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w 54) For which prpduction fiocess in process costeng f. tive appropriate comarie method to vie) Trodocing rnonewite depens tor cuacimmhase buildas ros Constructins curtam

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54) For which prpduction fiocess in process costeng f. tive appropriate comarie method to vie) Trodocing rnonewite depens tor cuacimmhase buildas ros Constructins curtam made hortues Constucting routi and hiotimar? Maneffethoring identical autornabiles itio fictory costired the apgropriate cosing method so use? A busariess that serves entate plinnient. customers whs cown firmiand woth d fterent combitations of water reghth, ofither at nghet and propertr tazen A boiness that aeiven estate planiritg and some wil not Hsict A biculiess that serves eitate plaviug t. curtomens whe are fi.forencame indsatuals with arsels in many it tif erent itaries, whaject to difterent inheritarice Lhss 56. What ks an ecainple of davert tibor? Wages for atsambiblne workts in an aldorichilie plarit Wrack for factory imantinance worknt Wages for a tadory wipervitiol Wugen for wocouriting suat m cortyery Fiesilywattwers 54. For which producton process in proci.s (co Hade buildings Conaructing custom made home: Construcing roads and hyshwips Manufacturing ifertical atomotoles ie a factory (55) For which legal contsuriog businesi is procens costing the appropriate conting method to vose? A buatiness that serves estate plannine customers who own farmiland with dilfereof combinations of water fights, mineral regtith and property taks A business that rerves ertate plaring cutromers who have compler lamdy anscant in Which sorme childien wili rosion an intberitarce. and some will ner A bunness that serves estate planning cuatorners who ire midde incerne indinduals who all fiave baucaly the sarne ef tate blaming riser A business that rempos estate planoing customers who ave hegt incotre induldwels wes assets in mary different states subyect to ditferent infieritance laws 56. Whatis an erample of direct iaborl Wages tor angembly kine woriers in an autornabile plart Woges for factory makitenarkice worker Wages for a Gactory mageninor Wagers for accouming taffin corppany headquaters Wipes for anuemby ine workmivi an automobile ptint Whien a compuny hion any one proskct ire Wher the production prochn tor diftecect When the prodistion prociest for exch (53) When shoulu procelicostare be azen? processen When a corrgany produces a in all iekins of unigue tont 51) in a kob onder costiog system, which production cost is allocated rather than being dienitly associefted with a fob or profact or propect? Cont of tiricis on making a building? Cost of concrete in making a road Wagen for hictory supervisors in a whod Furnitire plant Wages for assemblvite warkers in an? irutorncbile plant 52. When is it more appropriate to tise an ABC systern instead of a traditional overhead allocation system? When a company has only one product fine and custormer desgen charige requests are not accepted When the production process for different groducts uses infrastructure support services in the same waly When the production procms for each product is basically the same When several different activites are identitied that each create overhead costs 53. When should process cosung be used? When a company produces a lange votume of unique items using a series of itert-specific. procesues When a company produces a small vohume of unlque items using a series of item specalic processes When a company produces a lage volume of products using a sentes of whitortm processes Total cosit required to design and implemert an ABC system 50) How are production DJ costs assigned in a process costing system? Use of total manufacturing cost and total units of production to assigh production costs equally to udertical ynits Use of total cost of goods manufactured io assign production costs based on rolative selling price Use of total rnanufacturing cost to assign production costs based on amount of overhead casts for different units Use of total cost of goods sold to assign production costs bused on rolative selling price 49. in an Abr sytomi! what in a cost pooll foesl overhend colt curreritly ifi wark id process ariventary lotal rost alemulied ors bect? gecelated by a ipecufic oren hrud cont acthity fotal cost of producburw the sum of diect ifaterials. drect laber; and 47) Whir is ar important resilt of using an ABC sytem? More intarned busuress dickisens. Mace iationnes reomule forecasts More acounte. direct lator cofint drect materiak