to Aigrenent Average: 73 7. Monthly Social Security benefits Monthly benefits The Social Security Administration has a computertzed service that determines your benefits because Social Security benefits are based on a complicated formula In fact, the government is required to provide all covered workers with a Social Security Statement Identify the range of benefit you can expect you retreat age 62, benefits of OO of your . If you retire at age 65 to 67, receipt of 1 you delay retirement until age 70, you can receive in your benefits Range of Benefits Shen, a 66 years old worker, is deciding between retirement either this year or the next year. His average monthly benefit is determined to be 52,123.35. Assume that the benefit is the same for this year and the next year Compuce Shen's annual benefit reduction amounts in each of the following scenarios. If Shen retires this year and secures a part-time job earning $17,000, his annual benefit reduction amount is If Shen retires this year secures the same part-time job, and in addition projects interest and dividend earnings of $7,000 per year what his benefit reduction amount is She retires next year and secures the same part-time job, the annual benefit reduction amount is Taxes on Benefits Social Security is paid in with after-tax dollars but may be subject to tax if annual income exceeds a base amount. A single taxpayers basea 125,000: Hamed taxpayersing Jointly have a base of $32,000. Married taxpayers filing separately have a base of zero Suppose Antonio is rebring this year at age 67. The following table shows his data Partine stary Anoda dividend 126,000 12,750 Annual savings account interest Annual interest on Dallas municipal bonds 31,150 and on the income calculated, Antonio will have of the Social Security and Grad Now to Aigrenent Average: 73 7. Monthly Social Security benefits Monthly benefits The Social Security Administration has a computertzed service that determines your benefits because Social Security benefits are based on a complicated formula In fact, the government is required to provide all covered workers with a Social Security Statement Identify the range of benefit you can expect you retreat age 62, benefits of OO of your . If you retire at age 65 to 67, receipt of 1 you delay retirement until age 70, you can receive in your benefits Range of Benefits Shen, a 66 years old worker, is deciding between retirement either this year or the next year. His average monthly benefit is determined to be 52,123.35. Assume that the benefit is the same for this year and the next year Compuce Shen's annual benefit reduction amounts in each of the following scenarios. If Shen retires this year and secures a part-time job earning $17,000, his annual benefit reduction amount is If Shen retires this year secures the same part-time job, and in addition projects interest and dividend earnings of $7,000 per year what his benefit reduction amount is She retires next year and secures the same part-time job, the annual benefit reduction amount is Taxes on Benefits Social Security is paid in with after-tax dollars but may be subject to tax if annual income exceeds a base amount. A single taxpayers basea 125,000: Hamed taxpayersing Jointly have a base of $32,000. Married taxpayers filing separately have a base of zero Suppose Antonio is rebring this year at age 67. The following table shows his data Partine stary Anoda dividend 126,000 12,750 Annual savings account interest Annual interest on Dallas municipal bonds 31,150 and on the income calculated, Antonio will have of the Social Security and Grad Now