*Using this data set, come up with a scenario, using Annual household Income, Total amount of expenditure on housing, and total amount of annual expenditures. *Briefly describe the data set using information provided. *Describe what methods (free calculator, excel, etc) used to analyze the data *Confidence Interval Analysis: for one expenditure variable, select and run the appropriate method for estimating a parameter, based on a statistic (i.e., confidence interval method) and complete the following; 1. Name of variable 2. State the random variable and parameter in words confidence interval method including confidence level and rationale for using it 3. State and check the assumptions for confidence interval 4. tell the method used to analyze the data 5. find the sample statistic and the confidence interval 6. find the statistical interpretation ****
Description of Dataset: The data is a random sample from the US Department of Labor's 2016 Consumer Expenditure Surveys (CE) and provides information about the composition of households and their annual expenditures (https://www.bls.gov/cex/). It contains information from 30 households, where a survey responder provided the requested information; it is all self-reported information. This dataset contains four socioeconomic variables (whose names start with SE) and four expenditure variables (whose names start with USD). Description of Variables/Data Dictionary: The following table is a data dictionary that describes the variables and their locations in this dataset (Note: Dataset is on second page of this document): Variable Name Location in Dataset Variable Description Coding UniquelD# First Column Unique number used to identify each survey Each responder has a unique responder number from 1-30 SE-MaritalStatus Second Column Marital Status of Head of Household Not Married/Married SE-Income Third Column Annual Household Income Amount in US Dollars SE-AgeHeadHousehold Fourth Column Age of the Head of Household Age in Years SE-FamilySize Fifth Column Total Number of People in Family (Both Adults Number of People in Family and Children) USD-Annual Expenditures Sixth Column Total Amount of Annual Expenditures Amount in US Dollars USD-Housing Seventh Column Total Amount of Annual Expenditure on Housing Amount in US Dollars USD-Electricity Eighth Column Total Amount of Annual Expenditure on Amount in US Dollars Electricity USD-Water Ninth Column Total Amount of Annual Expenditure on Water Amount in US Dollars How to read the data set: Each row contains information from one household. For instance, the first row of the dataset starting on the next page shows us that: the head of household is not married and is 53 years old, has an annual household income of $97,681, a family size of 4, annual expenditures of $56,124, and spends $18,676 on housing, $1,468 on electricity, and $551 on water