to leach you how to design an exercise program. You will heoretical individual (e.g., healthy adult, athlete, etc.) of your hieving the stated goals for the individual. The project he condensed design and 2) a written section you did. The program page may concise, The ultimate goal of this course is design an exercise program for a t choice that would be effective at ac consists of 1) the program portion that contains t that explains how and why you designed the program the way be in chart form or whatever way the student chooses to present their design that is organized, and easy to understand. The design should outline one macrocycle (i.e., approximately one year) of the individual's exercise training. You will then provide two sample weeks from separate mesocycles in which you provide the actual exercise training protocol. in the write-up section, you should explain/discuss every different thing that led you to design your program the way you did. Your r0 ram desi n needs to be rounded in evidence-based gractice [EBPL You need to be able to justify every part of your program. Please see me with any questions about any part of this project. You will complete the following: Design portion (44 points) 0 Program outline (1 or 2 landscaped pages) - 0 Provide a very brief general description for each microcycle and mesocycle that make up the macrocycle you designed. The following exercise programming information should be described for each microcycle: - Goai - Duration - Intensity I volume a Sample week 1 0 Provide the actual exercise training protoco preparatory period of the macrocycle. 0 Sample week 2 (high transfer, competition or peaking) 0 Provide the actual exercise training protocol for a sample week from the competition or peaking period (high transfer) of the macrocycle. I for a sample week from the general