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This project is a simulation of a Request for Proposals (RFP). RFPs are typically made to hire a consultant/consulting company/researcher for a specific project. This

This project is a simulation of a Request for Proposals (RFP). RFPs are typically made to hire a consultant/consulting company/researcher for a specific project. This project is a simulation, so you can use your imagination to consider a problem that needs to be solved and create plan to improve the problem.

Page limits and formats are non-negotiable, and the threshold for excellence is high. To locate your group and collaborate with the members of your group, please click on the People tab in the Menu of the course, then select the Group Project tab.

Please see the included rubric, sample RFP, and tips worksheet to help guide you in your work.

RFP Details:

Benny Factor is a wealthy philanthropist who is looking to donate money for someone to carry out a project that will improve humanity in some way, applying psychological science. He is willing to fund basic and applied projects, as long as they are grounded in empirical evidence, and are designed in such a way that their efficacy can be measured.

PLEASE ANSWER THESE TWO QUESTIONS: THIS IS THE PAPER SO FAR. THE 2 questions need to be answered at the end of the request for approval proposal.

  • What are the implications of your hypothesized results?
  • What are the limitations of your approach?

Request for Approval Proposal

Description of the Problem

Human trafficking is a system in which humans are forcefully & discreetly taken, where they will be traded for a few different purposes. Some of these purposes may include but are not limited to, forced labor, sexual exploitation, domestic servitude & even the removal of organs to sell later on. As written by the U.S. Department of Justice (2020) human trafficking can be defined as, "Human trafficking, also known as trafficking in persons, is a crime that involves compelling or coercing a person to provide labor or services, or to engage in commercial sex acts. The coercion can be subtle or overt, physical or psychological" (para. 1).Thus, human trafficking victims are forced into making profit for their abductors, becoming a dollar sign rather than a human. Therefore, human trafficking is an inhumane & inexcusable crime in which an individual's rights, freedom & identity are stripped, becoming another statistic.These pie charts from the,2019 U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline Statistics,written by the Polaris Project (2020), illustrate some demographics of what human trafficking victims are likely to be used for.

This problem is happening right under our noses, according to an article titled,About Human Trafficking, written by the U.S. Department of State (2023), the statistics of human trafficking speak volumes, "With an estimated 27.6 million victims worldwide at any given time, human traffickers prey on people of all ages, backgrounds, and nationalities, exploiting them for their own profit" (para. 1). As stated, 27.6 million people are at risk of being human trafficked at just about any given time, which leaves most people feeling vulnerable, cautious & scared. Although most if not all humans are in danger of human trafficking there is a specific type of person trafficker aims to coerce. The U.S. Department of Justice (2020) stated, "...traffickers around the world frequently prey on individuals whose vulnerabilities, including poverty, limited English proficiency, or lack of lawful immigration status, are exacerbated by lack of stable, safe housing, and limited economic and educational opportunities" (para. 3). Thus, making those who are financially vulnerable, culturally vulnerable & all around economically vulnerable the targeted victims. Traffickers prey on individuals who are not in good situations because they are more likely to be convinced to go along with the trafficker considering they have nothing to lose. The typical human trafficking victim also tends to be female due to their smaller stature which is easier to overpower & for sex trafficking purposes. These pie charts from the Polaris Project (2020), illustrate the significance of gender & nationality of human trafficking victims.

Human trafficking poses a threat to the population in general but specifically, to those who are female, foreign, & have a difficult financial/ living situation. Those who are trafficked are immersed in modern-day slavery where their freedom is stripped & humanity hides. Therefore, there is no question of whether human trafficking is an issue or not, it is a clear issue for a large percentage of the population, therefore, what can be done to prevent human trafficking?

