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This is due in an hour I would really appreciate the help! This is what I am supposed to turn in: Describe your procedure for

This is due in an hour I would really appreciate the help!

This is what I am supposed to turn in:

Describe your procedure for estimating the albedo of the four materials, and report your results. Be sure to include a table that shows the temperature change for all four trials.

2.[-/5 Points]DETAILS


Write a paragraph summarizing your findings: how do the following impact the spectrum of light measured by the spectrometer? - source brightness - type of light source - nature of the material the light passes through - amount of material passed through

3.[-/2 Points]DETAILS


Submit a photo of your apparatus and a file with the data you collected using the links below. The maximum size for each file is 15 MB, and each file name should only contain alpha-numeric symbols and dashes. Submit your photo file:

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This is my at-home lab instructions:

Lab 9

The first two parts of this lab will be difficult to perform at home. Instead of doing Part A and Part B, open up the simulation below and click on "layer model" twice.

Click "start sunlight" and try to get a sense for what is being shown here. The yellow dots represent visible light, and the red dots represent infrared radiation. Keep the number of absorbing layers at 0, and experiment with different values of the Surface Albedo. In your lab report, for Part A write a paragraph-length answer to this question: what impact does Albedo have on the flow of energy (light and infrared radiation) in our atmosphere? In addition, search the internet for estimates of the albedo for the following six materials and include a table of approximate values for these:

  1. Coal, or graphite
  2. Dark soil, or asphalt
  3. Lake or ocean water (liquid water)
  4. Grass, or vegetation
  5. Snow, or ice
  6. Shiny metal, or a mirror

Next, add one infrared absorbing layer in the simulation. What impact does this absorbing layer have on the flow of energy in the atmosphere? How does varying the infrared absorbance affect the flow of energy? Write a paragraph answering these questions for Part B of your lab report.

For Part C and Part D of the lab, you can type up the computer program. Instead of submitting data and a photo for the checkpoints, please send your lab instructor (a) the set of equations that you write down at the end of Part C, (b) a copy of your program (with the suitable equations added to lines 39 and 40), and (c) a paragraph-length description of your findings when you made the changes to the program described in Part D.

This is what I do, but the information I have pasted below is kinda what we go off of so I included that as well, Lab 9 - Greenhouse Effect - Instructions

In this lab, you will develop an understanding of two important concepts that impact the flow of energy in Earth's atmosphere: albedo and absorption. Using these two concepts, you will then construct a model of the flow of energy in Earth's atmosphere, and use that model to explore the impacts of changing land use and anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.

Note: you may need to share apparatus with another group while completing this lab.

Broader question to be address in this lab:

How can conceptual and measurement models be used to predict the behavior of a "complex system" (energy flow in the Earth's atmosphere in this lab)?

Specific learning objectives for this lab:

  • Develop 3 conceptual models to describe approximate energy flow in the Earth's atmosphere:
    • Flow diagram model
    • Mathematical model
    • Computational model
  • Develop a measurement model to test your conceptual models
  • Adjust variables in your computational conceptual model to predict outcomes

Part A - Albedo

To measure the albedo of different substances, you will first need to set up a baseline. Dark black materials like coal and graphite reflect almost none of the incident light: they will have an albedo of approximately 0. A mirror or a piece or shiny metal reflects almost all of the incident light (what albedo do they have?). Set up a jar a few centimeters away from a lab light source. Place a thermometer into the near side of the jar, and place an absorbing material into the far side of the jar. As absorbing materials, use four different objects: a piece of metal, some fake ice cubes, a piece of fake grass, and some black fabric (the back of the fake grass). Measure how much the temperature increases over 3 minutes with your four absorbers. When you switch absorbers, it might be good to turn off the light and then open the jar to refresh it with room temperature air.

By how much did the temperature increase for each object?

The albedo of metal is approximately 1, and the albedo of dark fabric is approximately 0. Using your results, what would you expect to find for the albedo of ice, water, soil, and greenery?

Lab Report: Describe your procedure for estimating the albedo of the four materials, and report your results. Be sure to include a table that shows the temperature change for all six trials.

