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This SQL project in three Phases and the instruction as below: Instructions Follow the steps and let me know if you have any questions. The

This SQL project in three Phases and the instruction as below:

Instructions Follow the steps and let me know if you have any questions. The intent of the project is to create a project you can use in your portfolio for your use in the future. You can use the Brendas Bakeries problem detailed below or, if you want, create a self-designed project with a database of your choice. What to use a system of your own? To use a database of your own choosing you must get my okay before you start. Send me an email with a paragraph outlining the database with a list of possible tables with their definitions. Your system must have 12-15 tables with at least three many-to-many relationships. I want to check that the approach your thinking about is neither too small nor too big. If you submit a project other than Brendas Bakery in Phase 1 without getting my okay first, youll earn zero points on Phase 1 of the project and youll be off to very bad start on Phase 2. The Project has Three Phases There are three phases to this project and youll make a separate submission in Blackboard for each one; they each have their own deadlines - see Blackboard for the deadlines. The phases are patterned after the normal progress of a project: design first followed by construction. In Phase 1 - Design youll submit your design which will be your EER model along with your commentary and definitions of your entities. In Phase 2 DB Create youll submit your updated EER model and the working SQL that creates the database from your EER diagram. In Phase 3 Working Database youll submit your completed database together with a set of queries, stored procedures and triggers. Phase 1 is worth 40% of the project grade, Phase 2 is worth 20% and Phase 3 is worth 40%. It doesnt matter that these phases may have point values in the assignments different than shown here. The weighted total column in Blackboard scales them properly. Deadlines and Submitting your Work For all but the final phase there is a 33% deduction for each whole or part day late. Because Im under a deadline to get final grades submitted at the end of the semester, Ill start grading the last phase shortly after the deadline. If your submission isnt there when I finish grading everyones last phase, youll earn a grade of zero for that phase. Partial work may earn partial credit. If youre not finished by the deadline, I suggest you submit what youve got. Semester Project Spring 2018 Page 2 of 15 5.17 Make sure you use the answer document provided for each phase; dont start your own document from scratch. For each phase, submit all the files specified. Submit each file separately; dont combine them in a zip file. Your document must have an extension of .DOC or .DOCX. Any other extension, including .ODT or .ZIP will result in zero credit for that phase. TIP: Read all the way through this document before you start. E.g. a query in the last phase that requires an OUTER JOIN will require that you have records setup in your that work properly for the join. Problem Description Brendas Bakeries Youve just started your independent computer consulting business and have landed your first client: Brendas Bakeries. Brenda Bool started her bakery business 20 years ago out of her home kitchen and has since grown it to five retail shops and a central kitchen were all the baked goods are prepared and delivered to the shops each morning. Brenda runs an upscale bakery. She uses only the best ingredients she can find and likes to offer unusual pastries that other shops dont offer. Brenda feels she is beginning to lose track of whats going on in the business and contracted with you to create a database to bring some organization on things. How the bakery works The bakery buys ingredients from vendors. Ingredients are the materials that go into making the baked goods such as flour, salt, yeast, milk, eggs, cinnamon, sugar, etc. The bakery can buy an ingredient from more than one vendor. For example, it buys milk and cream from two different dairies, depending upon which has whats needed on the day of an order what that days prices are