Which phrase was described as the key to preventing child sexual abrse? Most atusers are caught in the art of abuse Good hiring practices can prevent abusets from worling at your acranization You woe't catch an abuser abusing, but you will catch them broaking niles: In adkition to looking out for rule breaking and inapprogriare behavior atyour organization, there are things you can do to protect children in the cammunity, Select one or more of the following things that you can cortumit to doirg in your commonity. Tasong eqecty about the issue of chitid sxual abeike to. Livkout for aho of child wevial abeap in ctuidirea botsile of Fover organization. Using inpprophate banguape creites an environment that desensitizes. chaldrea to wovds and topics that are not approgrtate for thern, which could make thern more susceptible to abuse. Select all of the following cboices that coald be considered inapptopriate language. Talhingsoout adult topkes in frum of chilitem Talking ibosa wour perional dating experience or parties Fur'ive attemided Curw wind If achild in your program needs to ieave your location to use the bathroon, which of the following actions is most approptiate? 5elig ansuher chilit or empleyee with jou so you are not alone with the child Take the child by yourseif Altow them to go to the bathroom alone Which ot the following could be waming signs of peer-to-peer abuse? Select all that apply. Geuder imbalances - for example several alder boys spending time with a younger girl Cividref avoiding certain other chaldren, or falking Hiriesses to be able to stay home Power inhalances related to size or temperamest older chilitren "befriending" a ywinger peer Two gifts going to the bathicous together, without statt Parens are inportant allies in the fipht against child sexual abise. Whikh of the following is an appropriate way to involye parents? 5upg-st pareuts tale a cormuntity child sexual atruse trainting like Darkuess fo Iighit ( Daliong? Explain the rules you are requiret to atide 1. ave is to the parrats, they barchtyeir child bert Shaze questioth rie porvat can atk to malte vire their claidis not being obased