This lesson uses program areeting. Compile and rerun the program after each modification. 7/ Program Greet prints a greeting on the acreen. using namespace itt. string LAST VDME = "Sunnhine* z () inessage; namer nane - grDst Mrese + LAST Moves; nessage = "Good norning " cout \& mensage endly 0 o Exercise 1: Program Greet, prints a grecting on the screen. However, it is missing certain identifiers, reserved wands, and operators that are necessary for it to compile. Replace each. blank with the appropriate identifier, reserved word, or operator and run the program. Becord the output. Exercise 2 Replace the named constants with your first and last names and reran the program. Exercise 3: Make the greeting a named constant rather than a litrral conetant and rerun the program. Evercise 4: Change the action part of the program so that the grovting is writins on one line and your name is on the next line. This lesson uses program Greeting. Compile and rerun the program after each medification. Drogran Greet printed a greeting on the acreen. using namenpace atd ntring Finst_MTEE = "Sarah" ntring LAST pues = "Surahine*" () message; name; mennage = "Good morning , " + thame * " " 7 cout semensage. andly of Exercise 1: Program Greet prints a groeting an the screen. However, it is miusing certain identifiers, reoerved wordis, and operaturs that are nusessary for it to compile, foplace each blank with the approptiate identifier, reiervod word, or operator and run the program. Record the output. Exercive 2: Replace the named constants with yout fint and last names and rerun the program. Ferecise 3. Male the groeting a named constant nather than a literal corstant and renas the program: Exercine 4: Chinge the action part af the program so that the groeting bs writire in one line and your name is on the neit line