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When it comes to efficient building design, the computation of the cooling load is required to determine the specifications of the heating and cooling equipment

When it comes to efficient building design, the computation of the cooling load is required to determine the specifications of the heating and cooling equipment needed to maintain comfortable indoor air conditions. To estimate the required cooling capacity, engineers need information about the characteristics of the building and of the building space. We will investigate the effect of four input variables: compactness, surface area, orientation, and glazing area distribution, to determine the output variable, cooling load. The engineers have collected the data on many products and the data can be found in the HW 4_2 Data.xlsx file. a) Using Excel's Correlation procedure, determine which of these variables has the highest correlation with cooling. Identify the variable has the highest correlation with cooling and explain whether the correlation would be a strong correlation. Be sure to use quantitative values in your explanation. b) Prepare a scatter plot showing the relationship between the cooling and variable you identified above. Properly format (trend line with equation, modify equation with variable names rather than x & y, axes labels, etc.) this scatterplot and paste into a Word document with a Figure number. Write an interpretation which discusses the model fit and write the regression equation. c) Perform the backward stepwise procedure, which is the first variable that is removed in the procedure? Provide an explanation of why this would be the first variable removed. Be sure to use quantitative values in your explanation. d) After completing the backward stepwise procedure, which independent variables remain in the model? Write the multiple regression equation for this model. Is this a good fitting model? Compare the fit in this model to the model you plotted in (b). Be sure to use quantitative values in your explanation. e) Create an ANOVA table for your best model based on your answer to part (d) (using Excel's Regression procedure), format it to show 3 decimal places and remove duplicate columns. Copy and paste here. f) Test the multiple regression model for significance. Be sure that in your answer you state the null and alternative hypothesis; the p-value for the test, and an interpretation of the result of the hypothesis test (what does it mean if you reject the null hypothesis or are unable to reject the null hypothesis.)