Previous Attempts to Address the Problem

This leads us to the discussion of what has already been done to address the problem of human trafficking. On a federal level, the National Action Plan is used to protect the victims & used to prevent human trafficking from occurring. According to the article,Federal Response on Human Trafficking,written by the U.S. Department of State (2023), the National Action Plan is defined as, "The National Action Plan outlines a three-year comprehensive approach to combat human trafficking, including actions to strengthen prosecution of traffickers, enhance victim protections, and prevent the crime from occurring within our borders and abroad" (para. 3). Therefore, this plan was curated to a few things like enhance the prosecution of those who traffick humans, according theNational Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking, written by the White House (2021),

"This goal presents 12 priority actions organized under four principles related to increasing criminal enforcement through improved coordination among enforcement partners; employing a broader range of non-criminal enforcement tools; increasing accountability for labor trafficking; and building capacity of law enforcement" (pg. 39).

Thus, the National Action Plan is used to improve efforts to prosecute, lock up & catch those who are involved in the trafficking of humans. This plan is also used to protect the victims saved from their abductors, providing them with a new identity, money & life. Along with protecting the victims & prosecuting traffickers, this plan is used to prevent human trafficking as a whole. The National Action Plan proposes ideas like enhancing awareness, enhancing education efforts to prevent human trafficking & strengthening efforts to identify, prevent, and address human trafficking in product supply chains and ventures. The National Action Plan is useful because it reaches the federal level, which enhances the chances of finding justice & securing freedom for past victims. Moreover, the National Action Plan may be helpful but, human trafficking still occurs just as much as it used to, therefore, some new ideas, efforts & theories are to be put forward.

Plan to Address the Problem

Domestically, the United States has provided protection and new beginnings for victims of human trafficking, along with prosecuting any and all suspects ("The National Action," 2021). However, the absence of protocols, awareness, establishments, and organizations within the state and local levels distract from such progress. To ensure that all persons within the United States are safeguarded not just federally, but statewide and locally as well, plans of action must be incorporated. We anticipate involvement of state and locally elected officials to ensure that the following goals are achieved.

Goal 1: Expand awarenesson human trafficking.

Objective 1: Increase marketing on human trafficking in the State of Delaware (e.g. corporations, social media, billboards)

Goal 2: Combine Law Enforcement Agencies.

Objective 1: State and local law enforcement agencies in the state of Delaware work close-at-hand.

2: Divisions are contrived to diminish and fight against human


3: Active human trafficking schemes, future human trafficking

agendas, and those responsible are held accountable.

Goal 3: Educate children, adolescents, and adults in ALL educational environments on human trafficking.

Objective 1: Awareness is raised surrounding human trafficking through in-school


2: Training provides all staff with expertise on human trafficking, from

what it is to how it can be prevented.

3: Assemblies, posters, and discussions contribute to a better

understanding for all adults, children, and adolescents on human


Even though the state of Delaware is the central concern, this plan of action is achievable and beneficial to all fifty states within the United States of America.

Awareness, the action of recognizing, attaining, and voicing knowledge on a specific issue, can provide an abundance of change. Human trafficking, although an increasing topic in society, does not obtain a substantial amount of awareness (Williams, 2018). Only a few prominent organizations within the state of Delaware addressing human trafficking exist. Examples include:Delaware Human Trafficking Interagency Coordinating Council,Delaware Human Trafficking Courts,The Salvation Army (Delaware), Meet Me at the Well, andMary Mother of Hope ("Human Trafficking," n.d.; "Human Trafficking Interagency," n.d.; "Meet Me," 2023; "Restoration," n.d.). As beneficial as the previously named organizations are, most individuals are unaware of their existence. We are confident that composing social media accounts, expanding each organization from New Castle County to Sussex County, placing advertisements on billboards, and creating commercials will increase Delawareans awareness on

human trafficking.

The following suggestion, combining law enforcement agencies, refers to the connecting of local departments and Delaware State Troop barracks to combat human trafficking. Beth A. Williams, the "Assistant Attorney General leading the Office of Legal Policy (OLP)," declared that combating human trafficking begins with law enforcement and the work they do behind the scenes (Williams, 2018). Williams referred to law enforcement on a broad scale, but nonetheless, their detective skills, connections, and mindsets are vital. By combining local agencies with state agencies in Delaware, human trafficking can be reported, considered, and understood more than it has been in previous years. Most importantly, the perpetrators of human trafficking and/or those who wish to participate can be stopped and held accountable for their actions. This goal is not achievable on our own, but is attainable through the assistance of state and local officials.