at each dairy. When an employee places an order with a vendor it is typically for a number of different ingredients at various prices and units of measure. For example, an order to a dairy might have 100 gallons of milk at $2.00/gallon, 5 gallons of heavy whipping cream $3.50/gallon and 10 pounds of butter at $4.25/pound. The bakery sells products in its shops. Products include bread, cakes, cupcakes, pies and many types of pastries, including your instructors favorite: Cinnamon Rolls. Brenda employs many employees and some employees work in more than one of her shops. For each bakery product there is a recipe that describes ingredients that go into the product and the quantity and unit of measure of each. For example, the recipe for a particular bread might have 25 pounds of wheat flower, 4 cups of salt, 3 gallons of milk, and a dozen eggs, etc. Note that each ingredient in a recipe has a quantity and unit of measure. (gallons, cups, pounds, etc.) Since baked goods are perishable, each night the kitchen makes only what will be sold the following day; Brenda does not store inventory of baked goods but she does store ingredients. For example, she might buy all the flour she needs for a week in a single order. Semester Project Spring 2018 Page 3 of 15 5.17 Customers come into the shops and the employees make sales of products to the customers. A single sale to a customer can have any number of products on it. For example, a dad with three kids comes in and order a muffin for $2.50, two bagels at $1.75 each and a cupcake at $2.00, all on a single order. The system keeps track of which employee made the sale and in which shop the sale was made. Brenda runs a customer loyalty program that rewards customers for repeated purchases. If customers are willing to give the information, she records their name, email address and phone number. The system records purchases by customers on the loyalty program. Tips for Avoiding Pitfalls These are tips on avoiding pitfalls that students in the past have encountered with the project. These tips will save you time, frustration and re-work. Dont Delay Getting Started Do not underestimate the amount of work this project will require. This project is a significant amount of your semester grade and will require far more time than any of the assignments. You have more than enough time, if you dont put it off. Many students in their final comments said they wished they hadnt put off getting started on this. Work for a few of hours many times Youll get more done in less time if you break up your work into a series of short work periods over weeks rather than trying to get the project done in one weekend. Understand the Problem Seems obvious, right? But, many students in their final comments mentioned that if they had read the problem more thoroughly they would have had to do a lot less rework. The Problem Description section above is your blueprint for the design. Make sure you understand it thoroughly before you start building your database. Read it and the reread it several times. Be careful not to Gold Plate Gold plating is when designers and programmers add cool features to a system that were never requested by the business users. Gold plating is a real-world problem because it causes projects to be late and to run over budget. No matter how cool, do not add features not requested in the Problem Description. For example, nothing about scheduling employees is in the Problem Description, so dont add scheduling to your design. Gold plating will not increase your grade. Think of it this way: A home builder wouldnt add an extra bathroom to a house that the homeowner didnt request just because the builder thinks it would be cool. Semester Project Spring 2018 Page 4 of 15 5.17 Keep your Design Simple and Relentlessly Consistent When designing tables, you wind up doing that same sort of thing repeatedly. For example, each table will need a primary key and most tables need to record the name of the things is stores. Its best to do the same thing the same way, everywhere. For example, in my own designs, the primary key of a table is always named ID, its an integer and auto-incremented. Period. And if I need to store the name of the things in the table I always just name the field Name. This Not This

