Typical past sales reports may include: - Size and color analysis - Pricing and no classification -Inactive sales for twelve-month planning -Open-to-buy positions -Basic stock replenishment -Price adjustments -Unit sales summaries True False Price points may include - A price breakdown - May include only current price points -Additions to price points will require guesses as to necessary quantities - Buyer prepares a price breakdown - May include addition or deletion of existing price points - Additions to price points will require guesses as to necessary quantities - Buyer prepares a sku breakdown - May include addition or deletion of existing price points - Additions to price points will require guesses as to necessary quantities - Buyer prepares a price breakdown - May include addition or deletion of existing price points -Additions to price points will not include guesses as to necessary quantities Product Exclusivity means retailers - May not use private label merchandise - May opt to forego exclusivity and choose nationally branded products - Exclusive merchandise can attract shoppers with needs for such merchandise - Retailers may not obtain higher markup on merchandise : Some retailers opt in for exclusivity - Exclusive merchandise can attract shoppers with needs for such merchandise - Retailers may obtain higher markup on merchandise - May use private label merchandise - Some retailers opt to forego exclusivity and choose nationally branded products None of the above One of the requirements for a successful vendor relationship is -Buyers depend on associates and peers to follow through with all goods, all substitutions, acceptance of legitimate returns, and good no good in business dealings True Faise For independent stores the following applies: - Acquire merchandise for resale - Travel in an effort to locate merchandise - Timing of purchases depends upon the retail strategy - Merchandise shipped to the warehouse to serve needs of stores - Buyer must then allocate merchandise purchased -Must analyze the needs of each store True False