Part B - Absorption

Connect the spectrometer to the computer. Launch the Vernier Spectral Analysis application, and choose an Emissions vs Wavelength (Full spectrum) experiment. Point the end of the fiber optic cable at a light source (be sure not to touch the light source directly - this will melt the cable!), press Collect, and then press Stop after a couple seconds. A curve should appear on your graph showing the amount of energy at each different wavelength.

If the source is too bright, the graph may max out: you can shorten the Integration Time by clicking the gear menu. To remove data you don't want to keep, use the three dots menu at the top right of each data table. To choose which data to plot, click the Y-axis (you may need to turn datasets off and back on before they show up the first time). To add an annotation or legend to the graph, use the Graph Options button at the bottom left of the screen

Set up a lab light source. Collect a spectrum from it with the fiber optic cable a few cm away, and then at 3 greater distances. Plot all four spectra on the graph at the same time. As you move the fiber optic cable further away, you are decreasing thetotal light energy entering the spectrometer. How does the spectrum indicate the total light energy?

You will find a variety of light sources around the room (window to outside, light bulb, discharge tubes, heat lamp, fluorescent ceiling lights, phone flashlight, screens, etc). Get spectra from at least 4 of these. How does light from different sources show up differently in the spectra?

Fill a cuvette halfway with water, then mash a yellow highlighter into the water a bunch so the water turns yellowish. Set up the lab light source and the fiber optic cable so that you can get a spectrum from when the light from the lab light source passes through the cuvette, and a spectrum from the exact same distance and orientation but with a cuvette of pure water. Compare the two spectra. What are the differences (is it exactly the same effect as you saw with different distances)? What impact does a transparent material have on light that passes through it?

Make three more cuvettes with highlighter in them (or share with other groups). What is the impact when the light passes through more and more cuvettes with highlighter?

Lab Report: Write a paragraph summarizing your findings: how do the following impact the spectrum of light measured by the spectrometer?

  • source brightness
  • type of light source
  • nature of the material the light passes through
  • amount of material passed through

Part C - Developing a Model

At this point, you should have a good understanding of both the process of light hitting a surface and being partially reflected (albedo) as well as the process of different wavelengths of light being absorbed while passing through a gas. Let's put those ideas to work and develop a model of energy flow in Earth's atmosphere. Before we begin, it is important to note that this model isvery simplified. We will address some of the assumptions later on.

The following diagram may be helpful as you read through this section:

Let's start on the left. For each square meter of Earth's surface, an average of 342 J of energy arrives from the sun each second. We will call this quantity S (so S = 342 J). The sunlight is spread out over a spectrum, as you've seen, but is mainly concentrated in the wavelengths of visible light. Since the atmosphere is transparent to visible light, we will assume that all of the sunlight reaches the surface of the earth. However, because of albedo, a fraction of that incoming energy (i.e., S) is reflected directly back into space. Thus, the amount of energy that is absorbed by Earth's surface, and then re-radiated (as primarily infrared light) will be (1-)S.

Any warm body (like the surface of the earth, or a layer of the atmosphere) will emit radiation depending on its temperature, following the law

E = 5.6710-8T4 (1)

where E is the amount of energy that is radiated in one second over one square meter, and T is the temperature of the radiating surface.

Next, let's imagine that Earth's atmosphere consists of 4 layers. Some of the light that is radiated from Earth is absorbed by the first layer. The fraction of light that is absorbed will depend on the wavelengths of light that are radiated by the earth as well as the concentration of CO2 atoms in the atmosphere. If there are 100 ppm (parts per million) of CO2 in the atmosphere, then the atmosphere will absorb 100% of the light in the relevant absorption bands, or about 20% of the total light. We can write the following equation to describe the absorbance of that layer of the atmosphere:


However, in order to make sure that only a maximum of 20% of the light is absorbed, we should make sure that we use the CO2 fraction up to 100 ppm, and then don't go above that. The min(x, y) function returns either x or y, whichever is smaller.

