Use visualizations to investigate accounts recelvable aging patterns. This exercise focuses on the visualization of the aging of accounts receivable for each customer: You team has performed an aging: analysis on all the outstanding balances at the end of 2019 and generated the attached visualization with the customers having non: zero past due amount. Based on the visualization, please answer the following questions. Click here to view the data in Tableau, and here to view it in Power Bi. (The Tableou and Power Bi files contain the same data you can use either to answer the questions in this assisnmeqt. Your instructor may spedify which program they prefer you to use!) How to Access Tableau: You can open the Tableau file in this problem statement with Tableay Desktop sottware. If you don thave Tableau Desktop, you can download Tableau Reader, a free program that allows you to open Tableau visuallzations. To get it, search for "Tableau Reader" in your internet browser, or click here. How to Access Power BE: You can open the Power BI file in this problem statement with Power BI Desktog. If you dont huwe it already. search for 'Power Bt download' in your internet browser, or click hete for a free download, Does customer C2036 have any balance that is not overdue and what is the corresponding dollar anount? Please hover over the fugure to see tooltips. Yes, the amount is $763 Yes. the amount is 523.038 Na, the amount is $0 The informationisnot avallable For customer C9591, what is the proportion of the outstanding balance that is less than 30 days past due? 025 37% 74% 100% If your team determines that the estimate percentage uncollectible for "Less than 30 days" is 10% and for "More than 180 days" is 50%. What is the required balance in Aliowance for Doubtful Accounts (rounded)? $56,179 $55,947 $178.775 $17,878