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This is a computer Science Java DATA STRUCTURES project question! The question is given below. - You need to implement SimpleFraction class which is within

This is a computer Science Java DATA STRUCTURES project question!

The question is given below.

- You need to implement SimpleFraction class which is within package PJ1 ( The PJ1 package given with the question has 3, and Since I cannot attach the files given to me, i copy pasted all the 3 java text files below)

See PJ1/ and PJ1/ for specifications

- Use to test correctness of your proggram

- Compile programs (you are in directory containing Readme file):

javac PJ1/*.java


- Run programs (you are in directory containing Readme file):

// Run tests in SimpleFraction class

java PJ1.SimpleFraction

// Run main test program

java PJ1_Test (This is also given to us as a seperate file. I copy pasted it to the last part of this question)

File attached with the question is given below; (first file in PJ1)

/************************************************************************************* * * This class represents a fraction whose numerator and denominator are integers. * * Requirements: * 1. Implement interfaces: SimpleFractionInterface and Comparable (i.e. compareTo()) * 2. Implement methods equals() and toString() from class Object * 3. Must work for both positive and negative fractions * 4. Must not reduce fraction to lowest term unless simplifySimpleFraction() is invoked * 5. For input 3/-10 & -3/-10, convert them to -3/10 & 3/10 respectively (see Hint 2. below) * 6. Must display negative fraction as -x/y, * example: (-3)/10 or 3/(-10), must display as -3/10 * 7. Must throw only SimpleFractionException in case of errors * 8. Must not add new or modify existing data fields * 9. Must not add new public methods * 10.May add private methods * * Hints: * * 1. To reduce a fraction such as 4/8 to lowest terms, you need to divide both * the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common denominator. * The greatest common denominator of 4 and 8 is 4, so when you divide * the numerator and denominator of 4/8 by 4, you get the fraction 1/2. * The recursive algorithm which finds the greatest common denominator of * two positive integers is implemnted (see code) * * 2. It will be easier to determine the correct sign of a fraction if you force * the fraction's denominator to be positive. However, your implementation must * handle negative denominators that the client might provide. * * 3. You need to downcast reference parameter SimpleFractionInterface to SimpleFraction if * you want to use it as SimpleFraction. See add, subtract, multiply and divide methods * * 4. Use "this" to access this object if it is needed * ************************************************************************************/

package PJ1;

public class SimpleFraction implements SimpleFractionInterface, Comparable { // integer numerator and denominator private int num; private int den;

public SimpleFraction() { // implement this method! // set fraction to default = 0/1 } // end default constructor

public SimpleFraction(int num, int den) { // implement this method! } // end constructor

public void setSimpleFraction(int num, int den) { // implement this method! // return SimpleFractionException if initialDenominator is 0 } // end setSimpleFraction

public void simplifySimpleFraction() { // implement this method! }

public double toDouble() { // implement this method! // return double floating point value return 0.0; } // end toDouble

public SimpleFractionInterface add(SimpleFractionInterface secondFraction) { // implement this method! // a/b + c/d is (ad + cb)/(bd) // return result which is a new reduced SimpleFraction object return null; } // end add

public SimpleFractionInterface subtract(SimpleFractionInterface secondFraction) { // implement this method! // a/b - c/d is (ad - cb)/(bd) // return result which is a new reduced SimpleFraction object return null; } // end subtract

public SimpleFractionInterface multiply(SimpleFractionInterface secondFraction) { // implement this method! // a/b * c/d is (ac)/(bd) // return result which is a new reduced SimpleFraction object return null; } // end multiply

public SimpleFractionInterface divide(SimpleFractionInterface secondFraction) { // implement this method! // return SimpleFractionException if secondFraction is 0 // a/b / c/d is (ad)/(bc) // return result which is a new reduced SimpleFraction object return null; } // end divide

public boolean equals(Object other) { // implement this method! return false; } // end equals

public int compareTo(SimpleFraction other) { // implement this method! return 0; } // end compareTo

public String toString() { return num + "/" + den; } // end toString

//----------------------------------------------------------------- // private methods start here //-----------------------------------------------------------------

/** Task: Reduces a fraction to lowest terms. */ private void reduceSimpleFractionToLowestTerms() { // implement this method! // // Outline: // compute GCD of num & den // GCD works for + numbers. // So, you should eliminate - sign // then reduce numbers : num/GCD and den/GCD } // end reduceSimpleFractionToLowestTerms

