this is a python programing question
Programming Exercises T. Alter the program from the last discussion question in the following ways: (a) Make it draw squares instead of circles. (b) Have each successive click draw an additional square on the screen (rather than moving the existing one) (c) Print a message on the window "Click again to quit" after the loop, and wait for a final click before closing the window. 2. An archery target consists of a central circle of yellow surrounded by con- centric rings of red, blue, black and white. Each ring has the same width, which is the same as the radius of the yellow circle. Write a program that draws such a target. Hint: Objects drawn later will appear on top of objects drawn earlier. Write a program that draws some sort of face. rite a program that draws a winter scene with a Christmas tree and a nowman. 2. An archery target consists of a central circle of yellow surrounded by con- centric rings of red, blue, black and white. Each ring has the same width which is the same as the radius of the yellow circle. Write a program that draws such a target. Hint: Objects drawn later will appear on top of objects drawn earlier. rite a program that draws some sort of face. rite a program that draws a winter scene with a Christmas tree and a nowman def main: win GraphWin() shape Circle (Point (50,50), 20) shape.setOutline("red") shape.setFill("red") shape.draw(win) for i in range(10): p win.getMouse () c shape.getCenter() dx p.getX) - c.getx) 126 Chapter 4. Objects and Graphics dy = p.gety() -c.gety() shape.move(dx, dy) win.close) main() Programming Exercises 1.Alter the program from the last discussion question in the following ways: (a) Make it draw squares instead of circles. (b) Have each successive click draw an additional square on the screen (rather than moving the existing one). (c) Print a message on the window "Click again to quit" after the loop, and wait for a final click before closing the window