2. g) Based on your best model (part d), what would be the cooling rate for a product with a 0.77 compactness, surface of 671, orientation of 3.5, and a glazing area of 2.8? Show how you calculated this value not just the final value, by writing the multiple regression equation. h) Considering all four independent variables, does there appear to be any multicollinearity among the independent variables? Explain how you determined whether multicollinearity is present. If multicollinearity is present, identify which pair of variables indicate multicollinearity. Be sure to use quantitative values in your explanation.

Compactness Surface Orientation Glazing Cooling
0.9 563.5 3 3 32.85
0.71 710.5 5 1 15.81
0.74 686 5 5 16.7
0.98 514.5 5 1 29.49
0.71 710.5 4 1 17.12
0.98 514.5 5 4 25.87
0.66 759.5 3 1 16.27
0.64 784 3 5 20.21
0.74 686 2 0 10.9
0.82 612.5 5 5 32.54
0.98 514.5 4 2 30.18
0.86 588 4 5 34.15
0.98 514.5 2 1 33.37
0.66 759.5 3 4 15.59
0.66 759.5 2 1 13.9
0.86 588 3 4 31.76
0.66 759.5 4 3 13.59
0.9 563.5 2 2 35.56
0.64 784 3 1 19.43
0.82 612.5 4 1 24.61
0.76 661.5 2 1 33.87
0.86 588 3 3 32.93
0.79 637 4 0 30.93
0.86 588 3 2 30.53
0.86 588 4 2 27.36
0.71 710.5 3 2 17.37
0.66 759.5 5 0 12.14
0.62 808.5 2 4 15.41
0.62 808.5 5 3 16
0.98 514.5 4 4 30.19
0.66 759.5 2 0 12.4
0.86 588 2 1 33.98
0.71 710.5 2 1 15.42
0.71 710.5 3 1 14.28
0.66 759.5 4 1 18.14
0.74 686 4 2 13.57
0.82 612.5 3 4 29.43
0.79 637 2 2 41.07
0.9 563.5 5 5 33.01
0.64 784 5 3 20.28
0.74 686 4 4 16.9
0.71 710.5 4 3 14.3
0.86 588 5 5 33.47
0.9 563.5 2 5 32.25
0.82 612.5 2 0 23.77
0.69 735 2 3 16.35
0.64 784 4 0 16.75
0.74 686 4 4 13.21
0.9 563.5 5 2 37.72
0.64 784 2 0 16.78
0.74 686 2 5 14.48
0.76 661.5 4 2 34.17
0.71 710.5 4 5 15.23
0.9 563.5 5 1 37.58
0.62 808.5 2 4 17.1
0.82 612.5 4 4 28.76
0.86 588 4 4 31.06
0.98 514.5 4 4 33.95
0.64 784 3 0 16.8
0.69 735 2 3 14.44
0.76 661.5 2 4 37.2
0.74 686 3 3 13.36
0.62 808.5 2 4 14.37
0.69 735 3 4 16.88
0.71 710.5 3 5 13.75
0.62 808.5 5 4 14.47
0.69 735 5 5 14.6
0.71 710.5 4 2 17.27
0.86 588 3 2 27.89
0.74 686 2 5 13.65
0.79 637 3 4 47.59
0.9 563.5 2 0 28.28
0.98 514.5 2 4 29.61
0.62 808.5 2 2 14.37
0.86 588 2 0 27.3
0.64 784 2 2 20.47
0.86 588 3 5 31.2
0.76 661.5 3 0 29.68
0.71 710.5 4 1 13.87
0.66 759.5 3 4 17.82
0.64 784 4 4 22.25
0.66 759.5 5 5 14.87
0.82 612.5 3 3 27.76
0.98 514.5 3 3 26.02
0.76 661.5 4 5 37.79
0.69 735 4 1 16.87
0.74 686 4 2 16.99
0.98 514.5 2 1 26.47
0.62 808.5 4 3 16.56
