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Week 3 of my portfolio project I just can't figure out how I'm going to go about doing it. I could definitely use some help

Week 3 of my portfolio project I just can't figure out how I'm going to go about doing it. I could definitely use some help with this. I was never that good with finances.

image text in transcribed HTHS315 - Healthcare Finance and Accounting Management Portfolio Project Directions and Rubric This Assessment is worth 25% of your overall grade Outcomes Completing this Assessment will help you to: Course Outcomes Identify factors that influence healthcare costs and evaluate methods employed to control costs. Analyze and evaluate financial statements for healthcare organizations. Plan and prepare budgets, including estimating cash flow, performing break even analyses, and calculating return on investments. Articulate the strategic financial planning process and prepare revenue forecasts, constant growth forecasts and realworld forecasts. Identify the potential impact of proposed healthcare finance reform. Program Outcomes Analyze and apply contemporary knowledge and skill sets to work effectively in a managerial capacity in a health services setting. Utilize effective skills in financial planning, long-term care management, human resource development, public safety, and emergency disaster planning in health service administration. Evaluate and apply leadership skills. Use legal and ethical principles to analyze and apply management practices of health care organizations and delivery of patient care. Research information management systems to evaluate and select technologies appropriate to a particular healthcare setting. Institutional Outcomes Information Literacy and Communication - Please demonstrate how you utilized appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then illustrate how you communicated your findings in visual, written, and/or oral formats. Relational Learning - Provide an example and discuss the ways in which you were able to transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning, and life experiences to new situations. Thinking Abilities - Please provide an example of how you employed strategies for reflection on learning and practice. How did you utilize this process in order to adjust your learning process for continual improvement? Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning - Provide an example and discuss the ways in which you followed established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions. Community and Career - Provide an example through which you were able to participate in social, learning, and professional communities for personal and career growth. Evaluate your participation and what you learned from your involve. Deadline Deliverable items for the Portfolio Project will be required at different points during the course. Details for each submission are included below. The timeline is as follows: Deadline Activity Due by the end of Week 2 at 11:59 pm, ET. Essential Questions Due by the end of Week 3 at 11:59 pm, ET. Part I Rough Draft Due by the end of Week 5 at 11:59 pm, ET. Part II and Part III Rough Draft Due by the end of Week 7 at 11:59 pm, ET. Upload your Portfolio Project to your ePortfolio. Due by the end of Week 7.5 at 11:59 pm, ET. Reflection HTHS315 - Portfolio Project 2 Requirements and Formatting Your Portfolio Project must be formatted as follows: APA formatting a. Title and References page b. Times New Roman or Arial 12-point font c. 1-inch margins d. Page numbers in top right corner APA Citations a. Include information, as well as in-text citations and an entry on the References page, from a minimum of four scholarly and professional sources (not including your textbook) b. For APA information refer to the Bryant & Stratton College APA Style Guide located in the Student Resource button. Scenario You were hired as a financial analyst by a local financial consultant agency. Your financial manager has assigned you to a project to assist a major healthcare client. You are provided with resources to begin your analysis, however, research from scholarly resources must support your plan. The Portfolio Project is composed of three parts that will require you to apply various concepts covered throughout the course. Requirements In order to complete this project, you must actively research the various concepts and include information from scholarly resources to support your responses. All resources used should have in-text citations and should be included in a Reference Page. Please complete all parts of the Portfolio Project using APA format. Upload your Portfolio Project to your ePortfolio in Week 7. Week 2 Essential Questions Discussion Activity You will formulate a response to the following essential questions. 1. Compare and Contrast for-profit and non-profit organizations. 2. In your own words, explain the value of return on investment (ROI). Now create 2 essential questions you think will help you focus the writing of your Portfolio Project. Briefly discuss how your questions will guide the development of your Portfolio Project. Week 3 Part I Rough Draft Part I - Analyzing Financial Statements in Healthcare HTHS315 - Portfolio Project 3 Review the HealthSouth 10-K Form (located in a separate file). After reading through and analyzing this information, respond to the following items: Examine the expenses incurred by HealthSouth. o Determine which of these would have the most effect on the healthcare costs of the services offered by HealthSouth. o Construct a plan that details how this expense could be adjusted to decrease the cost of services. Using the 10-K form, list and explain ways that healthcare players are attempting to control costs. Explain the difference between assets and liabilities that are listed on the facility's financial statements. Assess why, HealthSouth, as a for-profit facility must calculate return on investments. Explain