1. To study the motion of a body along an inclined plane under the action of its weight or by the pull of gravity.
2. To determine the distance travelled during one interval.
3. To calculate uniform acceleration of the body from the obtaine data.
Material: Ticker tape timer, paper tape, inclined plane, cart, meter stick and table stand.
Velocity is speed with a specific direction. It seldom happens that the velocity of a moving body is constant since in most cases the velocity changes from time to time. Motion in which the velocity changes is called accelerated motion. The rate of change in velocity is called acceleration.
UNIFORMLY ACCELERATED MOTION Total Total distance Time Distance Traveled | Average speed Acceleration time (cm) interval during each time during each (cm/dot-) (dots) (5dots) interval time interval (cm/dot) DATA: 5 10 5 Table 1: First Trial 15 5 20 5 25 5 Total Total Time Distance Average Acceleration time distance interval Traveled speed (cm/dot-) 30 5 (dots) (cm) (5dots) during during 35 5 each time | each time interval interval 15 (cm/dot) 45 5 5 5 50 5 10 5 15 Average acceleration = (cm/dot?) 20 5 25 Conclusion: 30 5 35 40 45 5 50 5 GRAPH Average acceleration = _(cm/dot?) a. v vs. t b. d vs t c. a vs t Table 2: Second Trial) rate of change in velocity Av average acceleration(a) = = change in time At \fUNIFORMLY ACCELERATED MOTION OBJECTIVES: 1. To study the motion of a body along an inclined plane under the action of its weight or by the pull of gravity. 2. To determine the distance travelled during one interval. 3. To calculate uniform acceleration of the body from the obtaine data. Material: Ticker tape timer, paper tape, inclined plane, cart, meter stick and table stand THEORY: Velocity is speed with a specific direction. It seldom happens that the velocity of a moving body is constant since in most cases the velocity changes from time to time. Motion in which the velocity changes is called accelerated motion. The rate of change in velocity is called acceleration. . rate of change in velocity Av average acceleration(a) = = change in time At When only the speed changes by a constant amount wiout a change in the direction of motion, the body is said to be undergoing uniformly accelerated motion. PROCEDURES: 1. Incline the plane using a small angle of inclination. Set up the rest of the materials as shown in the figure below. The [a[aer tape is attached to one end of the cart and inserted between the clapper and the carbon paper disk. paper taps incljned plane Figure 1 2. Start the timer and release the cart. Stop the cart as it reaches the lower end of the incline. 3. Mark the first distinct dot and label it zero (0). From the second dot, count off the dots on the paper tape and mark every fifth dot as 1, 2,3 etc. Measure the total distance (in cm) between the zero mark and every succeeding mark and enter your data in the second column of table 1. 4. Caleulate the distance traveled during each time interval (a time interval is equivalent to five dots) by getting the difference between the two successive total distances. 5. Calculate the average speed during each time interval in cm/dot by dividing the distance traveled during each interval by 5 dots. The 5-dot count constitutes a time interval in dots. 6. Calculate the acceleration in cm/dot2 by dividing the difference between two sucessive speeds by 5 dots. 7. Record your data in the respective columns of table 1. Make another trial record your data in table 2. GRAPHS: 1. Plot total distance against total time. Trace a smooth curve. 2. Plotaverage speed dduring each time interval against the midpoint of the time interval. Draw the average straight line. 3. Plot the acceleration against the time interval. Approximate the best graph from the plotted points