Low Range produces too. The company as I costing for its all production system. Low Range has to inventory accounts Raw and in Process fotory and Find Goods Inventory On March 2016, the account balance were Row and In Process ventory, 51,000 whed Goods trwatory51,700. The tal cost of a comed12 directeur conversion och Data for March's activities follow El con la view the dista Read the remonts Requirement 1. What are the mac foatures of a dit production autom such a man of Low Farge? Production activities and contained works Stort setup Brody Products produced in a batches Cerion with contoh metal Data Table - X of a JIT production sy med work cells Number of jackets completed Number of jackets sold on account, for $50 each) Direct materials purchased (on account) Conversion costs incurred 15,000 14,600 $ 177,500 $ 521,000 on-time delivery of dete tries for March. Underd thly. (Record debits first, then credit Print Done in the input fields and more DIVCE Low Range produces fece jackets. The company on IT coming for is a production som Low Range has to inventory accounts Raw and Process Inventory and Fried Goods Inventory On March 2016. the count balances were Raw and in Protetor 50.000 Finished Goods Inventory 11.700. The standard cont of s10.com pod 12 dretter pluk 21 conversion Data for Mardi's activities tollow lick the icon to view the data) Read the more Requrement 2. Prepare summary journal entries to March Underalocated er overallocated conversion costs are come to come Goods Sold monthly Recont des trat en crede bude planten tem Jourrate the purchase of raw materia Date Accounts Debit Credit M 2011 Rwand Processor 7.000 Accounts Payable Low Range produces con jackets The company es conting for a JIT production system Low Range the two entory sur Raw and in Process Inventory and Fished Goods vertory On March 2018. The account balances were Raw and in Process Inventory S8.000 Fred Goods Inventory 51.700 The cost of a S40, compound 512 direct la conversion Data Maret's actives follow Click the contowe data) Read the Credit Jornare the actual conversion boots incurred Date Accounts Mar 2011 Conversion Conte Wege Accommodated Depreciation, whi Debit S:1000 021,000 Low Range produces face jackets. The company uses costing for its uit production to Low Range has two viventory counts Raw and in Prooss tvertory and Fred Goods Imantory. On March 1 2018. The count balances were Rwand In-Process inventory 59.000 Fished Goodstory, 51,700 The standard cost of a jadi 500.composed of 12 direct materiale plus 128 con Data for Mayon's activities follow Click the soon to view the data) Read the Journalize the completed production Date Accounts Deb Cru Mat 2018 Fit Good Inver B00000 Rw In Process Inventory 180.000 Corwension Costs Low Range produce fleecejackets. The company uses JIT costing for its IT production system.Low Range has two inventory accounts Raw and In-Proos inventory and Finished Goods Inventory On March 2018, the account balans were Raw and In Procons Inventory, 50.000 Finished Goods inventory, 51.700 The standard cont of a jackets $40.composed of 12 direct mater als plus 52cion costs. Data for March's activities follow Click the icon to view the data) Read the requirements Journalize the sales on account. (Do not record the costs related to the Marchalen. We will do this in the following up) Date Accounts Credit Mar 2018 Account Recova 750.000 750,000 Debat Sale Prvene Low Rage produces con jack The company w JITcosting for its production syster Low Rangels womentary Raw and Processory and Govery On March 2018, the account balance were Raw and in Process Inventory50.000. Finnhed Goole to $1700. The state cost of us 40, corpood of 12 drac materiale con con Data Mart's activities forlow Cho then we data Read the Journame the cost of for Moth Date Mai 2010 out of Goods sold Accounts Debit Credi 55.000 Low Rarge produce fleecejackets. The company uses at coming for its production system.Low Range has to inventory count Raw and In-Proces Inventory and ined Goods Inventory On March 1 2018, he account balances were award in. Proces Inventory 50,000. Fred Goods invertor 1700 The standard cost of a jaket in 40 cod 17 de materials pus 52concol Dwafar March's activities foow Click the icon to view the data) Road the Jomate the entry to adjust the Convention Costs account Accounts Mw2010 Cost of Goods Sold Credit Debit 101,600 10000 Low Range produces fece jackets. The company uses JIT costing for production to Low Raron has two inventory accounts and in Proces vertory and Frihed Goods invertory On March 2018, the account balances were Raw and in Process inventory $5.000. Finished Goods Inventory, 51.700. The standard cost of a jacket is 340, composed of 512 direct materiais pas 528 conversion costs Datator Mok's activities follow Click the konto vw the data) Read the current Requirement 3. Use a T-account to determine the March 31, 2018, balance of Raw and in Process thertory Enter the beginning balance "Baton the first line of the account, Use the completing references to out the Mwen sections or the month and cold and enter the ending to Be Taccount Rawand in Process Inventory