Solve the questions to the Case Study and upload the answers latest by 011/2020 Can information Systems Save US Steel? In capacity US Steel (US) is the largest integrated steel producer in North America and the largest in the United States. Its largest customer is the Fort Moto Company, an automobile manufacturer that requires an immense amount of steel. In 1996, Ford viewed USS as the worst in performance amongst its leading suppliers and it threatened to turn elsewhere for its steel supplies despite their 70-year relationship. We were in danger of losing Ford's business, explained Gene True USS CIO. "It was that serious." Ford's biggest complaint, among many was that it was not notified when its steel shipments would arrive, leaving Ford unable to operate were often manual, very imprecise, and nited with strors. Moreover, once an order arrived. USS was unable to track it ouring processing uss was unable to follow each order as it was processed and delivered. USS replaced its order fulfilment system with 2 Technologies Factory Planner forecasting or which the programmers connected to their order system. They also connected three homegrown systems, including a which tracksonders as they go to processors crostomers and an automatic order person system for repeat customers called MIGS (Mechanical em Generation System is reduced inventory by proving the forecasting of demand for finished poods at the commercio When MIGS was first used. It reduced inventories from 32500 to 24,000 tons. The items been upgraded and is now called MOGS (Mechanical Order Gerion Systems Sindi new keeps only 20 days of inventory on hand to meet demand, while treured 13 days of inventory on hand in five years ago Q1: Who W US Steels 10 and what was his objective Q2. Why was USS known to have the worst performance amongst is suppliers 03 Wat is there between MIGS and MOGST Solve the questions to the Case Study and upload the answers latest by 011/2020 Can information Systems Save US Steel? In capacity US Steel (US) is the largest integrated steel producer in North America and the largest in the United States. Its largest customer is the Fort Moto Company, an automobile manufacturer that requires an immense amount of steel. In 1996, Ford viewed USS as the worst in performance amongst its leading suppliers and it threatened to turn elsewhere for its steel supplies despite their 70-year relationship. We were in danger of losing Ford's business, explained Gene True USS CIO. "It was that serious." Ford's biggest complaint, among many was that it was not notified when its steel shipments would arrive, leaving Ford unable to operate were often manual, very imprecise, and nited with strors. Moreover, once an order arrived. USS was unable to track it ouring processing uss was unable to follow each order as it was processed and delivered. USS replaced its order fulfilment system with 2 Technologies Factory Planner forecasting or which the programmers connected to their order system. They also connected three homegrown systems, including a which tracksonders as they go to processors crostomers and an automatic order person system for repeat customers called MIGS (Mechanical em Generation System is reduced inventory by proving the forecasting of demand for finished poods at the commercio When MIGS was first used. It reduced inventories from 32500 to 24,000 tons. The items been upgraded and is now called MOGS (Mechanical Order Gerion Systems Sindi new keeps only 20 days of inventory on hand to meet demand, while treured 13 days of inventory on hand in five years ago Q1: Who W US Steels 10 and what was his objective Q2. Why was USS known to have the worst performance amongst is suppliers 03 Wat is there between MIGS and MOGST