0.86 588 2 4 29.45
0.74 686 3 3 15.39
0.9 563.5 5 4 29.92
0.98 514.5 5 2 25.89
0.62 808.5 2 1 17.2
0.66 759.5 4 4 15
0.62 808.5 5 1 14.27
0.62 808.5 4 4 15.07
0.66 759.5 2 4 17.86
0.64 784 2 3 19.87
0.64 784 5 0 16.67
0.9 563.5 4 5 34.45
0.79 637 4 3 38.81
0.79 637 4 2 33.87
0.76 661.5 2 1 39.55
0.98 514.5 2 3 25.68
0.9 563.5 4 3 33.82
0.79 637 5 0 39.44
0.62 808.5 3 3 14.96
0.98 514.5 2 5 32.88
0.66 759.5 5 2 14.74
0.86 588 4 2 29.9
0.74 686 5 1 17.25
0.69 735 5 1 17.2
0.79 637 4 3 35.1
0.62 808.5 2 3 16.9
0.82 612.5 3 1 27.84
0.62 808.5 3 4 16.79
0.69 735 2 1 15.21
0.71 710.5 3 5 14.71
0.64 784 5 1 19.32
0.66 759.5 2 4 14.86
0.62 808.5 5 2 16.99
0.71 710.5 4 5 15.33
0.79 637 5 5 43.73
0.82 612.5 4 3 29.77
0.69 735 4 3 15.44
0.82 612.5 5 1 31.39
0.98 514.5 4 1 26.44
0.62 808.5 3 5 17.11
0.9 563.5 3 0 25.38
0.76 661.5 3 5 39.8
0.71 710.5 4 3 16.7
0.62 808.5 3 1 14.5
0.74 686 5 4 15.35
0.66 759.5 3 5 17.79
0.64 784 3 1 22.73
0.62 808.5 3 1 17.21
0.9 563.5 2 5 29.82
0.82 612.5 5 2 28.79
0.62 808.5 2 5 14.24
0.66 759.5 5 4 14.83
0.82 612.5 3 5 29.56
0.82 612.5 2 2 28.27
0.86 588 5 0 27.87
0.82 612.5 4 4 27.57
0.98 514.5 5 1 33.04
0.69 735 2 0 11.74
0.98 514.5 5 5 30.2
0.74 686 3 2 15.1
0.86 588 4 3 30.11
0.86 588 3 3 34.7
0.69 735 5 1 15.78
0.76 661.5 4 1 40.63
0.69 735 4 3 16.99
0.82 612.5 4 5 29.31
0.62 808.5 5 4 16.79
0.76 661.5 4 4 37.05
0.9 563.5 4 5 37.19
0.82 612.5 2 1 27.31
0.98 514.5 3 0 21.33
0.74 686 2 5 16.69
0.62 808.5 4 3 14.14
0.98 514.5 3 1 29.79
0.74 686 3 1 13.71
0.66 759.5 2 1 16.39
0.64 784 5 5 20.29
0.64 784 5 4 19.9
0.64 784 2 4 21.68
0.86 588 5 2 31.9
0.79 637 4 1 36.85
0.98 514.5 4 3 33.86
0.86 588 3 4 34.19
0.82 612.5 4 3 26.95
0.74 686 5 2 17.03
0.76 661.5 3 4 36.76
0.74 686 3 4 15.24
0.86 588 2 5 28.02
0.76 661.5 3 2 37.35
0.62 808.5 3 0 12.22
0.86 588 4 1 30.12
0.66 759.5 4 4 18.36
0.74 686 4 3 13.65
0.82 612.5 2 5 29.93
0.82 612.5 3 4 28.61
0.74 686 3 5 14.58
0.64 784 4 2 20.48
0.66 759.5 5 5 18.06
0.9 563.5 2 4 33.98
0.69 735 5 5 14.39
0.74 686 3 1 17.25
0.79 637 3 2 39.41
0.86 588 4 1 31.7
0.66 759.5 3 5 14.81
0.86 588 3 1 28.61
0.64 784 3 3 19.18
0.98 514.5 2 5 25.64
0.76 661.5 5 3 37.29
0.76 661.5 5 4 40.77
0.66 759.5 5 2 15.87
0.9 563.5 3 1 36.38
0.79 637 3 3 44.18
0.64 784 2 4 19.24
0.69 735 5 4 17.39
0.69 735 5 5 16.74
0.86 588 5 3 27.4
0.69 735 5 4 14.73
0.98 514.5 5 2 33.78
0.71 710.5 5 5 15.31
0.69 735 5 1 14.45
0.69 735 3 0 12.05
0.74 686 2 2 14.73
0.98 514.5 2 3 29.43
0.71 710.5 2 3 16.11
0.71 710.5 5 2 14.21
0.71 710.5 5 3 14.94
0.71 710.5 5 4 15.64
