Why won't this C++ program run? Code Below: //OfficeSupply.h #ifndef GOLDFISH_H #define GOLDFISH_H #include #include using namespace std; class Goldfish { public: Goldfish(); Goldfish (
Why won't this C++ program run?
Code Below:
#ifndef GOLDFISH_H
#define GOLDFISH_H
using namespace std;
class Goldfish
Goldfish ( int, char [], double );
int GetInventoryNumber() const;
char* GetGoldfishType () const;
double GetPrice () const;
void Display() const;
int InventoryNumber;
double Price;
mutable char GoldfishType[25];
#pragma once
namespace Program2Sample {
using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Data;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
private: System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object^ sender,
System::EventArgs^ e)
private: System::Void ExiButton_Click(System::Object^ sender,
System::EventArgs^ e)
private: System::Void NumberInputBox_Click(System::Object^ sender,
System::EventArgs^ e)
private: System::Void DisplayButton_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
int InitInventoryNumber = 0;
char* InitType;
double InitePrice = 0.0;
String^ TypeString;
InitInventoryNumber = Concert::ToInt32(NumberInputBox->Text);
InitType = (char*) (void*)Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(TypeInputBox->Text);
Goldfish InventoryItem(InitInventoryNumber, InitType, InitPrice);
NumberOutputBox->Text = Convert:;ToString(InventoryItem.GetinventoryNumber());
Type String = gcnew String (InventoryItem.GetInventoryNumber());
TypeOutputBox->Text = TypeString;
PriceOutputBox->Text = ( (Decimal) (InventoryItem.GetPrice()) ).ToString("c");
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "OfficeSupply.h"
InventoryNumber = 0;
GoldfishType[24] = '\0';
Price = 0;
Goldfish::Goldfish (int InitInventoryNumber, char InitGoldfishType[], double InitPrice )
InitInventoryNumber = InitInventoryNumber;
strcpy_s( GoldfishType, InitGoldfishType );
Price = InitPrice;
int Goldfish::GetInventoryNumber() const
return (InventoryNumber);
char* Goldfish::GetGoldfishType() const
return (GoldfishType);
double Goldfish::GetPrice() const
return (Price);
void Goldfish::Display() const
char Separator[50] = "_________________________________________________";
// OfficeSupply.cpp : main project file.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MainForm.h"
using namespace Program2Sample;
int main(array<:string> ^args)
// Enabling Windows XP visual effects before any controls are created
// Create the main window and run it
Application::Run(gcnew Form1());
return 0;
#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h" #include "OfficeSupply.h"
Attached Errors:
* 59 Errors | ! 0 warnings 00 Messages Seardh Error List Column Project 1 error C2059: syntax error: private 32 eror C2143: syntax error: missing before'- 3 error C2059: syntax error: private 34 error C2059: syntax error: private 35 error C2055:NumberInputbox': undeclared identifier 36 error C2227: left of Clear must point to dass/struct/urion/generic type 29 7 error C2065: Typelnputbox': undeclared identifier 38 error C2227: left of Clear must point to dass/struct/urion/generic type 39 error C2055: PriceInputbox' : undedared identifer 10 error C2227: left of Clear must point to dlass/jstructjuniongeneric type 11 error C2065:NumberOutputbox': undedared identfier 12 error C2227: left of Clear must point to dlassjstruct/uniongeneric type 13 error C2065: TypeOutputBox: undedared identfier 14 error C2227: left of Clear must point to dass/structjuniongeneric type 15 eror C2065: Pricoutputbox: undedared identfier 16er C2227: left of" >Clear must point to dass structjunion/generic type * 17 error C2059: syntax error : private' 35 18 err C2653 Concert: is not a dass or namespace name 319 error C2065: umberInputsox : undeclared identfier 20 error C2227: left of >Text must point to 321 error C3361: Tont32: identfier not found 322 error C2055:TypeinputBox': undedared identfer 23 error C2227: left of >Text must point to dass/struct/union/generic type 324 errer C2055: Goldfish': undeclared idenbfer 25 error C2146: syntax error missing before identifier Inwentoryltem 26 error C2055: InitPrice': undedared identifier 327 error C3361: InventoryItem: idenifer not found 328 error C2055:NumberOutputBox' : undedered identfier 329 error C2227: left of ->Text must point to dass/struct/union/generic type 3 30 error C2143: syntax error : missing before 31 error C2065: Inventoryltem': undecared identifier 32 error C2228: left of .GetinventoryNumber must have class struct/union 33 eror C3361: ToString: idenbfier not found * 34 error C3522: Systeme :Type: a dass declared aG 'abstract' cannot be nstantated 35 error C2051: syntax error: identfier String 36 error C3767: System::Type::Type: canddate function(s) not accessible 337 error C2055: TypeOutputBox: undedared identifier 38 eror C2227: left of->Text must point to dass/struct/union/generic type 39 error C2055: PriceOutputBox: undedared identifer 40 error C2227: left of >Text must point to dass/struct/union/generic type 52 52 41 error C2055: Inventoryltem: undedared identifier 342 error C2228 left of ".GetPrice must have dass/structlunion 43 error C2228: left of .ToString must have dass/structfunion 344 error C2061: syntax eror : identifier Form 1 345 error C2601: Goldfish::GetinventoryNumber': local function definitions are ilegal Supply.qpp upply.cpp 16 46 error C2601: Goldifich::GetGoldfishType': local function definitions are ilegel 347 error C2801: Goldfish::GetPrice: local function definitions are illegal 48 error C2601: Goldfich::Display: local function definitions are legal * 49 error C2059: syntax error : * 50 error C2059: syntax error : * s 1 error C2059: syntax error : 352 error C2059 syntax error:T 25 35 53 error C 1075: end of file found before the left brace .(' at 'Supply.cpp(46), was matched 54 IntellSense: a function type involving a generic parameter cannot have an ellpsis parameter 21 r, 55 Intelsense: functon type involving genenc parameter cannot have an elpas parameter 56 IntellSense: Inkage speofication is incompatble with previous bsearch s (dedared at Ine 426) stdib.h
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