how this can be difficult for a facility to accurately calculate. Refer to the Healthcare Reform section in the HealthSouth 10-K Form. Evaluate and describe how healthcare reforms may affect the HealthSouth Corporation. Week 5 Part II & Part III Rough Draft Part II - Forecasting Forecasting is becoming more and more common in healthcare facilities. Although forecasting may appear similar to predicting the future, forecasting is completed by considering many different external and internal factors that affect a healthcare facility. Below you will find historical data and current data, as well as a future forecast for a local medical center of total patients seen. After analyzing the data answer the following questions: (Note: * next to any number represents a forecasted value) Quarter One Quarter Quarter Three Two Jan - 59 Apr - 70 Jul - 97 Previous Year Feb - 63 May - 88 Aug - 110 (Actual) Mar - 27 Jun - 95 Sep - 125 Jan - 68 Apr - 70 Jul - 95 Current Feb - 60 May - 90 Aug - 125 Year Mar - 65 Jun - 90 Sep - 120 Jan - *64 Apr - *72 July - *100 Next Year Feb - *62 May - *88 Aug - *115 Mar - *48 Jun - *90 Sep - *125 Quarter Four Oct - 70 Nov - 50 Dec - 35 Oct - 65 Nov - *50 Dec - *25 Oct - *68 Nov - *50 Dec - *30 Total 889 923 912 Evaluate the forecasted values on the table. Explain in detail why you agree or disagree with the projected values. HTHS315 - Portfolio Project 4 Identify and explain possible reasons for the change in total patients seen over the three years in the table. Forecast how the projected numbers for the three years would affect revenues for the medical center. Explain how these numbers allow the practice manager to estimate the cash flow for the facility. Part III - Budgeting in Healthcare Please respond to the following items regarding budgets in healthcare facilities. Identify and describe: o The four types of budgets that are developed by a healthcare facility. Explain how the four types of budgets are interrelated. o The components included in a break-even analysis. Evaluate the importance of the break-even analysis and each of its components in managing a healthcare facility. Estimating revenues and cash flow is an important part of a break-even analysis. Changing fee structures will have an impact on budgeting. The following table contains the weighted encounters for the four quarters of the past year for a particular facility; use this information to answer the questions that follow: Commercial Admissions Follow-Up Medicare Admissions Follow-Up Quarter 1 1562 1050 Quarter 2 1670 900 Quarter 3 1250 850 Quarter 4 1345 750 1750 750 1230 600 1525 955 1800 1250 Calculate the facilities Commercial Quarter 1 Gross Revenues with the admission fee as $55 and the follow-up fee as $35. Calculate the facilities Medicare Quarter 1 and 3 Gross Revenues with the admission fee as $55 and the follow-up fee as $35. o Calculate the Net Revenue if the discount for Medicare were 70 percent. Week 7 Please take the feedback shared and make the necessary corrections. Combine Part I, II, and III of your Portfolio Project. Please upload your Portfolio Project to the following program outcome in your ePortfolio: Utilize effective skills in leadership, long-term care management, human resource development, financial and strategic planning, legal and ethical considerations, and patient safety and quality care in the health services environment. Use the following naming convention: HTHS315 - Portfolio Project HTHS315 - Portfolio Project 5 Week 7.5 Reflection For the final piece of your Portfolio Project, you will reflect upon the overall deliverable components of the Project and how it directly relates to both the Program Outcomes and Institutional Outcomes and the Bryant & Stratton Workplace Capabilities (in the chart below). Bryant & Stratton College Workplace Capabilities Tolerance Communication Attitude Interpersonal Skills Perseverance Enthusiasm Problem Solving Persuasion Productivity Dependability Informational Literacy Technological Literacy Financial Literacy For the video reflection portion of this assignment, please answer the following questions. For best results, you should outline the speaking points in the following topics and then use the outline as reference for your reflection. The total recording time for your video should be 3-5 minutes in length. You will also respond to two students' videos. How does this Portfolio Project address the Program and Institutional Outcomes listed on the first page of this project? NOTE: For the Video Reflection, in addition to the instructions given, you must speak to \"Financial Literacy,\" then identify two additional Workplace Capabilities, and then discuss the following: Explain your reasoning for choosing these Workplace Capabilities and how they relate to your Portfolio Project experience. Analyze the importance of these Workplace Capabilities to your future career. Responses For your responses, you should reflect on the video presentation of two of your classmates. You may respond with a written commentary of what you learned from your classmate's reflection. Please make note of areas where you learned something from your classmate and offer at least one constructive item that would help that student based on your experience with the Portfolio Project. Reflection Grading Criteria Video Presentation: o Student's voice should be clear and easy to understand. o Video should be made in lighted conditions. o Student should vary his/her tone of voice and use pauses effectively to place emphasis on important points. o Student should provide additional insight in his/her own words. Student should not read verbatim from the written portion. HTHS315 - Portfolio Project 6 o Student should avoid non-words (\"Um,\" \"Uh,\" \"You Know\") and practice using professional language. For further directions on how to create a video in a Blackboard discussion, go to Student Resources. For specific grading information, please refer to the Portfolio Project Grading Rubric. HTHS315 - Portfolio Project Rubric Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Below Expectations 40-36 points The responses to Parts I through III are explained using critical thought and research. The understanding of the material and the responses is evident throughout the document. 