Three alternative representations for non-negative integers, n, are: Peano: values have the form S(... S(Z) ...), applying S n times to Z where S
Three alternative representations for non-negative integers, n, are:
• Peano: values have the form S(... S(Z) ...), applying S n times to Z where
S and Z are constructors or constants of some data type.
• Binary: values are of type bool list with 0 being represented as the empty
list, and the least-significant bit being stored in the head of the list.
• Church: values have the form fn f => fn x => f(... f(x) ...), applying
f n times to x
(a) Write ML functions for each of these data types which take the representation
of an integer n as argument and return n as an ML int. [6 marks]
(b) Write ML functions for each of these data types which take representations of
integers m and n and return the representation of m + n. Your answers must
not use any value or operation on type int or real. [Hint: you might it useful
to write a function majority: bool*bool*bool -> bool (which returns true
when two or more of its arguments are true) and to note that the ML inequality
operator '<>' acts as exclusive-or on bool.] [10 marks]
(c) Letting two and three respectively be the Church representations of integers 2
and 3, indicate whether each of the following ML expressions give a Church
representation of some integer and, if so what integer is represented, and if not
giving a one-line reason.
(i) two three
(ii) three two
(iii) two ◦ three
(iv) three ◦ two
Suppose that the target virtual machine is stack-oriented and that the stack
elements are integer values, and addresses can be stored as integers. Explain
which other features are required in such a virtual machine. Invent a simple
language of instructions for such a machine and show how it would be used to
implement each of the expressions. [10 marks]
(c) Suppose that the following rules are proposed as possible optimizations to be
implemented in your compiler.
expression simplifies to expression
(fst e, snd e) → e
fst (e1, e2) → e1
snd (e1, e2) → e2
Describe how you could implement these rules so that the simplifications are
made only when the program's semantics is correctly preserved. [
(a) Explain what is meant by a monad in a programming language, giving the two
fundamental operations of a monad along with their types. [3 marks]
(b) Consider the use of a monad for input-output. For the purposes of this question,
take the IO monad as including two operations readint and writeint which
respectively read integers from stdin and write integers to stdout. Give the types
of these operators. [2 marks]
(c) Assume MLreadint and MLwriteint are primitives with side effects for inputoutput and consider the ML expression add1 of type int:
let val x = MLreadint() in MLwriteint(x+1); x end
(i) Give an equivalent expression which uses the IO monad instead of
side-effects, and state its type. [3 marks]
(ii) Give a function run2diff which can be applied to your answer to
part (c)(i). When so applied it should give a value in the IO monad which
corresponds to ML code that runs add1 twice and returns the difference
between the values read. [4 marks]
(d) State what happens when attempting to compile and execute the following Java
fragment (explaining the origin of any error messages or exceptions which might
Object n = new Integer(42), o = new String("Whoops");
Object [] v;
Integer [] w = new Integer[10];
v = w;
v[4] = n;
v[5] = o; [4 marks]
(e) Consider the Java code:
Object n = new Integer(42);
ArrayList extends Object> v1;
(a) We are interested in performing operations on nested lists of integers in ML. A
nested list is a list that can contain further nested lists, or integers. For example:
[[3, 4], 5, [6, [7], 8], []]
We will use the datatype:
datatype nested_list = Atom of int
| Nest of nested_list list;
Write the code that creates a value of the type nested list above. [1 mark]
(b) Write the function flatten that flattens a nested list to return a list of integers.