0.66 759.5 4 4 16.17
0.76 661.5 3 5 34.35
0.62 808.5 3 5 14.61
0.9 563.5 2 3 37.26
0.69 735 2 4 15.37
0.62 808.5 2 1 15.77
0.79 637 5 4 39.56
0.76 661.5 4 5 35.73
0.79 637 3 0 31.27
0.79 637 4 2 36.77
0.76 661.5 4 0 29.79
0.62 808.5 4 5 13.99
0.62 808.5 2 3 14.89
0.64 784 2 2 19.23
0.64 784 2 1 21.13
0.76 661.5 5 4 37.51
0.76 661.5 3 4 33.62
0.71 710.5 5 2 15.32
0.76 661.5 5 3 40.1
0.82 612.5 2 2 30.34
0.66 759.5 4 2 16.22
0.86 588 4 3 25.9
0.79 637 5 3 38.23
0.86 588 2 2 30.91
0.76 661.5 5 4 34.05
0.71 710.5 5 3 16.1
0.71 710.5 2 2 16.77
0.71 710.5 5 3 13.87
0.82 612.5 2 3 28.68
0.9 563.5 5 0 29.6
0.98 514.5 5 3 34
0.74 686 4 3 14.72
0.69 735 3 1 14.61
0.98 514.5 2 3 32.78
0.79 637 4 3 37.76
0.64 784 3 2 20.56
0.74 686 5 5 14.03
0.66 759.5 2 5 14.54
0.69 735 5 3 15.17
0.76 661.5 5 2 33.78
0.79 637 3 5 37.7
0.76 661.5 5 5 38.18
0.9 563.5 4 4 39.22
0.69 735 4 2 17.23
0.76 661.5 2 2 33.91
0.76 661.5 3 5 37.01
0.69 735 5 2 15.99
0.76 661.5 5 1 39.48
0.62 808.5 5 0 12.04
0.98 514.5 3 4 29.59
0.86 588 3 0 21.97
0.69 735 4 5 15.22
0.9 563.5 2 2 38.35
0.66 759.5 5 4 18.24
0.71 710.5 3 1 15.85
0.82 612.5 2 1 30.17
0.74 686 4 1 17.03
0.66 759.5 4 5 15.8
0.98 514.5 4 1 32.83
0.62 808.5 5 3 13.89
0.62 808.5 4 0 12.08
0.79 637 2 2 43.86
0.66 759.5 2 2 14.86
0.98 514.5 4 3 25.84
0.71 710.5 5 4 14.2
0.64 784 2 5 19.24
0.79 637 2 1 45.29
0.66 759.5 2 5 17.64
0.64 784 5 1 21.08
0.98 514.5 3 4 25.72
0.64 784 4 1 22.72
0.86 588 3 4 36.2
0.86 588 2 5 29.69
0.64 784 4 5 19.26
0.71 710.5 3 4 17.2
0.9 563.5 5 4 36.1
0.9 563.5 5 3 33.31
0.9 563.5 5 5 35.62
0.74 686 5 5 13.5
0.86 588 4 4 36.21
0.82 612.5 5 4 25.16
0.71 710.5 4 0 11.29
0.69 735 4 5 14.46
0.76 661.5 2 0 29.79
0.86 588 2 4 31.53
0.9 563.5 3 4 39.92
0.71 710.5 3 3 13.77
0.66 759.5 3 3 15.8
0.62 808.5 4 4 16.58
0.82 612.5 2 4 26.3
0.79 637 3 3 43.66
0.79 637 4 4 44.16
0.64 784 4 1 21.09
0.71 710.5 2 3 14.14
0.66 759.5 4 2 15
0.74 686 3 1 15.5
0.9 563.5 3 2 35.39
0.74 686 5 1 15.5
0.79 637 3 3 41.22
0.82 612.5 5 5 27.69
0.69 735 4 2 15.66
0.82 612.5 2 3 32.43
0.76 661.5 2 3 38.17
0.76 661.5 3 3 34.11
0.79 637 3 5 34.18
0.76 661.5 2 3 33.85
0.9 563.5 3 3 35.1
0.69 735 4 0 11.73
0.86 588 5 3 29.82
0.66 759.5 5 5 16.06
0.82 612.5 4 1 27.25
0.98 514.5 4 5 25.88
0.82 612.5 5 5 28.14
0.71 710.5 2 2 14.91
0.82 612.5 2 5 25.11
0.98 514.5 4 2 33.94
0.82 612.5 4 2 24.8
0.64 784 5 3 19.29
0.79 637 4 4 46.23
0.86 588 2 2 35.48
0.71 710.5 5 5 14.97
0.98 514.5 3 3 29.78
0.86 588 5 1 36.73
0.69 735 2 5 16.63
0.64 784 2 2 21.72
0.79 637 3 4 45.48
