One of the main differences between U.S. GAAP and IAS IFRS is the measurement of property, plast & equipment sutnequent to initial recognition. Read IAS 16 and awwer the following questions. Provide a list of the references you have used to search this topic 1) What are the accounting models accepted under IFRS for the measurement of property, plant & equipment subscquent to initial recognition? 2) How often should the company revalue its property, plant & equipment under the evaluation model? 3) How should the revolution Suits and losses be accounted for and reported in the financial statement? 4) How should any claim for compensation from third parties for impaiment be accounted for! 5) How should the recoverability of the carrying amount of property, plant & equipment be accounted for! 6) How should any revaluation surplus from a revalood annet de treated if the revalodasiet is disposed of 7) What additional disclosures should be made if property, plant & equipment are stated at revalued amounts? 8) Explain the effect on the company's financial statements if a company switches from the historical cost principle to the revaluation medel? How should this chanpe be accounted for in the financial statements? One of the main differences between U.S. GAAP and IAS IFRS is the measurement of property, plant & equipment subsequent to initial recognition. Read IAS 16 and answer the following questions. Provide a list of the references you have used to search this topic 1) What are the accounting models accepted under IFRS for the measurement of property, plant & cquipment subsequent to initial recognition? 2) How often should the company revalue its property, plant & equipment under the revaluation model? 3) How should the revaluation gains and losses be accounted for and reported in the financial statements? 4) How should any claim for compensation from third parties for impairment be accounted for? 5) How should the recoverability of the carrying amount of property, plant & equipment be accounted for? 6) How should any revaluation surplus from a revalued asset be treated if the revalued asset is disposed of? 7) What additional disclosures should be made if property, plant & equipment are stated at revalued amounts? 8) Explain the effect on the company's financial statements if a company switches from the historical cost principle to the Tevaluation model? How should this change be accounted for in the financial statements