35-27 points The responses to Parts I through III are explained through detailed thought and research; some parts may lack detail and support. The understanding of the material is evident throughout the majority of the document. 26-0 points The response does not successfully address Parts I through III. There is a lack of understanding and disconnect of the concepts being covered throughout the document. 30-27 points There is a rich use of resources throughout the entire submission. The information shared is thoroughly supported and explained through the use of scholarly resources. 26-22 points There is a use of resources throughout the majority of the submission. Most of the sections and information shared is supported through the use of scholarly resources. 21-0 points There is a lack of resources throughout the document. The information in the 3 Parts is not supported well through the use of scholarly resources. 10-9 points Provides 4 or more references, that are correctly cited in APA format (both in-text and references page). Sources contain no errors in APA citations. Direct quotes are less than 15% of the paper. Good use of in-text citations. 8-7 points Provides the minimum of 4 references that are cited in APA format (both in-text and reference page). Sources contain 1-5 minor errors in APA citations. Direct quotes are more than 20% of the paper. 6-0 points Fewer than 4 references or no references included. Sources contain significant errors in APA citations. There may be evidence of plagiarism. 10-9 points Content is presented in a logical manner. Writing is well ordered and unified. Each Part of the project is clearly identified. The responses adhere to all APA guidelines. 8-7 points Content is presented in a somewhat logical manner. Writing is mostly ordered and unified. Each Part of the project is identified. The responses do not adhere to two or more of the APA guidelines. 6-0 points Content is not presented in a logical manner. Parts may not be identified or in order. The responses adhere to few or no APA guidelines (Times New Roman or Arial, 12 point font, doubled-spaced, and 1\" margins). 10-9 points No major grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors. 8-7 points One to three major errors with grammar, punctuation, and/or spelling. 6-0 points Too many errors; significantly detracts from the meaning. Unclear or awkward sentences. Analysis 40 points Use of Evidence 30 points Sources/ References 10 points Organization/ Formatting 10 points Mechanics 10 points Instructor Comments Total Points Earned Points Portfolio Project Reflection Grading Rubric 300-Level Criteria/Achievement Level Articulation 60 points Delivery 40 points Instructor Feedback Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement 54-60 points The student's reflection addresses more than the minimum number of required elements by including the assigned Workplace Capability of \"Financial Literacy\" and more than the required number of additional Workplace Capabilities. He or she provides a deep, thoughtful reflection on the role Workplace Capabilities will play in the student's current or future career. He or she also provides a thorough and deep examination of the strategies used to complete the portfolio project by addressing specific thinking strategies used and evaluating their effectiveness, thereby demonstrating a clear understanding of the importance of Thinking Abilities. Additionally, the student provides insightful discussion related to the achievement of Program and/or Institutional Outcomes. 42-53 points The student's reflection addresses the minimum number of required elements by including the assigned Workplace Capability of \"Financial Literacy\" and two additional Workplace Capabilities. The student reflects on the role Workplace Capabilities will play in his or her future career. He or she also discusses strategies used to complete the portfolio project by addressing specific thinking strategies used in creating the portfolio project. The student demonstrates an awareness of the importance of Thinking Abilities. The student addresses Program and/or Institutional Outcomes. 36-40 points The student is easily understood, does not use words like, \"um,\" is professional in appearance, and engaging to watch. The presentation flows and the student transitions naturally between ideas. The student makes excellent use of different inflections, appears enthusiastic, speaks in different tones, and appears comfortable throughout the presentation. 28-35 points The student is easily understood, but may make use of words like \"um.\" The student attempts to use different inflections, changes tone occasionally, varies tone, and appears comfortable throughout the presentation. 0-41 points The student's reflection does not address all the required elements. The assigned Workplace Capability may be missing, or the discussion of additional Workplace Capabilities is absent. The student does not make clear connections between the Workplace Capability and his or her future workplace. He or she may not clearly address thinking strategies involved in the creation of the portfolio project, and the discussion related to the importance of reflection may be confused or unclear. The student does not address Program and/or Institutional Outcomes. 0-27 points The student makes excessive use of words like, \"um.\" The presentation may be stilted or jarring and the speaker is monotone throughout. The student appears uncomfortable throughout the presentation. Final Grade Points Awarded Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text

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