0.79 637 2 5 34.99
0.66 759.5 5 3 16.26
0.76 661.5 4 4 33.89
0.64 784 4 1 19.34
0.74 686 2 3 16.08
0.66 759.5 2 3 17.04
0.69 735 4 4 14.42
0.79 637 2 1 43.8
0.62 808.5 4 2 15.14
0.69 735 2 4 16.81
0.69 735 3 2 13.54
0.76 661.5 2 5 36.93
0.9 563.5 4 1 29.58
0.98 514.5 2 0 21.33
0.64 784 4 3 20.46
0.82 612.5 5 1 28.51
0.71 710.5 4 1 15.44
0.76 661.5 3 2 34.07
0.86 588 4 1 27.03
0.76 661.5 2 5 34.25
0.79 637 2 5 38.56
0.79 637 4 2 38.84
0.79 637 4 5 45.28
0.64 784 5 3 21.53
0.66 759.5 2 1 18.14
0.82 612.5 3 2 26.96
0.98 514.5 3 4 33.06
0.74 686 4 0 10.94
0.69 735 5 3 14.4
0.71 710.5 3 5 14.58
0.76 661.5 4 3 39.66
0.66 759.5 5 1 17.95
0.71 710.5 2 4 14.67
0.64 784 3 3 20.03
0.9 563.5 2 1 39.28
0.76 661.5 3 2 40.4
0.82 612.5 3 5 26.08
0.69 735 3 2 15.85
0.62 808.5 3 4 15.56
0.98 514.5 2 4 32.95
0.76 661.5 4 5 33.64
0.79 637 2 3 45.13
0.86 588 5 5 31.28
0.69 735 3 5 14.97
0.79 637 4 4 41.86
0.66 759.5 3 4 14.67
0.82 612.5 4 2 28.95
0.62 808.5 2 0 12.07
0.64 784 5 2 21.93
0.9 563.5 4 2 32.77
0.86 588 2 1 35.99
0.79 637 4 1 34.43
0.62 808.5 2 3 14.09
0.82 612.5 2 1 31.71
0.79 637 5 1 43.33
0.71 710.5 5 4 17.74
0.98 514.5 4 3 30.1
0.74 686 5 3 13.49
0.62 808.5 2 1 14.34
0.98 514.5 4 0 21.33
0.69 735 2 2 15.52
0.79 637 5 2 48.03
0.76 661.5 4 1 37.45
0.62 808.5 3 2 15.64
0.82 612.5 3 3 30.65
0.62 808.5 4 5 14.61
0.79 637 3 4 43.3
0.71 710.5 3 2 15.4
0.79 637 5 3 36.87
0.74 686 5 2 15.44
0.74 686 2 4 13.2
0.66 759.5 2 3 13.46
0.62 808.5 4 4 14.28
0.64 784 2 1 22.72
0.71 710.5 2 0 11.27
0.74 686 4 5 13.72
0.82 612.5 5 4 28.43
0.86 588 2 5 25.82
0.74 686 2 3 14.49
0.74 686 3 2 13.72
0.76 661.5 2 3 36.07
0.9 563.5 4 4 32.83
0.82 612.5 5 3 29.64
0.64 784 3 4 19.25
0.71 710.5 2 5 14.18
0.64 784 5 2 19.3
0.66 759.5 4 5 14.65
0.71 710.5 2 4 16.85
0.76 661.5 3 1 37.58
0.98 514.5 2 2 25.95
0.69 735 3 1 17
0.71 710.5 3 3 14.74
0.64 784 3 4 19.76
0.74 686 4 4 15.03
0.98 514.5 2 2 32.96
0.62 808.5 3 2 17.38
0.82 612.5 2 3 28.77
0.64 784 4 5 20.71
0.66 759.5 5 3 18.22
0.66 759.5 2 3 15.53
0.62 808.5 3 3 14.23
0.86 588 3 2 25.63
0.74 686 2 4 14.92
0.79 637 2 5 37.54
0.86 588 5 2 34.52
0.69 735 3 4 14.49
0.98 514.5 4 5 30
0.98 514.5 5 5 26.18
0.71 710.5 5 1 17.47
0.86 588 5 1 31.73
0.82 612.5 4 2 26.72
0.64 784 2 3 20.78
0.62 808.5 3 2 14.57
0.76 661.5 5 0 29.4
0.79 637 5 4 35.29
0.74 686 2 1 13.43
0.66 759.5 4 2 18.36
0.62 808.5 5 1 15.76
0.71 710.5 2 5 15.59
0.98 514.5 3 1 33.34
0.82 612.5 5 3 26.41
0.9 563.5 4 4 36.16
0.9 563.5 3 4 37.12
0.98 514.5 2 2 29.62
0.86 588 4 5 36.26
0.66 759.5 3 3 17.63
0.64 784 4 2 19.32