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Ive seen many different Customer tables in my career and many variations on customers names such as: CustomerName, Customer_Name, CustName, CustNam, CName, C_Name, etc., etc. Why not just Name? Another guideline I follow is I almost never use the name of the entity in the name of its fields. E.g. Name not FruitName. Dont Confuse Records with Table Fields Suppose in some system you needed a Fruit table meant to keep track of Apples, Peaches and Pears and possibly other types of fruit. You design a table with a name field and would put three records in the table, one for each of the fruits. Your table design would look like this. When new types of fruit need to be added, you just add new records in the table.

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You wouldnt put three fields like this - youd need to change the design every time a new fruit was added! Deleting Entities from your Model If you decide to delete an entity from your model, its not enough to just remove it from the diagram. You must actually delete it from the model. To delete an entity, right click on the entity in the diagram and select Delete. If you remove by pressing the Delete keyboard button and dont actually delete it, it will still be there and will be generated into a table when you forward engineer your model. Semester Project Spring 2018 Page 5 of 15 5.17 Watch out for Phase 3 Phase 3 requires a lot of SQL coding and that can be time-consuming. Start early! Getting Help Please always feel free to email me questions about the project as you work on it. You should always attach your model file and/or SQL to help me understand your question. Sending me an email telling me your query doesnt work without sending me the SQL will just slow down Im always happy to answer your questions. If you ask a specific question like Do I have the many-to-many relationship between A and B right? I will take a close look at that issue. If you ask me a general question such as Is my diagram in good shape? Ill be glad to look it over for obvious problems, but since I dont pre-grade work, I wont go through a preliminary version of a diagram with the attention to detail that I do when grading. Its your responsibility to go through the details of your work before you submit it. Please remember that I may take up to 24 hours to respond to a question, so dont wait until the evening of a deadline. Steps for Phase 1 - Design For the written parts, use good grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation and write in complete sentences. You must use the answer document from Blackboard. Any other document results in zero credit. Step Points Instructions 1. 10 Develop an executive summary for your project. This is a business, not a technical statement. Imagine you are writing this for a Brenda who is not technical at all, doesnt want to know about tech stuff, and will look at you like youre from Mars if you start tossing technical terms around. Include your topic (Brendas or your own) as well as scope. Scope is extremely important in projects. When addressing scope be sure to explain what your project is going to include and, equally as important, what it is not going to include. When youre writing a summary like in this the workplace you want to be sure to highlight the benefits the system will bring the business.

summary should 150-200 words and should be broken up into at least three or four paragraphs dont write one long run-on paragraph. Which you rather have to read? This Or This Develop an executive summary for your project. This is a business, not a technical statement. Imagine you are writing this for a Brenda who is not technical at all, doesnt want to know about tech stuff, and will look at you like youre from Mars if you start tossing technical terms around. Include your topic (Brendas or your own) as well as scope. Scope is extremely important in projects. When addressing scope be sure to explain what your project is going to include and, equally as important, what it is not going to include. This summary should 150-200 words and should be broken up into two or three paragraphs dont write one long run-on paragraph. When youre writing a summary like in this the workplace you want to be sure to highlight the benefits the system will bring the business. Develop an executive summary for your project. This is a business, not a technical statement. Imagine you are writing this for a Brenda who is not technical at all, doesnt want to know about tech stuff, and will look at you like youre from Mars if you start tossing technical terms around. Include your topic (Brendas or your own) as well as scope. Scope is extremely important in projects. When addressing scope be sure to explain what your project is going to include and, equally as important, what it is not going to include. This summary should 150-200 words and should be broken up into two or three paragraphs dont write one long run-on paragraph. When youre writing a summary like in this the workplace you want to be sure to highlight the benefits the system will bring the business.

Create an EER diagram for Brendas in MySQL Workbench. A couple important points on your diagram: The entities will come from the nouns in the description above. For example, customer is a noun and will wind up being an entity in your diagram. Be sure to include primary and foreign keys. All entities must be in third normal form or higher. Add a textbox by each relationship line with a verb or verb phrase that titles the relationship. [-5] An example of a verb phrase might be: An employee works in a store. Every entity should be in a relationship with at least one other entity and you should be able to traverse relationships from any entity to every other entity on the diagram. I.e. No entity or group of entities should be an island on the diagram, separate from other entities. [-5] Neatness Counts Add a text box in the upper left of your diagram with the name of the project and your name. [-3] Orient the diagram in landscape. (File menu, Page Setup) [-3] Arrange your diagram to fit on one page you can see the page edges in the Workbench diagram screen. [-3] No line should cross another line or entity as that makes the diagram very hard to understand. [-10] My design for Brendas has 13 tables. Four of the tables are needed only because of many-to-many relationships. The diagram fits comfortably on one page in landscape orientation. Ive obscured it so I dont spoil all your fun.

