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Uml diagram ..ll Ultra @ 87% 11:35 AM project2.pdf Carefully implement each method, and make sure object immutability is maintained. ADT Character String ( String

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..ll Ultra @ 87% 11:35 AM project2.pdf Carefully implement each method, and make sure object immutability is maintained. ADT Character String ( String Specification Specify operations to Three overloading constructors: Create an empty Linkedering instance, A new character linked list is allocated that it represents the sequence of characters currently contained in the character ist argument LinkedString Create a Lindering instance containing a sequence of characters A new character linked list is allocated that it represents the sequence of characters currently contained in the character list argument. (LinkedString choro Create a Linkedering instance containing same sequence of characters as a String instance A new character linked list is initialed so that it represents the same sequence of characters as the Sering argument indring/String). Other methods (MUST be implemented to enforce object immutability return the chor value at the specified index. The first character in this linked characterstring is in positioner cherchereint. Note: This linked string must be kept immutabile concatenate the specified linked characterstring to the end of this linked character string Linkering conca LinkedString. Note: This linked string and the specified linked string must be kept immutable returns true if, and only length is hoolean impo Note: This linked string must be kept immutable. return the length of this linked charactersting in length Note: This linked string must be kept immutable return a new linked character string that is a substring of this linked character string LinkedStringsutstringit int). Note: This linked string must be kept immutable ADT Character String Design Complete a UMI diagram to include all classes that are needed to meet the specifications. An Interface is usually defined to include all operations. A class implementing this interface provides implementation details Exceptions should to be considered when operations are designed in the design you should include the design of the ADT Character StringLinkedString the design of Node that is required for designing a doubly linked list. The following shows the skeleton of the design for this project ADT Character String Reference-based implementation: Adoubly linked lint must be used as the data structure to store a list of characters there is ONLY one external reference, head to the linked list). A doubly linked list must be designed and implemented first, and then can be uses as the data structure of ADT Character Sering The design of doubly linked it has been discussed in class you must implement it, and use it as part of this project. U Olect as the element type of a mode in a doubly linkedin. Implement i ng that it is consistent with the Sering class A LinkedString o u t t u table object Implement al classes included the design Lavadoc comments should be included during this activity. Class comments must be included right above the corresponding class header Method comments must be included right above the coresponding method header. All comments must be written in lavadoc format ADT Character String Test/Debug: Notect is required to store all testing data in a file To test Linkedering design, all operations in the design must be tested. This can be done as follows: Ultra 11:35 AM @ 87% project2.pdf Create a link ing instance containing same sequence of characters as a string instance Anwcharacteristiind so that the same for menta l the Other methods (MUST be mglemented to force object immutability return the short the precedine. The fint character in this charcho Note: This link ing must be . Conhecided the categ o charg e stand only g oo the length of this characters Note: This must be time ADT CharacterString Design Com a Umagamtoncluded that we need to meet the c on c e y defined to include alerton Adimplementing the provides i n de Exception should to be considered when operations are designed in the design you should include the design of the ADT Charter Stringi t ing the design Node that is required for designing a doubly linked list. The following shows the s on of the design for this pro ADT Character String Reference and implementation Adolynes must be used as the data structure to store of characters the ONLY reference to the ked A doubled must be d andmemented and the new as the data structure of ADT Characters The den of duty been doin u t glement it, and it as part of this prote ct the centre of ad d e d moment in this content wh the A g e nt implementales included the designado comments should be included during this comments must be included right above the com i ng Method com b ined ADT Charter String Test To o thbeete Thibe done the Retrieve the last characteroid character of each i ng from the a n d Deplay and strings in the list again to make sure that a r e not changed . Content and strong with mestiering and display the conten t for the ray Displayed rings in the m ain to make th e changed Gets and display both brings and animali It is not efficient to let min to do all Method man should be very small and should be the only method in the cast should invoke methods that is decomposed m ethods for p a rte Every method should be designed as a single-minded method for meCass Linkedinst contains method mai classinering is clothes are used for testing Carefully implement each method, and make sure object immutability is