Topic 3: Small pharmacy is straggling with the turnaround time filling prescription. A prescription is sent from a physician to the pharmacy electronically. A simple system is needed to track from when the prescription is received to when it is filled. A unique Custumer ID is assigned for each customer. Customer can have multiple medicines.
INSTRUCTIONS You must receive approval from Administration to create the database. The attached documents contain the information required for your Proposal. This document is due the close of Week 5 and should be labeled with your Committee information. Database Proposal.docxTextEdit File Edit Format View Window Help A B - Wed 2:24 PM Database Proposal(2).docx - Locked ~ Helvetica C Regular 3 12 a B / ! ( 3 3 10 3 v To 10 15 16 17 T 18 21 122 123 124 25 Database Design Proposal cutive Summary Executive Summary section is a common requirement for business documents and exists to provide the project highlights for managers. In a specification, this is probably the only section that executives at the program manager level and above will read. urpose is to provide a clear, accurate, and concise synopsis of the project by highlighting the project's functionality, justification, and cost. verview first portion of the Executive Summary section presents an overview of the software project by summarizing the problems it addresses and the methodology that will be employed. lentified Problems component of the Executive Summary section provides a few paragraphs or bulleted list items that summarize the problems or opportunities within the company that pointed to the need for the solution described in the spec. text here need not identify all specific problems or needs but should at least describe the ones that will be used as a basis for the cost justification topic later in the summary. roposed Solution topic briefly describes the proposed solution and how it will achieve the objectives itemized in the previous Identified Problems topic. These paragraphs should note who in the company will be affected by the project and what the expected effect on their daily work Project Scope his topic, provide a brief description of the scope of the project, including some or all of the following points: When will the project start and end? What are the major milestones: delivery dates and other deadlines? What parties will be involved and what are their individual responsibilities? What existing systems and workflows will be affected during development and deployment? Justification is subsection is essentially the "sales pitch" targeted at the readers that will be involved in approving funding for the project. st Justification his topic, answer the question "Why should the company spend money on this project?" as succinctly as possible. Usually, the justification highlights one or more of the following benefits: Increased Profitability Decreased Expenses Increased Employee Productivity Increased Employee Job Satisfaction 125