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Paste a screen shot of your diagram in your answer document. Semester Project Spring 2018 Page 8 of 15 5.17 3. 20 Write up the Crayon Definitions for each entity on your diagram. A crayon definition is simply a definition that's short enough to be written with a crayon. The idea is to quickly give others a sense of why you have the entity in your design. It should describe the records youll hold in the table. An example might be "The Vehicle table contains records for both cars, trucks and rickshaws. 4. 10 Develop a set of business rules to support your executive summary. I would like you to have at least seven rules that directly address the data (things like a sale can have many products) that will be converted to constraints. Dont write something trivial like An Employees name can be up to 45 characters. Or A customer can have one email address. Be careful not to cook up requirements that create strange restrictions on what users can do in the system. For example, one student made this rule: An employee can work in only one store in a day. If you put in a restriction like that, what happens when an employee calls in sick from one store and you need to send an employee from another store to help out? Theres no business purpose in this restriction and the system shouldnt have it. 5. 10 Write at least five output requirements - what kind of data output is necessary such as: show a list of customers with the names of sales reps. Think of reports 80 Total Submitting this Phase When you submit Phase 1, please submit these files in this order. If you dont submit your document first, I may not be able to see it in Blackboard. Submit the files individually, dont zip them up. 1. Document file (.DOC or .DOCX only) 2. Your model file. (Be careful not accidently upload the backup file of the model. Double check that the file youre uploading doesnt end in .bak.) Steps for Phase 2 Database Create Dont start this until you get my feedback on your Phase 1 submission. You may wind up having to make significant changes in your ERR diagram as a result of my feedback. If I make suggestions for changes in your Phase 1 submission, you must incorporate them in Phase 2. In this phase youll forward engineer your design into a database with all the tables. Youre interested only in getting your tables created and putting just a few records in each table. Do not create more records than youre asked. Semester Project Spring 2018 Page 9 of 15 5.17 For the written parts, use good grammar, spelling, punctuation and write in complete sentences. You must use the answer document from Blackboard. Any other document results in zero credit. Step Points Instructions 1. 0 Paste in a screenshot of your EER diagram from Phase 1 with any markings I made on it and below the diagram also paste in any written comments I made. I want the diagram and comments in this document to refresh my memory of what youre doing. (10-point deduction if missing) 2. 15 Paste in a screenshot of your EER diagram with any changes as a result of my comments on Phase 1 or any changes you made as a result of the later steps in this phase. If there are no changes since Phase 1 just paste it in again. 3. 5 Enter your crayon definitions for your entities with any changes as a result your changes to the diagram from Phase 1. This is also to refresh my memory. 4. 10 Forward Engineer your MySQL Workbench EER diagram to obtain the SQL to create your database. Name your database BrendasXXX where XXX is your initials. Run the SQL to create your database. Include a screen shot of the tree view of database structure with all the tables columns expanded so I can see all the columns in every table. 5. 20 Create a SQL script file by hand to insert two or three records in each table. (And no more than two or three records!) You may find the database creation scripts from the Starter and College database are helpful in getting going on this. This step is important because adding records to tables for the first time often uncovers problems in your design. The limit on the number of records is meant to keep you have having to discard a lot of work if changes in the design are needed. Upload your file of INSERT statements in Blackboard. Plan on having to go back to your EER diagram to make changes and forward engineering again, maybe more than once. Tip: Insert records in tables in the same order that MySQL has the tables in the forward engineer script file. This will avoid problems with referential integrity. In the answer document, paste in a screen shot of the Result Grid showing the results of a SELECT * for each table the table. To save yourself time, you dont need to paste in the SELECT statement as text, instead just show both SELECT statement and the Result Grid as a single screen shot like this:

