Using the financial data for the sample of Energy companies in the table below, calculate the averag ASX Code Company Name Operating Reported NPAT Revenue Total Assets After Abnormals BAS Bass Oil Limited 5438,136 -594.523 5,5 ZEL Z Energy Limited 5,219,306,646 178,126,795 2.726,41 TPD Talon Petroleum Limited 130,022 -932 196 2,50 ERA Energy Resources of Australia Limited 201.273,000 -435,274,000 635.7 BLV Blossomvale Holdings Ltd 84 449,000 -3.104,000 52.6: IEC Intra Energy Corporation Limited 52,277.000 4.535,000 22,00 ABL Abilene Oil and Gas Limited 2.321 -1,071,191 4.94 FDM Freedom Oil and Gas Ltd 30,320.204 -1.306,319 143.0 COE Cooper Energy Limited 76,004,000 -12,051,000 1,001 80 FZR Fitzroy River Corporation Ltd 358,000 432.000 11.81 DOR Doriemus PLC 77.296 -3.136.796 7.24 TMK Tamaska Oil & Gas Ltd 2.671 209,387 1.60 SXA Strata-X Energy Limited 48,209 -16,056,860 2.9 PDN Paladin Energy Ltd 30,644,517 -61.303,293 534,21 WOR Worley Limited 6,880,100,000 164,000,000 11,046,34 TEG Triangle Energy (Global) Limited 13,174,305 -1.764,570 28,3 Matrix Composites & Engineering MCE 38.187.291 -8,684,094 108.2 Limited Moreton Resources Ltd MRV 336,397 -26,471.457 35.2 - 188,496 GGE 3,106,464 2.80 Grand Gulf Energy Limited AOW American Patriot Oil & Gas Limited 277.133 5.0 -3.354,230 TER TerraCom Limited 338,322,000 - 11.305,000 4922 94,631.000 Senex Energy Limited 3,295.000 503.61 SXY OEX Oilex Ltd 188,220 9.31 -3.118.121 9,399.686 -61,324.682 100.21 PEN Peninsula Energy Limited 19,877.000 29.737,000 109.00 BRU Buru Energy Limited ergy companies in the table below, calculate the average Price to Book ratio. Operating Reported NPAT Revenue After Abnormals Total Assets Total Equity Market Cap 5,438,136 -594,523 5,538,972 1,513,945 6,684,280 5.219,306,646 178,126,795 2,726,489,178 881,057,268 1.704,000,000 130.022 -932,196 2,560,532 2,085,880 3,553,579 ted 201,273,000 -435,274,000 635.766,000 280,790,000 80,247,384 84.449.000 -3,104,000 52,658,000 26,163,000 15,360,322 52,277.000 4,535,000 22,060,000 1,050,000 2,714,068 2,321 -1,071,191 4,946,760 -979.946 795,228 30,320,204 -1,301,319 143,043,355 87,863.417 11,847.248 76,004,000 -12,051,000 1,001,809,000 433.713,000 910,922,542 358,000 -432,000 11,882,000 11,841,000 17,272,680 77.296 -3,136,796 7.298,220 6,228,653 2,435,291 2,671 -209,387 1,693,524 1,604,060 8,010,000 48,209 -16,056,860 2,913,509 1.474,915 5,054,803 30,644,517 -61,303,293 534,287,751 109,279,908 200,761,210 6,880,100,000 164,000,000 11,046,300,000 6,018,500,000 7,545,602,133 13,174,305 -1.764,570 28,329,794 2,519,218 16.955,423 38,187.291 -8,684,094 108,240,482 93,064,692 38,370,535 336.397 -26,471,457 35.236.004 5,297.703 9,320,311 3,106,464 -188,496 2.862,549 2,447,978 2,302,496 277.133 -3,354,230 5,091,776 4,582.445 14.736,908 338,322,000 -11,305,000 492,248,000 70.447,000 145,498,213 94,631,000 3,295,000 503,666,000 355,796,000 473,349,492 188,220 -3,118,121 9,364,122 3,364,861 10,278,956 9,399,686 -61,324,682 100,286,610 58,013,688 52,745,676 19.877,000 29.737.000 109,045,000 94,324.000 71.292.249 