurable goal 3]

Scope [What will be the end result of the project? Describe what phases of work will be undertaken. It's also important to mention what activities will not be included in this project.] Key Stakeholders

Client [name]
Sponsor [name]
Project manager [name]
Project team members [name], [name], [name], [name].

Project Milestones [Identify the significant project milestones: start date, end date and invoicing dates to the client.] Project Budget [Describe the main project expenses: non-recurring & monthly recurring.] Constraints, Assumptions, Risks and Dependencies

Constraints [Describe here potential factors that will impact the delivery of the project]
Assumptions [Describe here conditions or situations that you are relying on in order to achieve project goals]
Risks and Dependencies [What are the most significant risks? What things must happen before the project is delivered?]

Approval Signatures

[Name], Project Client [Name], Project Sponsor [Name], Project Manager


Business Requirements

The initial agreed and documented business requirements

Service Applicability

This item defines how and where the service would be used. This could reference business, customer, and user requirements for internal services

Service Contacts

The business contacts, customer contacts and other key stakeholders in the service

Service Design

Service Functional Requirements

The changed functionality (utility) of the new or changed service, including its planned outcomes and deliverables, in a formally agreed statement of requirements (SoR)

Service-Level Requirements

The service level requirements (SLR), representing the desired warranty of the service for a new or changed service. Once specific service level targets have been agreed and validated, the revised or new service level agreement (SLA), including service and quality targets

Service & Operational Management Requirements

Management requirements to manage the new or changed service and its components, including all supporting services and agreements, control, operation, monitoring, measuring, and reporting

Service Design and Topology

The design, transition and subsequent implementation and operation of the service solution and its supporting components, including:

  • The service definition, service model, packaging and service options
  • All service components and infrastructure (including hardware, software, networks, environments, data, applications, technology, tools, documentation), including version numbers and relationships, preferably within the configuration management system (CMS)
  • All user, business, service, component, transition, support and operational documentation
    • (Prof Yo: For this assignment, links to relevant public documentation will be sufficient)
  • Processes, procedures, measurements, metrics and reports
  • Supporting products, services, agreements and suppliers

Organizational Readiness Assessment

'Organizational readiness assessment' report and plan, including: business benefit, financial assessment, technical assessment, resource assessment and organizational assessment, together with details of all new skills, competences, capabilities required of the service provider organization, its suppliers, supporting services and contracts

Service Lifecycle Plan

Service Programs

An overall program or plan covering all stages of the lifecycle of the service, including the timescales and phasing, for the transition, operation and subsequent improvement of the new service including (ensure 3 are described in detail - you will be marked for relevance and quality of your choices):

  • Management, coordination and integration with any other projects, or new or changed activities, services or processes
  • Management of risks and issues
  • Scope, objectives and components of the service
  • Skills, competences, roles and responsibilities
  • Processes required
  • Interfaces and dependencies with other services
  • Management of teams, resources, tools, technology, budgets, facilities required
  • Management of suppliers and contracts
  • Progress reports, reviews and revision of the program and plans
  • Communication plans and training plans
  • Timescales, deliverables, targets and quality targets for each stage

Service Transition Plan

Overall transition strategy, objectives, policy, risk assessment and plans including:

  • Build policy, plans and requirements, including service and component build plans, specifications, control and environments, technology, tools, processes, methods and mechanisms, including all platforms
  • Testing policy, plans and requirements, including test environments, technology, tools, processes, methods and mechanisms
  • Testing must include (Ensure 3 test plans are described in detail. You will be marked for relevance and quality of your choices):
    • Functional testing
    • Component testing, including all suppliers, contracts and externally provided supporting products and services
    • User acceptance and usability testing
    • System compatibility and integration testing
    • Service and component performance and capacity testing
    • Resilience and continuity testing o Failure, alarm and event categorization, processing and testing
    • Service and component, security and integrity testing
    • Logistics, release and distribution testing
    • Management testing, including control, monitoring, measuring and reporting, together with backup, recovery and all batch scheduling and processing
    • Deployment policy, release policy, plans and requirements, including logistics, deployment, staging, deployment environments, cultural change, organizational change, technology, tools, processes, approach, methods and mechanisms, including all platforms, knowledge, skill and competence transfer and development, supplier and contract transition, data migration and conversion

Service Operational Acceptance Plan

Overall operational strategy, objectives, policy, risk assessment and plans including:

  • Interface and dependency management and planning
  • Events, reports, service issues, including all changes, releases, resolved incidents, problems and known errors, included within the service; and any errors, issues or non-conformances within the new service
  • Final service acceptance