maintained. ADT Character String (LinkedString]Specification: Specify operations to Three overloading constructors: Create an empty LinkedString instance. A new character linked list is allocated so that it represents the sequence of characters currently contained in the character list argument. (LinkedString[]). create a LinkedString instance containing a sequence of characters. A new character linked list is allocated so that it represents the sequence of characters currently contained in the character list argument. (LinkedStringichar() create a LinkedString instance containing same sequence of characters as a String instance. A new character linked list is initialized so that it represents the same sequence of characters as the String argument (LinkedString/String)). Other methods (MUST be implemented to enforce object immutability): return the char value at the specified index. The first character in this linked character string is in position zero. (char charAt(int)). Note: This linked string must be kept immutable. concatenate the specified linked character string to the end of this linked character string(LinkedString concat(LinkedString)). Note: This linked string and the specified linked string must be kept immutable returns true if, and only if, length() is 0. (boolean isEmpty()). Note: This linked string must be kept immutable. return the length of this linked character string(int length()). Note: This linked string must be kept immutable. return a new linked character string that is a substring of this linked character string (LinkedString substringfint, int)). Note: This linked string must be kept immutable. ADT Character String Design: Complete a UML diagram to include all classes that are needed to meet the specifications. An interface class is usually defined to include all operations. A class implementing this interface provides implementation details. Exceptions should to be considered when operations are designed In the design, you should include the design of the ADT Character String LinkedString), the design of Node that is required for designing a doubly linked list. The following shows the skeleton of the design for this project. ADT Character String Reference-based Implementation: A doubly linked list must be used, as the data structure, to store a list of characters (there is ONLY one external reference, head, to the linked list). A doubly linked list must be designed and implemented first, and then it can be uses as the data structure of ADT Character String. The design of doubly linked list has been discussed in class, you must implement it, and use it as part of this project. Use Object as the element type of a node in a doubly linked list. Implement LinkedString so that it is consistent with the String class. A LinkedString object must be an immutable object. Implement all classes included the design. Javadoc comments should be included during this activity. Class comments must be included right above the corresponding class header. Method comments must be included right above the corresponding method header. All comments must be written in Javadoc format. ADT Character String Test/Debug: Note: It is required to store all testing data in a file. To test LinkedString design, all operations in the design must be tested. This can be done as follows: Create an array list of LinkesString objects using testing data stored in a text file, and check emptiness of all linked strings. Display all linked strings and their lengths in the array list. Retrieve the last character or mid character of each LinkedString object from the array list, and display them. Display all linked strings in the array list again to make sure that all objects are not changed. Concatenate a linked string with next linked string, and display the concatenated string, repeat for the entire array list. Display all linked strings in the array list again to make sure that all objects are not changed. Get sub strings and display both substrings and original strings. Test other methods. It is not efficient to let main to do all. Method main should be very small and should be the only method in the class. It should invoke a method (start) that is decomposed into more methods (createList, displayList...) in a separate class. Every method should be designed as a single-minded method. For example, Class LinkedStringTest contains method main; class LinkedString Utility is a helper class. Both classes are used for testing. Testing data file: A linked string can be made with a string or an array of characters. To test the design of ADT Character String, you may store a list of names like this in a file. Read some of them as strings, and create linked strings with them. Continue to read more strings, convert them into char arrays, and use char arrays to make more linked strings. Olivia Oliver Amelia Harry Isla Jack Emily George Ava Noah Lily Charlie Jacob Sophia Alfie Isabella Freddie Grace Oscar Part V: Project Analysis Report Requirements: The report must be submitted as a PDF format. The report must be named using the following name convention LastName FirstName Project 02 Analysis Report. o For example, Smith John Project 02 Analysis Report The report must be at least 4 pages long, and must use Time New Roman 12, and 1.5 lines line spacing The project analysis report is a written document describing the activities and details that have taken place during the project implementation. Project analysis plays an important role in the design, execution, feasibility and evaluation of projects. In this report, you will document details for the following items: Software Design and implementation