Which of the following statements about the impact of a company's competitive efforts in a region on Its regional market share and number of branded pairs sold is false? Copynght by GIG-Bus Software. Inc. Copying. distributing. or 3rd party website posting isexpressly prohibited and constitutes copyright violation ' A company's sales/market share outcomes in a region's Wholesale segment are positively impacted when its number of retail outlets is above the regional average and are negatively impacted when its number of retail outlets is below the regional average " Above-average expenditures for brand advertising in a region positively impact a company's branded pairs sold and market share in the region and belowaverage expenditures negatively impact its pairs sold and market share. A company's competitiveness versus rival brands in a region's Internet Segment is stronger when its average online selling price is below the regional allcompany average and when its expenditures for search engine advertising are above the regional allcompany average. 0 The biggest possible competitive advantage a company can achieve in a given region's i Internet Segment is to offer free shipping and thereby capture the biggest number of pairs ' sotd and the biggest market share of any company in that region's Internet Segment. r\" The importance of a strong brand reputation in attracting buyers is big enough that companies with comparatively weak reputations usually need to consider exerting enough extra effort on the other 12 competitively relevant factors to boost overall buyer appeal for their brand and help overcome their image/brand reputation disadvantage. 1 l l l l l I Copying, redistributing, or website posting is expressly prohibited and constitutes copyright violation. | Version 1869281 '\" Copyright 2023 by GloBus Software, lnc. l