conting. the same pittern o trenhead allocionin Whith sytem nould adminestes? corting (AAC) Tyotert A traditioral rysteith (9) A cost volume prodit (CVP) anstem (45) What are the mike 4 general types of overtand detivities in an ABC system? (C) Haterals innl. lubio lewy and overticud (C) Actual kint buctger fert' arid Wuitancer Urevt irvil tatiot. Wi tinid prodici Operaring iovel imvesting ievel and finaneins (46) Which cost MyEducator Tasks (41) Whem oost Soppies contract to pibchane direc materal for a tactory kaw imzeray warchoure (O) Inseance contrait for torton? for whict the manthly insurate amount is the same wach mronth Q Supgilier contrad to parchase boch forg prodid pape itstarant Rental coproxat perchntape of saic- (42) Acsmpany report fs these data Siling price per int - 35 od Varable cout per ant + 57. 0 Nimtie of unti fund coots * sation Ghen these dital what at the corimandy 55 53 between sales and Variabie cors? Operaning mo Cirosi mar gir Contibution. margin between sales and Variabie cors? Operaning mo Cirosi mar gir Contibution. margin between sales and Variabie cors? Operaning mo Cirosi mar gir Contibution. margin (36) A comparty reports these datar Price per unat 520 fixed cos : $16,000 Varable cost per unit =512 If the compory is operating at its break even point, what is the companys total contribution margin? 548000 516000 532,000 564.000 (37) A company reports these datar Prke per und * 520 Fixed cons per month = 56,000 Variabie cost per unit =514 How inany units must this compary sell each monthin order to reach a larget protit of 530.000 ? (9) Goomounits (30) What is the classification of the cont of salaries of cerrifed public accountants (CPAS) ina CPA firm that performs zudt services? Oirect labod Owerhead Direst matetus Administrative 12) With respect to the financal statements. what is articulation? The reationship between financial statements whereby a contirmution is made thar no item reported in one financial statement is asa reported in another financial statement The reatianatip between financial statements whereby an item on the income statement or statement of cash flows helps eplan the pernd to period change in an tem on the balince sheet The relanorahip between financal stateroents such that the tolal of the assets on the bopce shert is equal to the total of the liabelities ard equites on the bulance sheet The robuonstip between firmindal statements whercty a contirmation is made that ansts aiwiys equal ievenues, and labilties always (15) Which latel is given fa to the aingunt of arsecs consumed through buraness bperations? Liabeites Divilendh Pevenues Expenses: marayer bitur control bwer ma prota cerker? Assets aind fividendis Petained earning and rash Etank louns and arerharif o stirenits Conts and revenusing (22) Under what cicumstances doens a department roport a favorabie coat varmee? Admicintrative cost leys than Prodiction cast Actural cois hiss than budgeted cost Buatreted cois. lews than actual cost Production cast lews than admlfusirathe cost 23. Why is it importarti to roview performacite over sendal pericth when uning septent margin statements to Roluate proft cenlees? gudzes targets bepicaly covel A survgle period inay not he trped of overall pertorirance Briy cuit weriter are exahuated oriust? marayer bitur control bwer ma prota cerker? Assets aind fividendis Petained earning and rash Etank louns and arerharif o stirenits Conts and revenusing (22) Under what cicumstances doens a department roport a favorabie coat varmee? Admicintrative cost leys than Prodiction cast Actural cois hiss than budgeted cost Buatreted cois. lews than actual cost Production cast lews than admlfusirathe cost 23. Why is it importarti to roview performacite over sendal pericth when uning septent margin statements to Roluate proft cenlees? gudzes targets bepicaly covel A survgle period inay not he trped of overall pertorirance Briy cuit weriter are exahuated oriust? 25 . What proklem can. ocicy of chires matiorials ? 0 in ar and 26) Which statement descrbes m actounting? If is ised primanily by creditars and inwestars. O in includes budget and foreast data. it is disseminatied to the putblc. It is subject to ail independent external aludit. 