Using the financial data for the sample of Energy companies in the table below, calculate the averag ASX Code Company Name Operating Reported NPAT Revenue Total Assets After Abnormals BAS Bass Oil Limited 5438,136 -594.523 5,5 ZEL Z Energy Limited 5,219,306,646 178,126,795 2.726,41 TPD Talon Petroleum Limited 130,022 -932 196 2,50 ERA Energy Resources of Australia Limited 201.273,000 -435,274,000 635.7 BLV Blossomvale Holdings Ltd 84 449,000 -3.104,000 52.6: IEC Intra Energy Corporation Limited 52,277.000 4.535,000 22,00 ABL Abilene Oil and Gas Limited 2.321 -1,071,191 4.94 FDM Freedom Oil and Gas Ltd 30,320.204 -1.306,319 143.0 COE Cooper Energy Limited 76,004,000 -12,051,000 1,001 80 FZR Fitzroy River Corporation Ltd 358,000 432.000 11.81 DOR Doriemus PLC 77.296 -3.136.796 7.24 TMK Tamaska Oil & Gas Ltd 2.671 209,387 1.60 SXA Strata-X Energy Limited 48,209 -16,056,860 2.9 PDN Paladin Energy Ltd 30,644,517 -61.303,293 534,21 WOR Worley Limited 6,880,100,000 164,000,000 11,046,34 TEG Triangle Energy (Global) Limited 13,174,305 -1.764,570 28,3 Matrix Composites & Engineering MCE 38.187.291 -8,684,094 108.2 Limited Moreton Resources Ltd MRV 336,397 -26,471.457 35.2 - 188,496 GGE 3,106,464 2.80 Grand Gulf Energy Limited AOW American Patriot Oil & Gas Limited 277.133 5.0 -3.354,230 TER TerraCom Limited 338,322,000 - 11.305,000 4922 94,631.000 Senex Energy Limited 3,295.000 503.61 SXY OEX Oilex Ltd 188,220 9.31 -3.118.121 9,399.686 -61,324.682 100.21 PEN Peninsula Energy Limited 19,877.000 29.737,000 109.00 BRU Buru Energy Limited ergy companies in the table below, calculate the average Price to Book ratio. Operating Reported NPAT Revenue After Abnormals Total Assets Total Equity Market Cap 5,438,136 -594,523 5,538,972 1,513,945 6,684,280 5.219,306,646 178,126,795 2,726,489,178 881,057,268 1.704,000,000 130.022 -932,196 2,560,532 2,085,880 3,553,579 ted 201,273,000 -435,274,000 635.766,000 280,790,000 80,247,384 84.449.000 -3,104,000 52,658,000 26,163,000 15,360,322 52,277.000 4,535,000 22,060,000 1,050,000 2,714,068 2,321 -1,071,191 4,946,760 -979.946 795,228 30,320,204 -1,301,319 143,043,355 87,863.417 11,847.248 76,004,000 -12,051,000 1,001,809,000 433.713,000 910,922,542 358,000 -432,000 11,882,000 11,841,000 17,272,680 77.296 -3,136,796 7.298,220 6,228,653 2,435,291 2,671 -209,387 1,693,524 1,604,060 8,010,000 48,209 -16,056,860 2,913,509 1.474,915 5,054,803 30,644,517 -61,303,293 534,287,751 109,279,908 200,761,210 6,880,100,000 164,000,000 11,046,300,000 6,018,500,000 7,545,602,133 13,174,305 -1.764,570 28,329,794 2,519,218 16.955,423 38,187.291 -8,684,094 108,240,482 93,064,692 38,370,535 336.397 -26,471,457 35.236.004 5,297.703 9,320,311 3,106,464 -188,496 2.862,549 2,447,978 2,302,496 277.133 -3,354,230 5,091,776 4,582.445 14.736,908 338,322,000 -11,305,000 492,248,000 70.447,000 145,498,213 94,631,000 3,295,000 503,666,000 355,796,000 473,349,492 188,220 -3,118,121 9,364,122 3,364,861 10,278,956 9,399,686 -61,324,682 100,286,610 58,013,688 52,745,676 19.877,000 29.737.000 109,045,000 94,324.000 71.292.249