Service Acceptance Criteria

Development and use of service acceptance criteria for progression through each stage of the service lifecycle, including:

  • All environments
  • Guarantee and pilot criteria and periods

Revision History

Change Made By Date Change Made Details of Change Change Reviewed/ Approved by Date change reviewed/ approved

File 2

New Service Proposal Group Assignment MGMT-8680 Purpose For this assignment, we will be bringing together our Project Management and Service Management skills. This is to demonstrate your learning for the course so far and this work will be used for our final assignment as you iterate on the work of this assignment as the foundation of your final task. The expectation for this assignment is for a project charter and a Service Delivery Package. The purpose of this work is to enable you to showcase what you have learned so far; the purpose is not to produce a functioning, change management proposal. Additionally, this assignment will assess your ability to work as a group, a critical skill in the workplace. Part of your work is to include the sections outlined in the requirements below and prioritize the most important components. Expectations This assignment has a scenariounderstanding and working within the constraints of the scenario is critical to the success of your assignment. This assignment also provides additional resources that are REQUIRED for you to REVIEW. It is EXPECTED that you will be creative and imaginative in filling in some of the details since this is an imaginary scenario. For example, when specifying team members, you are free to use your fellow students or made-up names. Keep in mind, everything about this report must be professional including the tone and even your creative ideas. I encourage you to focus your creativity to demonstrate your understanding of the material we have covered in class so far. It is expected that, with 2 assignments that have used project charters in them so far, developing a project charter should be a faster and easier task at this point. N.B. I want to be clear on the scope of this assignment. This assignment should be relatively short and should take you between 2-4 hours EACH to complete on averageif you are very experienced with the PMBOK/ITIL it could take less and if you are finding the PMBOK material challenging it could take longer. If you find yourself on track to spend significantly less or more time on this assignment, I recommend you contact me for guidance. Scenario This assignment continues the setting of ITI but presents a new scenario. Please be sure to refer to the Project Charter and Project Plan assignments to use relevant details from that scenario for this assignment. Your Project Management Training project plan has been very well received and it will be proceeding! Congratulations! Based on this success, Veronica Fisher, Director of the PMO, has specifically requested your team for a new technology project. Across ITI, there are several different systems used for managing tickets and knowledge. The COO, Manpreet Choudhary, has set a strategic goal to streamline this part of ITI's operations to improve efficiency and enable better collaboration between ITI locations. The IT Advisory Working Group has chosen the Jira/Confluence platform and based on data security and residency requirements, ITI will be deploying Jira/Confluence via AWS. Once again, the Waterloo office has been chosen to pilot this work to lead the way for the rest of the company. Your team has been requested to develop a project charter for the Waterloo Jira Service Introduction Pilot Project. In addition to this you need to provide a Service Delivery Package to describe the scope of work and operational/infrastructure needs of this new service. The project is scoped for all internal IT support requests. There is the potential that ITI could use this in the future for external support requests, but the current plan is to continue with the in-house solution. Additionally, there is the potential that dev teams will use this as their software development work management tool. This proposal should focus on the internal IT support requests, but also consider this possible future use cases. Requirements Do a change management proposal and submit it by the due date on eConestoga as a MS Word file. Keep in mind - THIS IS NOT A FULL PROPOSAL. Please note in the New Service Proposal Template where I specify you only address a certain number of requirements and not all for the given section. This is just like our previous assignment - ensure the key/critical information is provided. You do not need to go into extensive or unreasonable detail. If you have questions about achieving the right balance, please do not hesitate to ask me - preferably on General in MS Teams so we can share the conversation with the entire class. This is the INITIAL plan. Your project must include A project charter for this project A Service Delivery Package for this project Project Plan Requirements These are the "requirements" that will be evaluated for your grade, as per the rubric. Follow the best practices as per the PMBOK and ITIIL material we've covered in the course so far - up to and including Use the ITI Branded New Service Proposal template. Ensure there is no "template" content in your submission Do all relevant sections of the template Your submission must include your choice of 3 General Management Principles that you integrate with your SDP your choice of 3 Service Management Principles that you integrate with your SDP The Technical Management Principle of "Deployment Management" You will be evaluated on the relevance of your choice and the accuracy of your application of the principle to your submission. Use the Revision History to track each team member's participation. You only need 1 entry per team member, but it should accurately indicate the date of changes (final date is acceptable), details of the changes and who reviewed the changes. Reviews are to be done by other