Use Multiple Stock Quote Downloader.xlsm or use the zip file and extract it. Import historical monthly stock price data. Start date: 2015-05-01, End date: 2021-05-01 (program picks 4/9/2021) Frequency m Click the button GET BULK QUOTES Download the monthly stock quotes for WMT,CO, "GSPC, KKR, BP, OOS.HK, FTSE, XOM, NON (2) Choose Co, and KKR. Use Adjusted Closing prices to calculate the return on each stock for each month For example, Date Adj. Close of XYZ stock 2021-02-01 144.19 2021-01-01 143.84 Retum Adicesse on 2001-02-03) - Addone on (02-1-6! "SEOTUT UT UT Then set up a spreadsheet to compute annual return for a portfolio comprised of one share of each stock for the period Start date 2015-05 01 to End date 2021-04-09. If you held the portfolio for 71 months, what annual rate of return would you get? If you held the portfolio for 39 months, what annual rate of return would you get? What are your inferences from this data analysis? Use Multiple Stock Quote Downloader.xlsm or use the zip file and extract it. Import historical monthly stock price data. Start date: 2015-05-01, End date: 2021-05-01 (program picks 4/9/2021) Frequency m Click the button GET BULK QUOTES Download the monthly stock quotes for WMT,CO, "GSPC, KKR, BP, OOS.HK, FTSE, XOM, NON (2) Choose Co, and KKR. Use Adjusted Closing prices to calculate the return on each stock for each month For example, Date Adj. Close of XYZ stock 2021-02-01 144.19 2021-01-01 143.84 Retum Adicesse on 2001-02-03) - Addone on (02-1-6! "SEOTUT UT UT Then set up a spreadsheet to compute annual return for a portfolio comprised of one share of each stock for the period Start date 2015-05 01 to End date 2021-04-09. If you held the portfolio for 71 months, what annual rate of return would you get? If you held the portfolio for 39 months, what annual rate of return would you get? What are your inferences from this data analysis