/** Task: Computes the greatest common divisor of two integers. * This is a recursive method! * @param integerOne an integer * @param integerTwo another integer * @return the greatest common divisor of the two integers */ private int GCD(int integerOne, int integerTwo) { int result;

if (integerOne % integerTwo == 0) result = integerTwo; else result = GCD(integerTwo, integerOne % integerTwo);

return result; } // end GCD

//----------------------------------------------------------------- // Some tests are given here

public static void main(String[] args) { SimpleFractionInterface firstOperand = null; SimpleFractionInterface secondOperand = null; SimpleFractionInterface result = null; double doubleResult = 0.0;

System.out.println(" ========================================= "); firstOperand = new SimpleFraction(12, 20); System.out.println("Fraction before simplification:\t\t" + firstOperand); System.out.println("\tExpected result :\t\t12/20 "); firstOperand.simplifySimpleFraction(); System.out.println(" Fraction after simplification:\t\t" + firstOperand); System.out.println("\tExpected result :\t\t3/5 ");

firstOperand = new SimpleFraction(20, -40); System.out.println(" Fraction before simplification:\t\t" + firstOperand); System.out.println("\tExpected result :\t\t-20/40 "); firstOperand.simplifySimpleFraction(); System.out.println(" Fraction after simplification:\t\t" + firstOperand); System.out.println("\tExpected result :\t\t-1/2 ");

SimpleFraction nineSixteenths = new SimpleFraction(9, 16); // 9/16 SimpleFraction oneFourth = new SimpleFraction(1, 4); // 1/4

System.out.println(" ========================================= "); // 7/8 + 9/16 firstOperand = new SimpleFraction(7, 8); result = firstOperand.add(nineSixteenths); System.out.println("The sum of " + firstOperand + " and " + nineSixteenths + " is \t\t" + result); System.out.println("\tExpected result :\t\t23/16 ");

// 9/16 - 7/8 firstOperand = nineSixteenths; secondOperand = new SimpleFraction(7, 8); result = firstOperand.subtract(secondOperand); System.out.println("The difference of " + firstOperand + " and " + secondOperand + " is \t" + result); System.out.println("\tExpected result :\t\t-5/16 ");

// 15/-2 * 1/4 firstOperand = new SimpleFraction(15, -2); result = firstOperand.multiply(oneFourth); System.out.println("The product of " + firstOperand + " and " + oneFourth + " is \t" + result); System.out.println("\tExpected result :\t\t-15/8 ");

// (-21/2) / (3/7) firstOperand = new SimpleFraction(-21, 2); secondOperand= new SimpleFraction(3, 7); result = firstOperand.divide(secondOperand); System.out.println("The quotient of " + firstOperand + " and " + secondOperand + " is \t" + result); System.out.println("\tExpected result :\t\t-49/2 ");

// -21/2 + 7/8 firstOperand = new SimpleFraction(-21, 2); secondOperand= new SimpleFraction(7, 8); result = firstOperand.add(secondOperand); System.out.println("The sum of " + firstOperand + " and " + secondOperand + " is \t\t" + result); System.out.println("\tExpected result :\t\t-77/8 ");

// 0/10, 5/(-15), (-22)/7 firstOperand = new SimpleFraction(0, 10); doubleResult = firstOperand.toDouble(); System.out.println("The double floating point value of " + firstOperand + " is \t" + doubleResult); System.out.println("\tExpected result \t\t\t0.0 "); firstOperand = new SimpleFraction(1, -3); doubleResult = firstOperand.toDouble(); System.out.println("The double floating point value of " + firstOperand + " is \t" + doubleResult); System.out.println("\tExpected result \t\t\t-0.333333333... "); firstOperand = new SimpleFraction(-22, 7); doubleResult = firstOperand.toDouble(); System.out.println("The double floating point value of " + firstOperand + " is \t" + doubleResult); System.out.println("\tExpected result \t\t\t-3.142857142857143"); System.out.println(" ========================================= "); firstOperand = new SimpleFraction(-21, 2); System.out.println("First = " + firstOperand); // equality check System.out.println("check First equals First: "); if (firstOperand.equals(firstOperand)) System.out.println("Identity of fractions OK"); else System.out.println("ERROR in identity of fractions");

secondOperand = new SimpleFraction(-42, 4); System.out.println(" Second = " + secondOperand); System.out.println("check First equals Second: "); if (firstOperand.equals(secondOperand)) System.out.println("Equality of fractions OK"); else System.out.println("ERROR in equality of fractions");