0.62 808.5 4 1 14.33
0.98 514.5 5 5 34.01
0.62 808.5 5 5 14.75
0.82 612.5 2 4 24.61
0.66 759.5 3 2 14.75
0.98 514.5 2 1 29.79
0.74 686 3 2 16.93
0.64 784 3 4 21.54
0.79 637 2 3 43.12
0.71 710.5 5 5 13.89
0.86 588 5 1 34.73
0.71 710.5 2 1 13.8
0.79 637 2 4 36.26
0.86 588 3 5 27.33
0.86 588 4 0 23.49
0.86 588 5 4 28.31
0.69 735 2 1 16.5
0.9 563.5 3 2 29.44
0.71 710.5 5 0 11.67
0.64 784 2 4 19.65
0.9 563.5 5 4 33.16
0.9 563.5 4 1 32.71
0.76 661.5 2 2 36.87
0.69 735 4 3 14.67
0.66 759.5 4 5 17.55
0.82 612.5 5 1 33.54
0.79 637 3 1 35.28
0.9 563.5 2 3 36.35
0.9 563.5 2 5 33.94
0.98 514.5 3 2 29.69
0.76 661.5 2 1 36.85
0.79 637 3 1 37.81
0.82 612.5 4 5 28.88
0.74 686 5 2 13.79
0.79 637 5 3 34.29
0.9 563.5 4 0 25.16
0.98 514.5 3 1 26.37
0.62 808.5 4 1 17.15
0.62 808.5 4 2 16.86
0.86 588 3 3 31.01
0.98 514.5 4 1 29.28
0.79 637 3 5 36.66
0.64 784 3 5 19.18
0.98 514.5 3 5 29.77
0.9 563.5 4 3 32.83
0.98 514.5 3 3 33.24
0.74 686 4 1 13.48
0.82 612.5 5 4 27.34
0.76 661.5 3 1 34.07
0.71 710.5 3 0 11.72
0.82 612.5 3 3 27.54
0.66 759.5 3 1 13.72
0.86 588 3 1 30.66
0.86 588 4 4 33.93
0.98 514.5 4 4 26.18
0.76 661.5 2 5 39.37
0.82 612.5 3 4 32.35
0.82 612.5 3 2 25.02
0.66 759.5 5 4 16.14
0.64 784 2 1 19.37
0.9 563.5 2 4 29.34
0.76 661.5 5 1 33.67
0.74 686 5 4 13.53
0.74 686 2 4 16.61
0.79 637 3 2 37.41
0.64 784 4 5 20.19
0.9 563.5 3 4 33.91
0.74 686 5 1 13.7
0.9 563.5 4 1 35.92
0.9 563.5 3 5 29.52
0.69 735 2 2 13.2
0.71 710.5 2 2 13.67
0.71 710.5 5 1 14.27
0.82 612.5 4 5 33.84
0.69 735 2 4 14.29
0.64 784 3 2 22.07
0.79 637 2 2 45.59
0.98 514.5 3 5 33.23
0.69 735 2 2 16.44
0.74 686 3 0 11.19
0.82 612.5 5 2 29.88
0.71 710.5 3 4 15.09
0.69 735 5 0 11.93
0.62 808.5 5 1 17.2
0.64 784 4 2 22.09
0.71 710.5 4 4 15.2
0.64 784 5 4 19.48
0.76 661.5 3 4 39.67
0.74 686 5 4 17.32
0.64 784 2 5 20.13
0.64 784 5 4 22.49
0.74 686 2 1 16.94
0.62 808.5 2 5 15.19
0.9 563.5 2 3 34.14
0.79 637 5 5 41.26
0.62 808.5 5 4 15.38
0.62 808.5 5 5 14.15
0.9 563.5 3 5 32
0.74 686 3 4 16.74
0.64 784 3 2 19.34
0.62 808.5 4 1 15.77
0.74 686 5 0 11.17
0.62 808.5 4 3 14.89
0.66 759.5 3 2 17.89
0.66 759.5 3 2 15.85
0.66 759.5 4 3 18.1
0.98 514.5 2 5 29.53
0.86 588 3 5 29.43
0.79 637 5 1 46.94
0.9 563.5 5 3 29.67
0.9 563.5 4 2 29.36
0.69 735 2 5 15.14
0.69 735 4 2 13.32
0.62 808.5 5 2 15.3
0.76 661.5 4 3 37.28
0.79 637 2 0 37.73
0.66 759.5 2 5 15.83
0.62 808.5 2 2 17.36
0.69 735 2 1 14.28
0.71 710.5 4 2 14.94
0.71 710.5 4 2 13.8
0.64 784 5 2 20.43
0.76 661.5 4 3 34.48
0.79 637 2 4 34.25
0.98 514.5 5 3 26.14
0.64 784 3 5 20.01
