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) Determine the inverse demand function. 0) Determine the vertical intercept of the inverse demand function. )Determine the horizontal intercept of the inverse demand function. d) Determine the slope of the inverse demand function. 2) Draw the consumer's inverse demand curve in Figure 1 provided in the answer booklet. Determine the market demand curve if there are 1000 consumers with the demand function Q = 40 - 5P 2) The demand functions for consumers 1, 2, and 3 are respectively Q1 = 60 - P, Q2 = 80 - 2P, and Q3 = 80 4P ) Determine the inverse demand function for each consumer. 0) Determine the vertical intercept for each inverse demand function. Determine the horizontal intercept for each inverse function. d) Determine the slope for each inverse demand function. 2) Determine the market demand curve. Draw the inverse market demand curve in Figure 2 provided in the answer booklet. 8) A consumer's demand function for good x is Qx = 8 - Px - Py/2 + 1/100 with Ox representing the quantity demand for good x, Px the price for good x, Py the price for good y, and I the consumer's income. ) Draw the inverse demand curve in Figure 3 provided in the answer booklet if Py = 2 and I = 100. 0) Draw the inverse demand curve in Figure 3 provided in the answer booklet if Py increases from 2 to 4 and I = 100. () Draw the inverse demand curve in Figure 3 provided in the answer booklet if I increases from 100 to 200 and Py = 2 1) A consumer's demand function for good x is @x = 50 - Px + 3Py/2 - Pz + 1/125 with Qx representing the quantity demand for good x, Px the price for good x, Py the price for good y, Pz the price for good z, and I the consumer's income.What Is Fiscal Policy? Government budget constraint Bt - Bt-1 = rBt-1 + Gt - It deficits in year t interest payments primary deficit Bt = (1+r) Bt-1+ Gt - Tt Some remarks deficit (flow, Bt - Bt-1) v.s. debt (stock, Bt) evolution of debt-to-GDP ratio Bt Bt-1 Gt - Tt = (r -g) Bt-1 + Yt-1 Yt-1 Y+ change in debt ratio initial debt ratio primary deficit ratio Fiscal policy (changes in (Gt, Tt) to achieve macro objectives) v.s. automatic stabilizer