// comparison check SimpleFraction first = (SimpleFraction)firstOperand; SimpleFraction second = (SimpleFraction)secondOperand; System.out.println(" check First compareTo Second: "); if (first.compareTo(second) == 0) System.out.println("SimpleFractions == operator OK"); else System.out.println("ERROR in fractions == operator");

second = new SimpleFraction(7, 8); System.out.println(" Second = " + second); System.out.println("check First compareTo Second: "); if (first.compareTo(second) < 0) System.out.println("SimpleFractions < operator OK"); else System.out.println("ERROR in fractions < operator");

System.out.println(" check Second compareTo First: "); if (second.compareTo(first) > 0) System.out.println("SimpleFractions > operator OK"); else System.out.println("ERROR in fractions > operator");

System.out.println(" =========================================");

System.out.println(" check SimpleFractionException: 1/0"); try { SimpleFraction a1 = new SimpleFraction(1, 0); System.out.println("Error! No SimpleFractionException"); } catch ( SimpleFractionException fe ) { System.err.printf( "Exception: %s ", fe ); } // end catch System.out.println("Expected result : SimpleFractionException! ");

System.out.println(" check SimpleFractionException: division"); try { SimpleFraction a2 = new SimpleFraction(); SimpleFraction a3 = new SimpleFraction(1, 2); a3.divide(a2); System.out.println("Error! No SimpleFractionException"); } catch ( SimpleFractionException fe ) { System.err.printf( "Exception: %s ", fe ); } // end catch System.out.println("Expected result : SimpleFractionException! ");

} // end main } // end SimpleFraction (Another file in the PJ1)

/************************************************************************************ * Do not modify this file. * SimpleFractionException class. It is used by SimpleFraction class *************************************************************************************/

package PJ1;

public class SimpleFractionException extends RuntimeException { public SimpleFractionException() { this(""); }

public SimpleFractionException(String errorMsg) { super(errorMsg); }

} (next file in PJ1)

/* This file specifies methods for SimpleFractionInterface */ /* Do not modify this file!! */

package PJ1;

public interface SimpleFractionInterface { /** Task: Sets "this" fraction to a given value. * @param num is the integer numerator * @param den is the integer denominator * @throw SimpleFractionException if denominator is 0 */ public void setSimpleFraction(int num, int den);

/** Task: Reduce "this" fraction to lowest term, i.e divide the numerator and denominator by their Greatest Common Divisor */ public void simplifySimpleFraction();

/** Task: compute floating value of "this" fraction * @return the double floating point value of a fraction */ public double toDouble();

/** Task: Adds two fractions. * @param secondFraction is a fraction that is the second operand of the addition * @return a new reduced fraction which is the sum of "this" fraction and the secondFraction */ public SimpleFractionInterface add(SimpleFractionInterface secondFraction);

/** Task: Subtracts two fractions. * @param secondFraction a fraction that is the second operand of the subtraction * @return a new reduced fraction which is the difference of "this" fraction and the second operand */ public SimpleFractionInterface subtract(SimpleFractionInterface secondFraction);

/** Task: Multiplies two fractions. * @param secondFraction a fraction that is the second operand of the multiplication * @return a new reduced fraction which is the product of "this" fraction and the secondFraction*/ public SimpleFractionInterface multiply(SimpleFractionInterface secondFraction);

/** Task: Divides two fractions. * @param secondFraction a fraction that is the second operand of the division * @return a new reduced fraction which the quotient of "this" fraction and the secondFraction * @throw SimpleFractionException if secondFraction is 0 */ public SimpleFractionInterface divide(SimpleFractionInterface secondFraction);

} (This was attached as a separate file not in PJ1. I think its for Testing mentioned in the first part of the question)

