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3 Compianto de 2019 tax return for the blowing case. When you have finished answer the 20 anders in As Quiz Case detalls. Gara was bom June 1, 1990 He is momed and they have a young son, age 5. His son has no dahilas Ks spouse's net income is $185,000. Encs Employment Information: Talahan $75,000 Cev deducted from any BREAKDOWN $81 32749 erraced CPP deduction 52,668 CPP tax credi Total - see bar CP tragh emabyment breakdown E deducted from Duy 3860 Izarre tax deducted from ply 315,300 . Additional Information: Grant received $500 interest income on some cash investments. He contributed 51,000 to his RRSP for 2019 Grant and his wife pad $14,000 to a day care to take care of their son while they went to wort pay attention to child care expens kmits for deduction is chandes. You are not required to have Schedule 9 for medit of 26 Grad was bom June 1, 1990. He is married and be di HS099 $ per income is $185,000. Enes Employment Information: 376,000 32,749 CPP deducted from pay BREAKDOWN 581 Total - 500 astanard CPP deduction, $2,665 CPP tax credit breakdown for CP through employment El detected from any 5860 Income tax deducted from pay 316,300 Additional Information: Grant Tooww $500 interest income on same cash investments Ho contributed $1,000 to His RRSP for 2019. Grant and his wife paid $14,000 10 a day care to take care of their son while they went to sort Pay attention to child care expenso bmits for deduction He donated a total of 5600 to various charides. You are not required to have Schedule 9 for his case. However you need to know that the first $200 gift gets a federal tax credit of 15%, and the rest gets a federal tax credit of 29% He and his wife had $3.000 qualifying medical expenses for the family Grant received a gift of 85,000, and won a lottery prize of $5,000 during 2019. Combined Federal and Ontarlo Tex Brackets Including Surtaxos 2018 Income 18 MTR 20.055 over 341.908 up to $17.630 24.755 Over $11.630 up to $77,313 296557 or 377.313 up to $37,813 3148% over $87,813 up to $91,7013389% ow $91, 101 up to 585,259 37.915 over 358,259 up to 73.61 5147687 over 3/47,667 up to 1467157 $150.000 3 Compianto de 2019 tax return for the blowing case. When you have finished answer the 20 anders in As Quiz Case detalls. Gara was bom June 1, 1990 He is momed and they have a young son, age 5. His son has no dahilas Ks spouse's net income is $185,000. Encs Employment Information: Talahan $75,000 Cev deducted from any BREAKDOWN $81 32749 erraced CPP deduction 52,668 CPP tax credi Total - see bar CP tragh emabyment breakdown E deducted from Duy 3860 Izarre tax deducted from ply 315,300 . Additional Information: Grant received $500 interest income on some cash investments. He contributed 51,000 to his RRSP for 2019 Grant and his wife pad $14,000 to a day care to take care of their son while they went to wort pay attention to child care expens kmits for deduction is chandes. You are not required to have Schedule 9 for medit of 26 Grad was bom June 1, 1990. He is married and be di HS099 $ per income is $185,000. Enes Employment Information: 376,000 32,749 CPP deducted from pay BREAKDOWN 581 Total - 500 astanard CPP deduction, $2,665 CPP tax credit breakdown for CP through employment El detected from any 5860 Income tax deducted from pay 316,300 Additional Information: Grant Tooww $500 interest income on same cash investments Ho contributed $1,000 to His RRSP for 2019. Grant and his wife paid $14,000 10 a day care to take care of their son while they went to sort Pay attention to child care expenso bmits for deduction He donated a total of 5600 to various charides. You are not required to have Schedule 9 for his case. However you need to know that the first $200 gift gets a federal tax credit of 15%, and the rest gets a federal tax credit of 29% He and his wife had $3.000 qualifying medical expenses for the family Grant received a gift of 85,000, and won a lottery prize of $5,000 during 2019. Combined Federal and Ontarlo Tex Brackets Including Surtaxos 2018 Income 18 MTR 20.055 over 341.908 up to $17.630 24.755 Over $11.630 up to $77,313 296557 or 377.313 up to $37,813 3148% over $87,813 up to $91,7013389% ow $91, 101 up to 585,259 37.915 over 358,259 up to 73.61 5147687 over 3/47,667 up to 1467157 $150.000