27) What is an example of a manugerial wccounting report? Product line reannue report Balance sheet feport incame statemert report Statement of each flews report 28. What th the muin econamic activity of a merchandtan! business? combining mnaterias, habor, and overhead Conctruating physical prodecti. (30) What is the classification of the cont of salaries of cerrifed public accountants (CPAS) ina CPA firm that performs zudt services? Oirect labod Owerhead Direst matetus Administrative 54) For which prpduction fiocess in process costeng f. tive appropriate comarie method to vie) Trodocing rnonewite depens tor cuacimmhase buildas ros Constructins curtam made hortues Constucting routi and hiotimar? Maneffethoring identical autornabiles itio fictory costired the apgropriate cosing method so use? A busariess that serves entate plinnient. customers whs cown firmiand woth d fterent combitations of water reghth, ofither at nghet and propertr tazen A boiness that aeiven estate planiritg and some wil not Hsict A biculiess that serves eitate plaviug t. curtomens whe are fi.forencame indsatuals with arsels in many it tif erent itaries, whaject to difterent inheritarice Lhss 56. What ks an ecainple of davert tibor? Wages for atsambiblne workts in an aldorichilie plarit Wrack for factory imantinance worknt Wages for a tadory wipervitiol Wugen for wocouriting suat m cortyery Fiesilywattwers 54. For which producton process in proci.s (co Hade buildings Conaructing custom made home: Construcing roads and hyshwips Manufacturing ifertical atomotoles ie a factory (55) For which legal contsuriog businesi is procens costing the appropriate conting method to vose? A buatiness that serves estate plannine customers who own farmiland with dilfereof combinations of water fights, mineral regtith and property taks A business that rerves ertate plaring cutromers who have compler lamdy anscant in Which sorme childien wili rosion an intberitarce. and some will ner A bunness that serves estate planning cuatorners who ire midde incerne indinduals who all fiave baucaly the sarne ef tate blaming riser A business that rempos estate planoing customers who ave hegt incotre induldwels wes assets in mary different states subyect to ditferent infieritance laws 56. Whatis an erample of direct iaborl Wages tor angembly kine woriers in an autornabile plart Woges for factory makitenarkice worker Wages for a Gactory mageninor Wagers for accouming taffin corppany headquaters Wipes for anuemby ine workmivi an automobile ptint Whien a compuny hion any one proskct ire Wher the production prochn tor diftecect When the prodistion prociest for exch (53) When shoulu procelicostare be azen? processen When a corrgany produces a in all iekins of unigue tont 51) in a kob onder costiog system, which production cost is allocated rather than being dienitly associefted with a fob or profact or propect? Cont of tiricis on making a building? Cost of concrete in making a road Wagen for hictory supervisors in a whod Furnitire plant Wages for assemblvite warkers in an? irutorncbile plant 52. When is it more appropriate to tise an ABC systern instead of a traditional overhead allocation system? When a company has only one product fine and custormer desgen charige requests are not accepted When the production process for different groducts uses infrastructure support services in the same waly When the production procms for each product is basically the same When several different activites are identitied that each create overhead costs 53. When should process cosung be used? When a company produces a lange votume of unique items using a series of itert-specific. procesues When a company produces a small vohume of unlque items using a series of item specalic processes When a company produces a lage volume of products using a sentes of whitortm processes Total cosit required to design and implemert an ABC system 50) How are production DJ costs assigned in a process costing system? Use of total manufacturing cost and total units of production to assigh production costs equally to udertical ynits Use of total cost of goods manufactured io assign production costs based on rolative selling price Use of total rnanufacturing cost to assign production costs based on amount of overhead casts for different units Use of total cost of goods sold to assign production costs bused on rolative selling price 49. in an Abr sytomi! what in a cost pooll foesl overhend colt curreritly ifi wark id process ariventary lotal rost alemulied ors bect? gecelated by a ipecufic oren hrud cont acthity fotal cost of producburw the sum of diect ifaterials. drect laber; and 47) Whir is ar important resilt of using an ABC sytem? More intarned busuress dickisens. Mace iationnes reomule forecasts More acounte. direct lator cofint drect materiak conting. the same pittern o trenhead allocionin Whith sytem nould adminestes? corting (AAC) Tyotert A traditioral rysteith (9) A cost volume prodit (CVP) anstem (45) What are the mike 4 general types of overtand detivities in an ABC system? (C) Haterals innl. lubio lewy and overticud (C) Actual kint buctger fert' arid Wuitancer Urevt irvil tatiot. Wi tinid prodici Operaring iovel imvesting ievel and finaneins (46) Which cost MyEducator Tasks (41) Whem oost Soppies contract to pibchane direc materal for a tactory kaw imzeray warchoure (O) Inseance contrait for torton? for whict the manthly insurate amount is the same wach mronth Q Supgilier contrad to parchase boch forg prodid pape itstarant Rental coproxat perchntape of saic- (42) Acsmpany report fs these data Siling price per int - 35 od Varable cout per ant + 57. 