[3 marks]
(c) Write the function nested map f n that applies a function f to every Atom in
n. [4 marks]
(d) What is the type of f in Part (c)? [1 mark]
(e) Write a function pack as xs n that takes a list of integers and a nested list;
the function should return a new nested list with the same structure as n,
with integers that correspond to the integers in list xs. Note: It is acceptable
for the function to fail when the number of elements differ. Example:
> pack_as [1, 2, 3] (Nest [Atom 9, Nest [Atom 8, Atom 7]]);
val it = Nest [Atom 1, Nest [Atom 2, Atom 3]]: nested_list
[6 marks]
(f ) What does the data type nested zlist correspond to? [2 marks]
datatype nested_zlist = ZAtom of int
| ZNest of (unit -> nested_zlist list);
(g) Write the function that converts a nested zlist to a nested list. [3 marks]
3 Object-Oriented Programming
(a) You are given the following implementation for an element of a list:
class Element {
int item;
Element next;
Element(int item, Element next) {
this.item = item; = next;
public String toString() {
return item + " " + (next == null ? "" : next);
(i) What does the statement super() mean? [1 mark]
(ii) What is the meaning of this in the line this.item = item? [1 mark]
(iii) What is the purpose of the annotation @Override? [2 marks]
(iv) Rewrite the class to be immutable. You may assume that there are no
sub-classes of Element. [2 marks]
(b) Use the immutable Element class to provide an implementation of an immutable
class FuncList which behaves like an int list in ML. Your class should include
a constructor for an empty list and methods head, tail and cons based on the
following functions in ML. Ensure that your class behaves appropriately when
the list is empty. [6 marks]
fun head x::_ = x; fun cons (x,xs) = x::xs;
fun tail _::xs = xs;
(c) Another developer changes your implementation to a generic class FuncList
that can hold values of any type T.
(i) This means that FuncList
what could be done to remedy this. [2 marks]
(ii) Java prohibits covariance of generic types. Is this restriction necessary in
this case? Explain why with an example.
4 Object-Oriented Programming
(a) What is an object? [2 marks]
(b) Give four examples of how object-oriented programming helps with the
development of large software projects and explain why each one is helpful.
[8 marks]
(c) Explain the meaning of the Open-Closed principle. [2 marks]
(d) Draw a UML diagram for a design satisfying the Open-Closed principle and
explain why it satisfies it. [8 marks]
5 Numerical Analysis
(a) Let f be a single variable real function that has at least one root α, and that
admits a Taylor expansion everywhere.
(i) Starting from the truncated form of the Taylor expansion of f(x) about xn,
derive the recursive expression for the Newton-Raphson (NR) estimate xn
of the root at the (n + 1)th step. [1 mark]
(ii) Consider the general Taylor expansion of f(α) about xn. Using big O
notation for an appropriate Taylor remainder and denoting the NR error at
the nth step by en, prove that the NR method has quadratic convergence
rate. That is, show that en+1 is proportional to e
n plus a bounded
remainder. State the required conditions for this to hold, paying attention
to the interval spanned during convergence. [6 marks]
(iii) Briefly explain two of the known problems of the NR method from an
implementation standpoint or otherwise. [2 marks]
(b) Let f(x) = x
2 − 1. Suppose we wish to find the positive root of f using the
Newton-Raphson (NR) method starting from an initial guess x0 ≥ 1.
(i) Show that if x0 ≥ 1 then xn ≥ 1 for all n ≥ 1. [3 marks]
(ii) Thus find an upper bound for NR's xn+1 estimate in terms of xn and in
turn find an upper bound for xn in terms of x0. [5 marks]
(iii) Using the above, estimate the number of NR iterations to obtain the root
with accuracy 10−9
for a wild initial guess x0 = 109
. [Hint: You may wish
to approximate 103 by 210.] [3 marks]
6 Numerical Analysis
(a) You are given a system of real equations in matrix form Ax = b where A is
non-singular. Give three factorization techniques to solve this system, depending
on the shape and structure of A: tall, square, symmetric. For each technique,
give the relevant matrix equations to obtain the solution x, and point out the
properties of the matrices involved. Highlight one potential problem from an
implementation (computer representation) standpoint. [Note: You do not need
to detail the factorization steps that give the matrix entries.] [5 marks]
(b) We want to estimate travel times between stops in a bus network, using ticketing
data. The network is represented as a directed graph, with a vertex for each
bus stop, and edges between adjacent stops along a route. For each edge
j ∈ {1, . . . , p} let the travel time be dj
. The following ticketing data is available:
for each trip i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, we know its start time si
, its end time fi
, and also
the list of edges it traverses. The total trip duration is the sum of travel times
along its edges.
We shall estimate the dj using linear least squares estimation, i.e. solve
arg minβ ky − Xβk
for a suitable matrix X and vectors β and y.
(i) Give an example of ticket data for a trip traversing 5 edges, and write the
corresponding equation of its residual. [1 mark]
(ii) Give the dimensions and contents of X, β, and y for this problem. State a
condition on X that ensures we can solve for β. [3 marks]
(iii) Give an example with p = 2 and n = 3 for which it is not possible to
estimate the dj
. Compute XT X for your example. [2 marks]
(c) Let A be an n × n matrix with real entries.