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Describe in a three sentences or fewer, any change you may needed to make in your design as a result of inserting records in each table. 55 Total Submitting this Phase When you submit this phase, please submit these files in this order. If you dont submit your document first, I may not be able to see it in Blackboard. Submit the files individually, dont zip them up. 1. Document file. (.DOC or .DOCX only) 2. SQL script file that creates the database and tables. (That resulted from the forward engineer) 3. The SQL script file that inserts two or three records in each table. 4. Your model file. Steps for Phase 3 Working Database Dont start this until you get my feedback on your Phase 2 submission. For the written parts, use good grammar, spelling, punctuation and write in complete sentences. You must use the answer document from Blackboard. Any other document results in zero credit. For the queries, views, stored procedures and triggers each step must be original and unique. You many not reuse one steps code in another and you many not reuse anything from the Units. Each step must be non-trivial and have a useful business purpose. Design and Tables Step Points Instructions 1. 10 Paste in a screenshot of your final EER diagram with any changes since the last phase. Semester Project Spring 2018 Page 11 of 15 5.17 2. 5 Paste in your crayon definitions from Phase 2 for your entities with any changes youve decided since then. 3. 15 Create a new script file to INSERT records into your tables. You need to use the free site to generate INSERT statements for at least the tables listed below. See the section at the end of the document for more on mockaroo. Customer 100 records. Sale (to a customer) 300 records. Sales Line Item - Order (from a vendor) 200 records. You need to have at least 10 records in all the other tables. You can also use mockaroo for any of the other tables if you want, but for some of the smaller tables, like Ingredient, its probably quickest to just create the insert statements by hand. Youll paste a screen shot of the mockaroo page with your Customer table setup. Put all the INSERT statements for all of your tables in a single SQL file and attach it with your Blackboard submission. Tip: In this SQL file, order the tables in the same order the tables were created in your forward engineer SQL. For each table, execute a SELECT * on the table and paste in the SQL statement followed by the Result Grid in the answer document so I can see the name of the table in the SELECT statement and what your data looks like in the table. Snip just the first 10 or so records from each table. The records you create in your tables must vary from one to the next. Dont just insert the same data again and gain. Queries Create the following types of queries for your database. For each query, provide a one or two sentence explanation of the business purpose of the query, the SQL and a screenshot of the Result Grid. Important: In your explanation tell me what the query is for its business purpose. Dont tell me how it works. Dont write I joined A to B. I can see that by looking at the SQL. Instead write something like This query gives a list of all employees who are currently on probation. Be sure to beautify each query and to snip just the result grid in your screen shot. Semester Project Spring 2018 Page 12 of 15 5.17 Every query must produce at least one record. I.e. dont write a query that shows sales for a customer who doesnt have any sales. Dont use SELECT * in any of these queries. Sort every query. Each of these queries is a SELECT statement containing 4. 5 A WHERE clause. 5. 5 An AND or OR in the WHERE clause. Dont use an OR where IN would work (State=OH OR state=PA), and dont use an AND where BETWEEN would work (date >= '2015-12-01' AND date

1. Document file (.DOC or .DOCX only) 2. SQL Script file that loaded records into all your tables. 3. Your model file.

Background on Mockaroo is a free website that you can use to generate SQL INSERT statements for your tables, complete with random data. Its easy to learn to use and will save you a great deal of time. If you create a free account, you can save your table definitions so that you can come back to make changes to the definitions and quickly regenerate data. I used mockaroo to generate all the data in the College database. For example, heres my mockaroo setup for the Faculty table. Notice how I generated random dates for the HireDate and a random number between 1 and 10 for the DepartmentID.

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Sale and Line Item for Brendas Bakery This shows how I modeled the Sale and Sale Line Item entities. This is the wording in the assignment: Customers come into the shops and make purchases of products from the store employee. A single sale to a customer can have a number of products on it. For example, a dad and three kids come in and order a muffin for $2.50, two bagels at $1.75 each and a cupcake at $2.00, all on a single order. The system keeps track of which employee made the sale. Because a sale can have many products and a product can be on many sales, theres a many-to-many relationship between Sale and Product. Anytime theres a many-to-many, you must have an entity in between and thats the SaleLineItem junction entity in the diagram below.

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The relationship between Vendor and Order is the same sort of many-to-many, so you need an OrderLineItem entity. And for Ingredient and Recipe (also a many-to-many) you need an IngredientRecipie entity.

For the Phase one this the table to insert the information

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and this rest of the table

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for phase two table

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this the rest of the table

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this is for Phase three

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this the rest of the table

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Fruit ID INT Name VARCHAR(45) Indexes Fruits Fruit_ID INT FruitName VARCHAR(45) Indexes Fruit ID INT Name VARCHAR(45) Indexes Fruits Fruit_ID INT FruitName VARCHAR(45) Indexes

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