Correspondingly, state and local officials will need our cooperation to and support to produce change within the educational system in Delaware. Despite not holding the position to construct and enforce academic regulations, we, as a group and population, can ignite conversation. Currently, the state of Delaware recognizes human trafficking in law, but not in schools. Addressing human trafficking in schools should differ for all ages, as children and adolescents may be alarmed by the issue and the information that coincides. Regardless, establishing courses and participating in open-conversations will allow all ages to gain insight on human trafficking along with the necessary measures to follow if in a questionable situation. This goal can be succeeded, and quickly at that, if the appropriate steps are taken.

How will you know if your project has an effect? How will you measure its effectiveness?

Effectiveness on a project is the most impactful thing to have success. Without effectiveness, an experimenter would not be able to complete the steps needed to reach their conclusion. This project in particular has to do with limiting human trafficking in the United States. Now the question is how effectively citizens can help and limit this cause. After reading on this subject, a horrible fact I learned was, "Approximately 130 people are trafficked worldwide every hour. Most of these are children" (Youth Underground, 2023). How do we stop this? How can we be effective? There are many ways our society can come together and help prevent human trafficking. After doing some research, From or the official website of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, I have found five great ways to help with this matter. These five preventions include: "Take a stand and wear blue, understand the risk factors, know what to do and who to contact to report it, expand awareness in your community, and understand how vulnerable communities are impacted" (, 2023). It is important to teach your community different things about this subject, like the signs of someone marking you or knowing what support hotline to call in case of an emergency. The community can measure this effectiveness by using group performance, trying it out, and seeing how effective this approach is. Yes, this subject can be scary to get involved with, but in the end, you're helping spread awareness and share information with those who might need it most.

What are your hypothesized results

The hypothesis of our group effort is to hope to limit human trafficking around the United States of America and even the world by spreading awareness and educating our communities Through research, my group and I have found that one of the best ways to help prevent and limit this horrible thing that goes on in our world is to educate those around us and spread resources. First important thing is to understand those initial indicators of human trafficking (, 2021). Knowing these first signs can help thousands to millions of people understand what is going on and help them figure out a way to get out of the situation quickly. Another great source is the "24-hour National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or report an emergency to law enforcement by calling 911" (, 2021). Another side of this could also be to pay attention to what clothes or items you're buying because it could be being made by children in horrible working conditions. This approach helps "encourage companies to take steps to prevent human trafficking in their supply chains and publish the information, including supplier or factory lists, for consumer awareness" (, 2021). There are so many different resources and avenues one can go into in showing awareness for this cause. Be the change and help your community become more aware of human trafficking.


"Human Trafficking in Delaware: Facts, statistics, shelters, and prevention organizations." (n.d.).Human Trafficking Courts - The State of Delaware.

"Human Trafficking Interagency Coordinating Council." (n.d.).Delaware Health and Social Services (DHSS).

"Meet Me at the Well." (2023).Meet Me at the Well Foundation.

Polaris Project. (2020, July 31).2019 U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline Statistics | Polaris.; Polaris Project.

"Restoration now." (n.d.).The Salvation Army - Delaware Command.

The UN, the ILO, IOM, UNODC, UNICEF, UNHCR, The U.S. Department of State. (2023, March 14).Facts & figures. Youth Underground.,in%20the%20past%2030%20years.

The United States Department of Justice. (2020, October 13).What Is Human Trafficking?; The United States Department of Justice.

The White House. (2021). The National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking. In The White House.

U.S. Department of State. (2021, January 11).20 ways you can help fight human trafficking - united states department of state. U.S. Department of State.

U.S. Department of State. (2023, January 13).About Human Trafficking - United States Department of State.; United States Department of State.

U.S. Department of State. (2023).Federal Response on Human Trafficking.; The United States Department of State.

Williams, B. A. (2018, April 1). Efforts to stop human trafficking.Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 41(2), 623-629.

"5 ways we can work together to prevent human trafficking." (2023, January 10),Expand%20awareness%20in%20your%20community.

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