team members This is how you will show me the contributions of each team member. Note another team member must ACTUALLY sign off, which means you confirm the work was done by the team member. Example of Revision History Change Made By Date Change Made Details of Change Change Reviewed/ Approved by Date change reviewed/ approved Team Member 1 Jan 1, 2021 Team Member 2 Jan 2, 2021 Team Member 3 Jan 3, 2021 Team Member 1 & 2 Jan 5, 2021 Team Member 2 Jan 5, 2021 Team Member 3 Jan 7, 2021 Resources Reference Articles Jira Software This is the home page for Jira - this material and additional material you research will provide your information on the service to be deployed. Infrastructure recommendations for enterprise Jira instances on AWS This article provides technical details for infrastructure sizing and implementation for this Jira deployment. You may use additional technical documentation, so long as you accurately reference such material. 5 Steps to Creating a Killer Service Design Package This article on LinkedIn provides an overview of how to do a Service Design Package. You are expected to review this. Your assessment will be based on the ITIL materialso if there is a conflict you need to ensure you follow the ITIL material. Please note - our ITIL book does not cover SDP in particular. There are several additional links. You do not need to review this material The Definitive Guide to Creating a Killer Service Design Package This is the template which is referenced in the LinkedIn article. The prefatory material will help you use the template. Our ITI-branded template SDP content is taken directly from this material. ITI New Service Proposal Template This is an MS Word template that is branded for our fictional company ITI Inc. Your team is REQUIRED to use this template Once again, there are many options for PM/ITIL documents and part of what this assignment is assessing is your ability to make a good decision about which content best fits, given the PMBOK/ITIL guidelines. Assessment You will be graded using the rubric found at the end of this document. The group will all receive the same mark, unless one or more members of the team did not sufficiently participate in the work. In that case, those who did not sufficiently participate will be assessed individually and may receive a zero. This is a group work assignmentyou are required to collaborate with your assigned group members. You may not collaborate with anyone else. You may use your textbook and/or course notes as a source. You do not need to provide references for this material. You may use other sources, such as the web, as per your assessment of the quality and relevance of such sources. You must provide references for this material, using APA or a common standard of your choice. You may not use copied work from other people, the web or any other source. It is your responsibility to read and understand the Conestoga College Student Responsibility Policy: Please pay special attention to section Types of Academic Incidents MGMT-8680 Project Plan Rubric This assignment will be marked out of 25. There are 3 categories: Completeness is worth 10 points, Technical Accuracy is worth 10 points and Presentation is worth 5 points. Your rank in the first two categories is worth double. So, if you score 4 in Completeness, 5 in Technical Accuracy and 3 in Presentation, your total grade would be 21/25. 1 2 3 4 5 Completeness per Requirements (x2) Minimal coverage of requirements. Scoring at this level limits the overall mark to 55%. Many major requirements are not implemented. Scoring at this level limits the overall mark to 65%. Multiple missing minor items or a major miss. Scoring at this level limits the overall mark to 75%. Excellent implementation of requirements; any errors or omissions are few and minor. Scoring at this level limits the overall mark to 85%. Flawless execution of all requirements. Work goes beyond requirements and provides additional value to the purpose of the assignment Technical Accuracy (x2) Material is in significant conflict with PMBOK /ITIL guidelines. Scoring at this level limits overall code marks at 55%. Material has several major errors or omissions compared to the PMBOK /ITIL guidelines. Scoring at this level limits the overall mark to 65%. Material has a major or multiple minor errors compared to the PMBOK /ITIL guidelines. Scoring at this level limits the overall mark to 75%. Highly accurate alignment with PMBOK /ITIL guidelines. Any errors in PM content is limited and minor. Scoring at this level limits the overall mark to 85%. All features of level 4 but with flawless accuracy and efficiency. Technical content demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the material and it is impeccably applied. Presentation The presentation of the document is insufficiently coherent and/or is critically flawed. Scoring at this level limits the overall mark to 55%. Key elements of the presentation of the document are missing and/or presented with major errors. The overall presentation of the document is not to a professional standard. Scoring at this level limits the overall mark to 65%. All required elements of the presentation of the document are present and completed to a satisfactory standard. Attention to the presentation is given, but may not be well executed. The document uses informative headings and figures/tables where appropriate. Scoring at this level limits the overall mark to 75%. All required elements of the presentation of the document are present and completed to a high standard. The document is presented in a professionallooking document. Excellent use of informative headings and figures/tables where appropriate. Scoring at this level limits the overall mark to 85%. All features of level 4, with further excellence shown in the professionalism of the document and consistency of style. Very polished appearance. The document would be seen as an excellent example in a professional setting.

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