TruScreen Group Limited (TRU.AX) Ramsay Health Care Limited (RHC.AX) EBOS Group Limited (EBO.AX) Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022
TruScreen Group Limited (TRU.AX) Ramsay Health Care Limited (RHC.AX) EBOS Group Limited (EBO.AX) Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0 Date 16/01/2024 Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume 0.022 0.02 0.02 0.02 76,920 17/012024 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0 18012024 49.45 50.099998 49.24 49.34 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0 19/012024 50.02 49.73 49.7 50.310001 49.16 49.240002 48.950001 49.57 49.369999 49.01886 555,042 Date 16/012024 49.700001 49.346516 446,645 17/01/2024 49.389999 49.038719 462,244 18012024 49.700001 49.346516 480,600 19/012024 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 27,904 22/012024 50.12 50.860001 50 50.860001 50.498264 296,229 22/012024 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 25 23/012024 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0 24/01/2024 50.87 52.064999 51.41 51.68 0.022 0.024 0.022 0.023 0.023 371,050 25/01/2024 52.22 52.220001 0.024 0.024 0.022 0.022 0.022 119,210 29/012024 51.28 51.389999 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0 30012024 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0 31012024 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0 102/2024 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 170,000 2/02/2024 50.21 50.595001 50.49 51.23 51.08 51.209999 51.07 50.740002 50.970001 50.200001 49.950001 50 50.220001 51.450001 51.084068 368,820 23/012024 50.470001 51.25 50.939999 51.59 51.080002 50.110001 50.259998 51.23 50.799999 51.150002 51.223072 214,770 24/012024 50.716702 449,122 25/012024 49.753597 418,289 49.902531 346,811 30/012024 50.865631 660,151 31012024 50.43869 291,176 102/2024 50.786201 395,937 2/02/2024 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0 5/02/2024 50.71 50.93 50.299999 50.779999 50.418831 569,784 5/02/2024 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0 6/02/2024 50.65 50.82 50.16 50.189999 49.833027 347,915 6/02/2024 0.023 0.025 0.023 0.025 0.025 786,110 7/02/2024 50.17 50.650002 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 39,600 802/2024 50.52 0.025 0.028 0.025 0.028 0.028 835,859 9/02/2024 0.023431 0.023431 0.023431 0.023431 0.023431 74,899 12/02/2024 0.023431 0.023431 0.023431 0.023431 0.023431 23 13/02/2024 50.69 51.560001 51.28 51.34 51.24 52.040001 0.023431 0.023431 0.021556 0.022494 0.022494 55,095 14/02/2024 50.96 51.810001 49.799999 51.02 50.400002 50.639999 50.470001 51.07 50.959999 50.369999 50.011749 436,483 50.700001 50.339401 206,923 51.34 51.049999 50.97485 269,270 50.686913 171,401 0.021556 0.023431 0.021556 0.023431 0.023431 65,059 15/02/2024 51.55 52.240002 0.023431 0.023431 0.023431 0.023431 0.023431 0 16/02/2024 0.02343 0.02343 0.02343 0.02343 0.02343 0 19/02/2024 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 22 20/02/2024 0.025 0.026 