Aabsorbed=20%min(CO2, 100)100 (2)

Now, consider the energy that is flowing in and out of the first layer of the atmosphere. As you saw, a fraction (A1) of the energy that is radiated by the Earth (E0) will be absorbed by the first layer (i.e., A1E0). The first layer also radiates energy (E1) both upward into layer 2 as well as downward back to the Earth. Finally, layer 2 radiates energy back downward onto layer 1, and some of this energy will be absorbed by layer 1. Putting this together, we can write an equation for the energy in and out of layer 1:

A1E0+A1E2=E1+E1 (3)

It's your turn: write equations to represent the flow of energy in and out of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th layers of the atmosphere. Since the 4th layer is at the top, there will be no energy radiated downward from above. At this point, have your instructor check these three equations you have written down.

Checkpoint 1: raise your hand and prepare to discuss your work with your instructor

Finally, let's consider the flow of energy into and out of Earth's surface. The incoming sunlight that is not reflected back to space is absorbed. There is energy that is radiated downward from the first layer of the atmosphere (E1). There is also energy radiated downward from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th layers that passes through the layer below them. The Earth will radiate energy upward into the atmosphere (E0) as well. We can write this as an equation:

(1-)S +E1+ (1-A1)E2+(1-A2)E3+(1-A3)E4=E0 (4)

Part D - Computational Model

Open Glowscript/vPython ( and type in the following program. In order to get the program running, you will need to include your own equations for E2 and E3.

The program uses equation (4), equation (3), and the equations that you wrote down in the previous section in order to solve for energy radiated from Earth's surface (E0) and from the four layers of the atmosphere (E1 to E4). Since there are five equations and five variables, it is a definite solution. However, it would take a lot of work to solve the equations using the regular algebra methods. Thus, the program uses a technique called "successive approximations". It starts by assuming all the E's are 0, then it calculates E0 based on the assumption all the other E's are zero, then E1 based on E0 and the assumption the rest are zero, etc. By doing this over and over again, the program hones in on the correct valuables.

Once the program has determined the correct value for E0, it uses that value to calculate the estimated average temperature of the Earth's surface using equation (1). This temperature estimate is in Kelvin. Convert to degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit: is the estimate reasonable? Why or why not?

Now that your computational model is complete, you can investigate the impact ofanthropogenic (human-caused) effects on Earth's climate.

  1. CO2 Emissions. The human production of CO2 has outstripped the Earth's natural cycle, resulting in the ground-level (i.e., atmosphere layer 1) CO2 emissions rising from about 280 ppm in the 1700s to over 400 ppm today. The concentration of CO2 at higher layers of the atmosphere has also increased. Adjust your computer model to account for increased concentrations of CO2. What happens to the estimated ground-level temperature?
  2. CH4 Emissions. In addition to CO2, human activity is responsible for an increase in other greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, such as methane (CH4). Methane is especially potent because it absorbs infrared light at different wavelengths than CO2. As a result, we need to revise upward our estimation that each layer of the atmosphere will only absorb up to 20% of the light passing through it. Adjust your model to account for the presence of CH4. What happens to the estimated ground-level temperature?
  3. Land Use. As a result of human activity, the Earth's albedo is changing. Three examples include forests being cut down to create farmland, glaciers melting to reveal rock and soil underneath, and snowy tundra thawing to become peat and mud. What impact would these changes have on Earth's albedo? Adjust your model to account for this change. What happens to the estimated ground-level temperature?

There are many more factors. For example, you might wonder about the impact of clouds, the role of the water cycle, the impact of the temperature of different atmospheric layers, and the role of mixing between layers, to name a few. Developing realistic, reliable, high-quality models of the Earth's atmosphere is a hugely challenging task that has only been feasible in the past few years using large clusters of high-performance computers.

Prepare to share a summary of your work on the computational model with your instructor. Be sure to Mention your initial temperature estimate and reasonableness check; changes (a), (b), and (c); and your reflections on the reasonableness of your computer model.

Checkpoint 2: raise your hand and prepare to discuss your work with your instructor

Before you leave, your lab table must be completely cleaned up, with everything put away appropriately.

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