will receive a 50% penalty . You must use the conventions that we have used in the slides and class activity. Do not use abbreviations for cardinalities (e.g., symbols instead of 0..1 and 1.1 if you wish. all by itself), though you can use diamond It is mandatory to use UML for scenario 1. You can choose to design vour data model in UML or FR In this exercise, you will create the data models for two different scenarios. The requirements set for the problem is described in common language and you will create a data model using Unified Modeling Language (UML) that represents the scenario in best possible way. Make sure to include all the attributes, data type, cardinalities, and constraints in your model Scenario IMUST Use UMIL A bank's database needs to store information about employees (identified by SSN). Each employee's name, salary and phone number must be stored to in the database. Database further stores information about various branches of the bank (identified by branchNo) with additional attributes of branchName and branchAddress, branchCity, branchState and branchZip. It also stores information about bank's customers (identified by SSN) with additional attributes of customerName, customerAddress, customerCity, customerState, and customerZip Each employee is assigned to exactly one branch of the bank with the start date at that branch recorded. Each employee is managed by at most one other employee. A customer has some combination of one or more loans from the bank and/or accounts with the bank. Each loan is identified by a loanNumber with a record of the currentBalance A complete history of loan payments is recorded giving the payment date and payment amount for each payment on the loan. There are never two payments for the same loan recorded for the same date. Each loan is administered by exactly one branch of the bank. deposit one or more An account is identified by an accountNumber, with additional indication of the current balance. An account may be a checking account with an allowable overdraft amount recorded or a savings account with an interest rate recorded will receive a 50% penalty . You must use the conventions that we have used in the slides and class activity. Do not use abbreviations for cardinalities (e.g., symbols instead of 0..1 and 1.1 if you wish. all by itself), though you can use diamond It is mandatory to use UML for scenario 1. You can choose to design vour data model in UML or FR In this exercise, you will create the data models for two different scenarios. The requirements set for the problem is described in common language and you will create a data model using Unified Modeling Language (UML) that represents the scenario in best possible way. Make sure to include all the attributes, data type, cardinalities, and constraints in your model Scenario IMUST Use UMIL A bank's database needs to store information about employees (identified by SSN). Each employee's name, salary and phone number must be stored to in the database. Database further stores information about various branches of the bank (identified by branchNo) with additional attributes of branchName and branchAddress, branchCity, branchState and branchZip. It also stores information about bank's customers (identified by SSN) with additional attributes of customerName, customerAddress, customerCity, customerState, and customerZip Each employee is assigned to exactly one branch of the bank with the start date at that branch recorded. Each employee is managed by at most one other employee. A customer has some combination of one or more loans from the bank and/or accounts with the bank. Each loan is identified by a loanNumber with a record of the currentBalance A complete history of loan payments is recorded giving the payment date and payment amount for each payment on the loan. There are never two payments for the same loan recorded for the same date. Each loan is administered by exactly one branch of the bank. deposit one or more An account is identified by an accountNumber, with additional indication of the current balance. An account may be a checking account with an allowable overdraft amount recorded or a savings account with an interest rate recorded