0.025 0.025 0.025 88,678 2102/2024 52.24 52.52 52.34 52.34 50.9 51.029999 50.67 51.25 51.5 52 52 51.439999 51.779999 51.630157 346,810 Open 33.360001 33.400002 33.18 32.900002 33.060001 33 33.25 33.349998 29/012024 33.650002 34.02 34.639999 34.689999 34.880001 34.16 33.93 7/02/2024 34.099998 8/02/2024 34.490002 902/2024 33.599998 12/02/2024 34.259998 13/02/2024 34.029999 High Low Close 33.5 33.029999 33.459999 32.919998 33.369999 33.009998 33.290001 32.900002 33.349998 32.73 33.73 32.810001 34.060001 33.200001 34.380001 33.349998 34.189999 33.549999 34.849998 35.18 34.540001 33.369999 Adj Close 32.915722 Volume 17,274 33.09 33.139999 32.639534 41,299 32.688854 20,705 33.009998 33.02 33.560001 32.560623 30,272 32.570488 37,033 33.103138 16,715 34 33.77 33.939999 33.939999 34.82 34.77 33.310276 22,314 33.477962 21,602 33.477962 32,286 34.345982 41,828 34.296665 40,680 51.074139 307,409 14/02/2024 51.41172 309,937 15/02/2024 52.23 51.858521 298,673 50.700001 50.209999 50.459999 50.82 50.458549 350,810 50.790001 50.509998 50.428764 292,822 50.150753 353,981 16/02/2024 19/02/2024 20/02/2024 21/02/2024 33.799999 34.290001 34.27 34.099998 34.09 33.779999 34.970001 34.419998 35.139999 34.360001 34.599998 32.994999 34.299999 33.759998 34.900002 34.049999 34.5 33.57 34.43 33.580002 34.389999 33.91 34.27 33.709999 35 33.790001 34.735001 33.900002 34.959999 34.189999 35.099998 33.610001 35.310001 33.689999 34.779999 33.709999 34.759998 34.2868 37,195 34.360001 33.892246 24,955 33.950001 33.487827 53,448 34.23 34.849998 33.764015 20,034 34.375572 31,952 33.57 33.112999 27,580 34.349998 33.990002 33.849998 34.41 33.882381 31,689 33.527283 16,112 33.389187 30,780 33.941566 20,541 34.25 34.599998 33.610001 34.279999 34.27 33.783745 34.128975 26,382 19,697 33.152454 21,245 33.813332 33.803471 170,958 111,184 All Ords Index 7647.1 Return on Index Truscreen share Truscreen share Predicted Abnormal All Ords Return on price return Return Return 0.022 Date 16/1/2024 Index Index 7647.1 7622.5 -0.32% 0.02 -9.09% -0.52% -8.57% Alpha -0.00113408 17/1/2024 7622.5 7575.6 -0.62% 0.02 0.00% -0.89% 0.89% Beta 1.26165393 18/1/2024 7575.6 -0.32% -0.62% Ramsay share price 105.760002 106 105.760002 Ramsay share Return Predicted Return Abnormal Return All Ords Return on Date Index Index 16/1/2024 7647.1 EBOS share EBOS share price 33.369999 Return Predicted return Abnormal Return 0.23% -0.02% 0.25% Alpha -0.23% -0.01% 7652.3 1.01% 0.02 0.00% 1.16% -1.16% 19/1/2024 7652.3 106 0.23% -0.07% -0.22% Beta 0.29% -0.00032461 -0.03346925 17/1/2024 7622.5 -0.32% 18/1/2024 7575.6 -0.62% 33.09 33.139999 -0.84% 0.17% -1.01% Alpha 0.001810 0.15% 0.16% -0.01% Beta 0.037969 19/1/2024 7652.3 1.01% 33.009998 -0.39% 0.22% -0.61% 7702.3 0.65% 0.022 10.00% 0.71% 9.29% CAR 0.16590015 22/01/2024 7702.3 0.65% 105.849998 -0.14% -0.05% -0.09% CAR 0.01369254 22/01/2024 7702.3 0.65% 33.02 0.03% 0.21% -0.18% CAR -0.016993 7742.1 0.52% 0.022 0.00% 0.54% -0.54% 23/01/2024 7742.1 0.52% 106 0.14% -0.05% 0.19% 