o Specification O Design o Code o Test/Debug a. Test cases Lesson learned Future development Revisions 10 ..ll Ultra @ 87% 11:35 AM project2.pdf Carefully implement each method, and make sure object immutability is maintained. ADT Character String ( String Specification Specify operations to Three overloading constructors: Create an empty Linkedering instance, A new character linked list is allocated that it represents the sequence of characters currently contained in the character ist argument LinkedString Create a Lindering instance containing a sequence of characters A new character linked list is allocated that it represents the sequence of characters currently contained in the character list argument. (LinkedString choro Create a Linkedering instance containing same sequence of characters as a String instance A new character linked list is initialed so that it represents the same sequence of characters as the Sering argument indring/String). Other methods (MUST be implemented to enforce object immutability return the chor value at the specified index. The first character in this linked characterstring is in positioner cherchereint. Note: This linked string must be kept immutabile concatenate the specified linked characterstring to the end of this linked character string Linkering conca LinkedString. Note: This linked string and the specified linked string must be kept immutable returns true if, and only length is hoolean impo Note: This linked string must be kept immutable. return the length of this linked charactersting in length Note: This linked string must be kept immutable return a new linked character string that is a substring of this linked character string LinkedStringsutstringit int). Note: This linked string must be kept immutable ADT Character String Design Complete a UMI diagram to include all classes that are needed to meet the specifications. An Interface is usually defined to include all operations. A class implementing this interface provides implementation details Exceptions should to be considered when operations are designed in the design you should include the design of the ADT Character StringLinkedString the design of Node that is required for designing a doubly linked list. The following shows the skeleton of the design for this project ADT Character String Reference-based implementation: Adoubly linked lint must be used as the data structure to store a list of characters there is ONLY one external reference, head to the linked list). A doubly linked list must be designed and implemented first, and then can be uses as the data structure of ADT Character Sering The design of doubly linked it has been discussed in class you must implement it, and use it as part of this project. U Olect as the element type of a mode in a doubly linkedin. Implement i ng that it is consistent with the Sering class A LinkedString o u t t u table object Implement al classes included the design Lavadoc comments should be included during this activity. Class comments must be included right above the corresponding class header Method comments must be included right above the coresponding method header. All comments must be written in lavadoc format ADT Character String Test/Debug: Notect is required to store all testing data in a file To test Linkedering design, all operations in the design must be tested. This can be done as follows: Ultra 11:35 AM @ 87% project2.pdf Create a link ing instance containing same sequence of characters as a string instance Anwcharacteristiind so that the same for menta l the Other methods (MUST be mglemented to force object immutability return the short the precedine. The fint character in this charcho Note: This link ing must be . Conhecided the categ o charg e stand only g oo the length of this characters Note: This must be time ADT CharacterString Design Com a Umagamtoncluded that we need to meet the c on c e y defined to include alerton Adimplementing the provides i n de Exception should to be considered when operations are designed in the design you should include the design of the ADT Charter Stringi t ing the design Node that is required for designing a doubly linked list. The following shows the s on of the design for this pro ADT Character String Reference and implementation Adolynes must be used as the data structure to store of characters the ONLY reference to the ked A doubled must be d andmemented and the new as the data structure of ADT Characters The den of duty been doin u t glement it, and it as part of this prote ct the centre of ad d e d moment in this content wh the A g e nt implementales included the designado comments should be included during this comments must be included right above the com i ng Method com b ined ADT Charter String Test To o thbeete Thibe done the Retrieve the last characteroid character of each i ng from the a n d Deplay and strings in the list again to make sure that a r e not changed . Content and strong with mestiering and display the conten t for the ray Displayed rings in the m ain to make th e changed Gets and display both brings and animali It is not efficient to let min to do all Method man should be very small and should be the only method in the cast should invoke methods that is decomposed m ethods for p a rte Every method should be designed as a single-minded method for meCass Linkedinst contains method mai classinering is clothes are used for testing Carefully implement each method, and make sure object immutability is maintained. ADT Character String (LinkedString]Specification: Specify operations to Three overloading constructors: Create an empty LinkedString instance. A new