(i) We say that A is diagonalisable if there exists an invertible n × n matrix
P such that the matrix D = P
−1AP is diagonal. Show that if A is
diagonalisable and has only one eigenvalue then A is a constant multiple of
the identity matrix. [3 marks]
(ii) Let A be such that when acting on vectors x = [x1, x2, . . . , xn]
it gives
Ax = [x1, x1 −x2, x2 −x3, . . . , xn−1 −xn]
. Write out the contents of A and
find its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Scale the eigenvectors so they have
unit length (i.e. so their magnitude is equal to 1). [6 marks]
Consider a Binary Search Tree. Imagine inserting the keys 0, 1, 2, . . . , n (in
that order) into the data structure, assumed initially empty.
(i) Draw a picture of the data structure after the insertion of keys up to n = 9
included. [2 marks]
(ii) Clearly explain, with a picture if helpful, how the data structure will evolve
for arbitrary n, and derive the worst-case time complexity for the whole
operation of inserting the n + 1 keys. [2 marks]
(b) Repeat (a)(i) and (a)(ii) for a 2-3-4 tree, with some scratch work showing the
crucial intermediate stages. [2+2 marks]
(c) . . . and for a B-tree with t = 3, again showing the crucial intermediate stages.
[2+2 marks]
(d) . . . and for a hash table of size 7 that resolves collisions by chaining.
[2+2 marks]
(e) . . . and for a binary min-heap.
Write program to find sum of all even numbers between 1 to n.
- Write program to print all natural numbers from 1 to n.
- Write program to find sum of all even numbers between 1 to n.
A Random Access Queue supports the operations pushright(x) to add a new item x
to the tail, popleft() to remove the item at the head, and element at(i) to retrieve
the item at position i without removing it: i = 0 gives the item at the head, i = 1
the following element, and so on.
(a) We can implement this data structure using a simple linked list, where
element at(i) iterates from the head of the list until it reaches position i.
(i) State the complexity of each of the three operations. [1 mark]
(ii) A colleague suggests that, by defining a clever potential function, it might
be possible to show that all operations have amortized cost O(1). Show
carefully that your colleague is mistaken. [6 marks]
(b) We can also implement this data structure using an array. The picture below
shows a queue holding 4 items, stored within an array of size 8. When new items
are pushed, it may be necessary to create a new array and copy the queue into
it. The cost of creating an array of size n is Θ(n).
head item item item tail item
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(i) Give pseudocode for the three operations. Each operation should have
amortized cost O(1). [6 marks]
(ii) Prove that the amortized costs of your operations are indeed O(1).
[7 ma
(a) The Post Office of Maldonia issued a new series of stamps, whose denominations
in cents are a finite set D ⊂ N\{0}, with 1 ∈ D. Given an arbitrary value
n ∈ N\{0} in cents, the problem is to find a minimum-cardinality multiset of
stamps from D whose denominations add up to exactly n.
In the context of solving the problem with a bottom-up dynamic programming
algorithm. . .
(i) Give and clearly explain a formula that expresses the optimal solution in
terms of optimal solutions to subproblems. [Note: If your formula gives
only a scalar metric (e.g. the number of stamps) rather than the actual
solution (e.g. which stamps), please also explain how to obtain the actual
optimal solution.] [4 marks]
(ii) Draw and explain the data structure your algorithm would use to
accumulate the intermediate solutions. [2 marks]
(iii) Derive the big-Theta space and time complexity of your algorithm.
[1 mark]
(b) Repeat (a)(i)-(a)(iii) for the following problem:
A car must race from point A to point B along a straight path, starting with a
full tank and stopping as few times as possible. A full tank lets the car travel
a given distance l. There are n refuelling stations so ≡ A, s1, s2, . . . , sn ≡ B
along the way, at given distances d0 = 0, d1, d2, . . . , dn from A. The distance
between adjacent stations is always less than l. The problem is to find a
minimum-cardinality set of stations where the car ought to refill in order to
reach B from A. [7 marks]
(c) Which of the two previous problems might be solved more efficiently with a
greedy algorithm? Indicate the problem and describe the greedy algorithm.
Then give a clear and rigorous proof, with a drawing if it helps clarity, that your
greedy algorithm always reaches the optimal solution. Derive the big-Theta time
tackle everything
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