Focuses on profitability by showing how much operating income the division earns on every dollar of sales revenue |
| Compares actual revenues and actual expenses against budgeted figures |
| Causes operating income to be higher than budgeted |
| The price charges for the internal sale of product between two different divisions of the same company |
| Difference between the actual revenues and expenses and the master planning budget |
| Determines whether the division has created any excess income above managements expectations |
| Potential duplication of costs and problems achieving goal congruence |
| Sales revenue growth or ROI |
| Divisions cost of a computer information system that is used by the entire organization |
| Sales territories |
| Operating income divided by total assets |
| Has a manager that is responsible for both revenues and costs |
| Management only investigates budget variances that are relatively large |
| Has a manager responsible for generating revenue, controlling costs, and efficiently managing the divisions assets |
| Top management delegates decision making responsibilities to the segment managers |
| Prepared for a different level of volume than the one anticipated |
| Fixed expenses that can be traced to the center |
| Difference between the flexible budget and the actual results |
| Focuses on how efficiently the division uses assets to generate revenue |
| Recognizes that management must consider both financial performance measures and operational performance measures when judging the performance of a company |
| Number of new products developed or number of warranty claims |
| Operating income generated by a profit center or investment center before subtracting common fixed costs that have been allocated to the center |
| Average customer satisfaction rating or percentage of market share |
| Manufacturing operations |
| Summary performance metrics used to assess how well a goal is being achieved |
| Causes operating income to be lower than budgeted |
| Difference between the master budget and the flexible budget |
| Part of an organization whose manager is accountable for planning and controlling certain activities |
| Hours of employee training or employee turnover |