character linked list is allocated so that it represents the sequence of characters currently contained in the character list argument. (LinkedString[]). create a LinkedString instance containing a sequence of characters. A new character linked list is allocated so that it represents the sequence of characters currently contained in the character list argument. (LinkedStringichar() create a LinkedString instance containing same sequence of characters as a String instance. A new character linked list is initialized so that it represents the same sequence of characters as the String argument (LinkedString/String)). Other methods (MUST be implemented to enforce object immutability): return the char value at the specified index. The first character in this linked character string is in position zero. (char charAt(int)). Note: This linked string must be kept immutable. concatenate the specified linked character string to the end of this linked character string(LinkedString concat(LinkedString)). Note: This linked string and the specified linked string must be kept immutable returns true if, and only if, length() is 0. (boolean isEmpty()). Note: This linked string must be kept immutable. return the length of this linked character string(int length()). Note: This linked string must be kept immutable. return a new linked character string that is a substring of this linked character string (LinkedString substringfint, int)). Note: This linked string must be kept immutable. ADT Character String Design: Complete a UML diagram to include all classes that are needed to meet the specifications. An interface class is usually defined to include all operations. A class implementing this interface provides implementation details. Exceptions should to be considered when operations are designed In the design, you should include the design of the ADT Character String LinkedString), the design of Node that is required for designing a doubly linked list. The following shows the skeleton of the design for this project. ADT Character String Reference-based Implementation: A doubly linked list must be used, as the data structure, to store a list of characters (there is ONLY one external reference, head, to the linked list). A doubly linked list must be designed and implemented first, and then it can be uses as the data structure of ADT Character String. The design of doubly linked list has been discussed in class, you must implement it, and use it as part of this project. Use Object as the element type of a node in a doubly linked list. Implement LinkedString so that it is consistent with the String class. A LinkedString object must be an immutable object. Implement all classes included the design. Javadoc comments should be included during this activity. Class comments must be included right above the corresponding class header. Method comments must be included right above the corresponding method header. All comments must be written in Javadoc format. ADT Character String Test/Debug: Note: It is required to store all testing data in a file. To test LinkedString design, all operations in the design must be tested. This can be done as follows: Create an array list of LinkesString objects using testing data stored in a text file, and check emptiness of all linked strings. Display all linked strings and their lengths in the array list. Retrieve the last character or mid character of each LinkedString object from the array list, and display them. Display all linked strings in the array list again to make sure that all objects are not changed. Concatenate a linked string with next linked string, and display the concatenated string, repeat for the entire array list. Display all linked strings in the array list again to make sure that all objects are not changed. Get sub strings and display both substrings and original strings. Test other methods. It is not efficient to let main to do all. Method main should be very small and should be the only method in the class. It should invoke a method (start) that is decomposed into more methods (createList, displayList...) in a separate class. Every method should be designed as a single-minded method. For example, Class LinkedStringTest contains method main; class LinkedString Utility is a helper class. Both classes are used for testing. Testing data file: A linked string can be made with a string or an array of characters. To test the design of ADT Character String, you may store a list of names like this in a file. Read some of them as strings, and create linked strings with them. Continue to read more strings, convert them into char arrays, and use char arrays to make more linked strings. Olivia Oliver Amelia Harry Isla Jack Emily George Ava Noah Lily Charlie Jacob Sophia Alfie Isabella Freddie Grace Oscar Part V: Project Analysis Report Requirements: The report must be submitted as a PDF format. The report must be named using the following name convention LastName FirstName Project 02 Analysis Report. o For example, Smith John Project 02 Analysis Report The report must be at least 4 pages long, and must use Time New Roman 12, and 1.5 lines line spacing The project analysis report is a written document describing the activities and details that have taken place during the project implementation. Project analysis plays an important role in the design, execution, feasibility and evaluation of projects. In this report, you will document details for the following items: Software Design and implementation o Specification O Design o Code o Test/Debug a. Test cases Lesson learned Future development Revisions 10

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