23/01/2024 7742.1 0.52% 33.560001 1.64% 0.20% 1.43% 7748.1 0.08% 0.022 0.00% -0.02% 0.02% 24/01/2024 7748.1 0.08% 106 0.00% -0.03% 0.03% 24/01/2024 7748.1 0.08% 33.77 0.63% 0.18% 0.44% 7785.2 0.48% 0.023 4.55% 0.49% 4.05% 25/01/2024 7785.2 0.48% 106 0.00% -0.05% 0.05% 25/01/2024 7785.2 0.48% 33.939999 0.50% 0.20% 0.30% 7808.3 0.30% 0.022 -4.35% 0.26% -4.61% 29/01/2024 7808.3 0.30% 105.800003 -0.19% -0.04% -0.15% 29/01/2024 7808.3 0.30% 33.939999 0.00% 0.19% -0.19% 7835 0.34% 0.022 0.00% 0.32% -0.32% 30/01/2024 7835 0.34% 106 0.19% -0.04% 0.23% 30/01/2024 7835 0.34% 34.82 2.59% 0.19% 2.40% 7912.8 0.99% 0.022 0.00% 1.14% -1.14% 31/01/2024 7912.8 0.99% 106.300003 0.28% -0.07% 0.35% 31/01/2024 7912.8 0.99% 34.77 -0.14% 0.22% -0.36% 7818.8 -1.19% 0.022 0.00% -1.61% 1.61% 2/01/2024 7818.8 -1.19% 106.300003 0.00% 0.01% -0.01% 2/01/2024 7818.8 -1.19% 34.759998 -0.03% 0.14% -0.16% 7931.6 1.44% 0.022 0.00% 1.71% -1.71% 2/02/2024 7931.6 1.44% 105.5 -0.75% -0.08% -0.67% 2/02/2024 7931.6 1.44% 34.360001 -1.15% 0.24% -1.39% 7855.6 -0.96% 0.022 0.00% -1.32% 1.32% 2/05/2024 7855.6 -0.96% 105.5 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2/05/2024 7855.6 7808.9 -0.59% 0.022 0.00% -0.86% 0.86% 2/06/2024 7808.9 -0.59% 105.199997 -0.28% -0.01% -0.27% 2/06/2024 7808.9 -0.96% -0.59% 33.950001 -1.19% 0.14% -1.34% 34.23 0.82% 0.16% 0.67% 7850.9 0.54% 0.025 13.64% 0.57% 13.07% 2/07/2024 7850.9 0.54% 105.150002 -0.05% -0.05% 0.00% 2/07/2024 7850.9 0.54% 7875.2 0.31% 0.025 0.00% 0.28% -0.28% 2/08/2024 7875.2 0.31% 105.970001 0.78% -0.04% 0.82% 2/08/2024 7875.2 7884.7 0.12% 0.028 12.00% 0.04% 11.96% 2/09/2024 7884.7 0.12% 105.599998 -0.35% -0.04% -0.31% 2/09/2024 7884.7 0.31% 0.12% 34.849998 33.57 34.349998 1.81% 0.20% 1.61% -3.67% 0.19% -3.87% 2.32% 0.19% 2.14% 7860.3 -0.31% 0.023431 -16.32% -0.50% -15.81% 2/12/2024 7860.3 -0.31% 105.809998 0.20% -0.02% 0.22% 2/12/2024 7860.3 -0.31% 33.990002 -1.05% 0.17% -1.22% 7847.8 -0.16% 0.023431 0.00% -0.31% 0.31% 13/02/2024 7847.8 -0.16% 105.169998 -0.60% -0.03% -0.58% 13/02/2024 7847.8 -0.16% 33.849998 -0.41% 0.17% -0.59% 7790.5 -0.73% 0.022494 -4.00% -1.03% -2.96% 14/02/2024 7790.5 -0.73% 105.739998 0.54% -0.01% 0.55% 14/02/2024 7790.5 -0.73% 34.41 1.65% 0.15% 1.50% 7851.7 0.79% 0.023431 4.17% 0.88% 3.29% 15/02/2024 7851.7 0.79% 106 0.25% -0.06% 0.30% 15/02/2024 7851.7 0.79% 34.25 -0.46% 0.21% -0.68% 7905.6 0.69% 0.023431 0.00% 0.75% -0.75% 16/02/2024 7905.6 0.69% 106.389999 0.37% -0.05% 0.42% 16/02/2024 7905.6 0.69% 34.599998 1.02% 0.21% 0.81% 7913.3 0.10% 0.02343 0.00% 0.01% -0.01% 19/02/2024 7913.3 0.10% 106.199997 -0.18% -0.04% -0.14% 19/02/2024 7913.3 0.10% 33.610001 -2.86% 0.18% -3.05% 7911.5 -0.02% 0.025 6.70% -0.14% 6.84% 20/02/2024 7911.5 -0.02% 106.199997 0.00% -0.03% 0.03% 20/02/2024 7911.5 7860 -0.65% 0.025 0.00% -0.93% 0.93% 21/02/2024 7860 -0.65% 106.25 0.05% -0.01% 0.06% 21/02/2024 -0.02% -0.65% 34.279999 1.99% 0.18% 1.81% 34.27 -0.03% 0.16% -0.19%
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