0 Nimtie of unti fund coots * sation Ghen these dital what at the corimandy 55 53 between sales and Variabie cors? Operaning mo Cirosi mar gir Contibution. margin between sales and Variabie cors? Operaning mo Cirosi mar gir Contibution. margin between sales and Variabie cors? Operaning mo Cirosi mar gir Contibution. margin (36) A comparty reports these datar Price per unat 520 fixed cos : $16,000 Varable cost per unit =512 If the compory is operating at its break even point, what is the companys total contribution margin? 548000 516000 532,000 564.000 (37) A company reports these datar Prke per und * 520 Fixed cons per month = 56,000 Variabie cost per unit =514 How inany units must this compary sell each monthin order to reach a larget protit of 530.000 ? (9) Goomounits (30) What is the classification of the cont of salaries of cerrifed public accountants (CPAS) ina CPA firm that performs zudt services? Oirect labod Owerhead Direst matetus Administrative 12) With respect to the financal statements. what is articulation? The reationship between financial statements whereby a contirmution is made thar no item reported in one financial statement is asa reported in another financial statement The reatianatip between financial statements whereby an item on the income statement or statement of cash flows helps eplan the pernd to period change in an tem on the balince sheet The relanorahip between financal stateroents such that the tolal of the assets on the bopce shert is equal to the total of the liabelities ard equites on the bulance sheet The robuonstip between firmindal statements whercty a contirmation is made that ansts aiwiys equal ievenues, and labilties always (15) Which latel is given fa to the aingunt of arsecs consumed through buraness bperations? Liabeites Divilendh Pevenues Expenses: marayer bitur control bwer ma prota cerker? Assets aind fividendis Petained earning and rash Etank louns and arerharif o stirenits Conts and revenusing (22) Under what cicumstances doens a department roport a favorabie coat varmee? Admicintrative cost leys than Prodiction cast Actural cois hiss than budgeted cost Buatreted cois. lews than actual cost Production cast lews than admlfusirathe cost 23. Why is it importarti to roview performacite over sendal pericth when uning septent margin statements to Roluate proft cenlees? gudzes targets bepicaly covel A survgle period inay not he trped of overall pertorirance Briy cuit weriter are exahuated oriust? marayer bitur control bwer ma prota cerker? Assets aind fividendis Petained earning and rash Etank louns and arerharif o stirenits Conts and revenusing (22) Under what cicumstances doens a department roport a favorabie coat varmee? Admicintrative cost leys than Prodiction cast Actural cois hiss than budgeted cost Buatreted cois. lews than actual cost Production cast lews than admlfusirathe cost 23. Why is it importarti to roview performacite over sendal pericth when uning septent margin statements to Roluate proft cenlees? gudzes targets bepicaly covel A survgle period inay not he trped of overall pertorirance Briy cuit weriter are exahuated oriust? 25 . What proklem can. ocicy of chires matiorials ? 0 in ar and 26) Which statement descrbes m actounting? If is ised primanily by creditars and inwestars. O in includes budget and foreast data. it is disseminatied to the putblc. It is subject to ail independent external aludit. 27) What is an example of a manugerial wccounting report? Product line reannue report Balance sheet feport incame statemert report Statement of each flews report 28. What th the muin econamic activity of a merchandtan! business? combining mnaterias, habor, and overhead Conctruating physical prodecti. (30) What is the classification of the cont of salaries of cerrifed public accountants (CPAS) ina CPA firm that performs zudt services? Oirect labod Owerhead Direst matetus Administrative

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