0.71 710.5 4 4 17.23
0.98 514.5 3 2 25.63
0.71 710.5 2 4 13.67
0.82 612.5 5 0 24.93
0.74 686 5 3 16.6
0.79 637 4 1 38.35
0.64 784 3 3 20.72
0.69 735 3 5 15.87
0.79 637 3 1 39.07
0.64 784 5 1 22.53
0.9 563.5 3 5 33.14
0.69 735 5 2 17.22
0.64 784 2 5 20.82
0.98 514.5 3 2 33.13
0.82 612.5 3 5 24.77
0.71 710.5 2 3 14.92
0.69 735 4 4 15.83
0.69 735 5 4 16.13
0.9 563.5 3 2 32.64
0.82 612.5 2 2 27.38
0.98 514.5 5 3 30.19
0.82 612.5 5 3 24.93
0.62 808.5 3 4 14.34
0.62 808.5 4 5 16.61
0.86 588 5 5 35.71
0.98 514.5 4 5 33.76
0.74 686 4 5 16.94
0.98 514.5 3 5 25.98
0.69 735 4 1 14.3
0.98 514.5 5 0 21.33
0.82 612.5 3 0 21.46
0.69 735 4 4 16.9
0.79 637 5 4 37.26
0.76 661.5 3 3 38.48
0.9 563.5 4 3 30.08
0.66 759.5 4 0 12.4
0.86 588 2 3 33.52
0.86 588 3 1 25.6
0.66 759.5 4 1 16.39
0.62 808.5 2 2 15.32
0.82 612.5 2 5 26.53
0.62 808.5 3 1 15.95
0.82 612.5 3 2 27.93
0.71 710.5 3 1 17.51
0.66 759.5 3 3 13.7
0.66 759.5 4 3 16.14
0.86 588 4 3 28.38
0.86 588 2 1 30.89
0.79 637 5 2 42.86
0.71 710.5 5 2 17.51
0.82 612.5 4 3 25.35
0.74 686 4 1 15.28
0.62 808.5 5 5 16.03
0.86 588 5 3 31.6
0.64 784 4 4 19.42
0.79 637 2 3 46.44
0.76 661.5 2 4 34.11
0.86 588 5 4 25.81
0.79 637 4 5 47.01
0.66 759.5 3 0 12.23
0.9 563.5 5 3 32.46
0.76 661.5 4 2 37.28
0.69 735 3 4 15.73
0.98 514.5 5 4 30.12
0.64 784 2 3 19.14
0.82 612.5 4 4 31.14
0.76 661.5 5 5 33.88
0.64 784 4 3 21.54
0.9 563.5 5 5 37.27
0.76 661.5 3 1 40.85
0.79 637 5 1 45.52
0.86 588 2 4 27.17
0.98 514.5 5 1 26.29
0.69 735 5 2 13.51
0.66 759.5 3 1 18.03
0.69 735 5 3 17.02
0.98 514.5 5 2 30.02
0.82 612.5 4 1 28.99
0.66 759.5 4 1 13.88
0.98 514.5 5 4 33.88
0.62 808.5 2 5 16.88
0.62 808.5 3 5 13.97
0.9 563.5 2 4 32.12
0.9 563.5 2 2 32.54
0.9 563.5 2 1 36.12
0.9 563.5 3 3 35.04
0.9 563.5 5 2 40.66
0.76 661.5 5 1 36.62
0.76 661.5 5 5 36.15
0.74 686 3 5 13.44
0.66 759.5 5 3 13.83
0.86 588 4 2 32.28
0.86 588 5 4 31
0.62 808.5 4 2 14.27
0.86 588 2 2 33.37
0.9 563.5 3 1 29.87
0.74 686 3 5 16.62
0.64 784 4 3 19.37
0.71 710.5 2 1 17.1
0.62 808.5 5 3 14.35
0.69 735 2 5 14.55
0.9 563.5 2 1 32.92
0.79 637 4 5 43.14
0.74 686 4 3 16.57
0.69 735 3 5 14.28
0.66 759.5 2 4 15.95
0.82 612.5 4 0 21.16
0.66 759.5 2 2 17.85
0.62 808.5 3 3 17.14
0.74 686 3 3 13.79
0.71 710.5 4 3 15.57
0.9 563.5 5 1 40.99
0.71 710.5 4 5 14.26
0.76 661.5 4 2 40.47
0.74 686 4 5 14.81
0.82 612.5 5 2 32.92
0.79 637 2 1 41.68
0.74 686 2 3 13.6
0.86 588 5 2 36.86
0.9 563.5 5 1 34.33
0.76 661.5 4 1 34.14
0.79 637 2 4 38.33
0.76 661.5 5 2 36.81
0.9 563.5 5 2 34.2

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