/* This program is used to test PJ1.Fracition class * More info are given in Readme file */

import java.util.*; import PJ1.*;

class PJ1_Test { static private Scanner scanner;

private static SimpleFraction readFraction() { System.out.print( " Try to read a fraction x/y, please enter x y : " ); int numerator = scanner.nextInt(); int denominator = scanner.nextInt(); SimpleFraction f = new SimpleFraction(numerator, denominator); System.out.println( "\t\tRead OK:"+f); return f; }

private static void printOperations() { System.out.println("=============================================="); System.out.println(" Operations:"); System.out.println(" 0) exit \t1) add \t\t2) subtract \t3) multiply \t4) divide"); System.out.println(" 5) compareTo \t6) equals \t7) simplifySimpleFraction t8) toDouble \t9) setSimpleFraction (x/y) "); System.out.print( " Enter an operation number: "); }

public static void main( String args[] ) { scanner = new Scanner( ); // scanner for input boolean continueLoop = true; // determines if more input is needed SimpleFraction n1=null; SimpleFraction n2=null; int op,x,y; do { try // read two numbers and calculate quotient { printOperations(); op= scanner.nextInt();

if (op == 0) { break; } else if ((op >0) && (op <7)) { n1 = readFraction(); n2 = readFraction(); } else if ((op > 6) && (op < 9)) { n1 = readFraction(); } else if (op == 9) { n1 = new SimpleFraction(); } else { System.out.print( " Invalid input... try again " ); continue; }

System.out.println(" Tests: "); switch (op) { case 1: System.out.println("\t" + n1 + " + " + n1 + " = " + n1.add(n1)); System.out.println("\t" + n2 + " + " + n2 + " = " + n2.add(n2)); System.out.println("\t" + n1 + " + " + n2 + " = " + n1.add(n2)); System.out.println("\t" + n2 + " + " + n1 + " = " + n2.add(n1)); break; case 2: System.out.println("\t" + n1 + " - " + n1 + " = " + n1.subtract(n1)); System.out.println("\t" + n2 + " - " + n2 + " = " + n2.subtract(n2)); System.out.println("\t" + n1 + " - " + n2 + " = " + n1.subtract(n2)); System.out.println("\t" + n2 + " - " + n1 + " = " + n2.subtract(n1)); break; case 3: System.out.println("\t" + n1 + " * " + n1 + " = " + n1.multiply(n1)); System.out.println("\t" + n2 + " * " + n2 + " = " + n2.multiply(n2)); System.out.println("\t" + n1 + " * " + n2 + " = " + n1.multiply(n2)); System.out.println("\t" + n2 + " * " + n1 + " = " + n2.multiply(n1)); break; case 4: System.out.println("\t" + n1 + " / " + n1 + " = " + n1.divide(n1)); System.out.println("\t" + n2 + " / " + n2 + " = " + n2.divide(n2)); System.out.println("\t" + n1 + " / " + n2 + " = " + n1.divide(n2)); System.out.println("\t" + n2 + " / " + n1 + " = " + n2.divide(n1)); break; case 5: System.out.println("\t" + n1 + " ct " + n1 + " = " + n1.compareTo(n1)); System.out.println("\t" + n2 + " ct " + n2 + " = " + n2.compareTo(n2)); System.out.println("\t" + n1 + " ct " + n2 + " = " + n1.compareTo(n2)); System.out.println("\t" + n2 + " ct " + n1 + " = " + n2.compareTo(n1)); break; case 6: System.out.println("\t" + n1 + " eq "+ n1 + " = " + n1.equals(n1)); System.out.println("\t" + n2 + " eq "+ n2 + " = " + n2.equals(n2)); System.out.println("\t" + n1 + " eq "+ n2 + " = " + n1.equals(n2)); System.out.println("\t" + n2 + " eq "+ n1 + " = " + n2.equals(n1)); break; case 7: System.out.print("\t" + n1 ); n1.simplifySimpleFraction(); System.out.println(" simplifySimpleFraction " + n1); break; case 8: System.out.println("\t" + n1 + " toDouble = " + n1.toDouble()); break; case 9: System.out.print( "read a fraction x/y, please enter x y : " ); x = scanner.nextInt(); y = scanner.nextInt(); System.out.print("\t" + x +"/"+ y + " setSimpleFraction = "); n1.setSimpleFraction(x,y); System.out.println(n1); break; }

} // end try catch ( SimpleFractionException e) { System.err.printf( " Fraction Exception: %s ", e); } // end catch } while ( continueLoop ); // end do...while } // end main } // end class

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