Willitte Pharmaceuticals manufacturers an over-the-counter allergy medication. The company sells both large commercial containers of 1,000 capsules to health care facilities and travel packs of 20 capsules to shops in airports, train stations, and hotels. The following information has been developed to determine if an activity-based costing system would be beneficial: (Click the icon to view the information.) Read the requirements. Requirement 1. Willitte's original single plantwide overhead allocation rate costing system allocated indirect costs to products at $81.50 per machine hour. Compute the total indirect costs allocated to the commercial containers and to the travel packs under the original system. Then compute the indirect cost per unit for each product. Round to two decimal places. Select the formula, and then enter the amounts to compute the indirect cost per unit for each product. (Abbreviation used: mfg. = manufacturing. Round dollar amounts to two decimal places.) 1. Willitte's original single plantwide overhead allocation rate costing system allocated indirect costs to products at $81.50 per machine hour. Compute the total indirect costs allocated to the commercial containers and to the travel packs under the original system. Then compute the indirect cost per unit for each product. Round to two decimal places. 2. Compute the predetermined overhead allocation rate for each activity. 3. Use the predetermined overhead allocation rates to compute the activity-based costs per unit of the commercial containers and the travel packs. Round to two decimal places. (Hint: First compute the total activity-based costs allocated to each product line, and then compute the cost per unit.) 4. Compare the indirect activity-based costs per unit to the indirect costs per unit from the traditional system. How have the unit costs changed? Explain why the costs changed. Gibson Pharmaceuticals manufocturers an over-the-counter allergy medication. The company sells both large commercial containers of 1,0o0 capsules to health care facitins and travel packs of 20 capsules to shops in airports, train stations, and hotels. The following information has been developed to determine it an activity based costing system would be beneficial: (Click the icon to view the information) Read the reavirements Requirement 1, Gibson's orginal shgle plantwide overhead asocasion rate costing system allocated indirect costs to products at \$b1 s0 per machine hour. Compute the total indrect costs allocated to the commeroial containers and to the travel packs under the original system. Then corrpute the indirect cost per unit for each product. Round to two decimal places. Select the formula, and then enter the amounts to compule the indirect cost per unit for each product. (Abbreviation used: mig, = manufacturing. Round doliar amounts to fwo decimal places.) Requirement 2. Corypute the predetemined overtead allocation rate for each activity. Begin by seiecting the formala to caiculate the predetermined overhead (Oif) alocation rate. Than enter the amounts to compute the aliccation rate for each activity. (Abtrevetion used: gey = quantily. Round your antwers to the nearest whole dollar.) Gibson Pharmaceuticals manufacturers an over-the-counter alleryy medication. The company sels both large commercial containers of 1,000 capsules to health care facilities and travel pocks of 20 capsules to shops in airports, train stations, and hotels. The following information has been developed to determine if an activity-based costing system would be beneficiat: (Click the icon to view the information.) Read the fenirements, Requirement 2. Compute the predetermined overhead allocation rate for each activity. Begin by selecting the formula to calculate the predetermined everhead (OH) alocation rate. Then enter the amounts to compute the aliocation rate for each activity. (Abbreviation used: qty = quanty, Round your answers to the nearest whole dollar) Requirement 3. Use the predetermined overhead allocation rates to compute the activily based costs per unit of the commercial containers and the travel packs. Round to two decimal places. (Hint: First compute the total activity-based costs allocated to each product line, and then compute the cost per unit) Begin by selecting the formula to allocate overhead (OH) costs Compute the total ectivity-based costs allocated to commercial containers, and then compute the cost per unit for commercial containers. Finally, compute the total activity-based costs allocated to travel packs then compute the cost per uni for travel packs. (Plound the cost per unit to two decimal places.) Choose from any list or enter any number in the input felds and then continue to the next question. Gibson Pharmaceuticals manufacturers an over-the-counter allergy medication. The company sells both large commercial containers of 1,000 capsules to heaith care facizies and travel packs of 20 capsules to shops in airports, train stations, and hotels. The following information has been developed to desermine if an activity based costing system would be beneficial: (Click the icon to view the information.) Read the Masuny ansuriming Requirement 3. Use the predelermined overhead allocation rates to compute the activily based costs per unit of the commercial containers and the travel packs. Round to two decimal ploces. (Hint; First compute the total activity based costs allocated to each product line, and then compute the cost per unit) Begin by selecting the formula to allocate overhead (OH) costs. Choose from any list or enter any number in the input fields and then continue to the next question. Gbson Pharmacouficals manufacturers an cver-the-counter allergy medication. The company sells both large commercial containers of 1,000 capsules to heath care facilies and travel packs of 20 capsules to shops in airports, train stabions, and hotels. The following intormation has been developed to determine if an activity based costing system would be beneficial: (Cick the icon to view the inlormation.) Read the requiremerts. activitybased costs alocated to travel packs then compute the cost per unit for travel packs; (Round the cost per unit to two decimal places.) Requirement 4. Compare the indirect activity based costs per unil to the indirect costs per unit from the traditional system. How have the unit costs changed? Explain why the cosis changed. Pelatre fo actilly based costing (ADC), the trasitional systern the comenercial containers and the travei pecks. The triditional sysiem allocates overtead costs solely on Activily based costing (ABC) recognires that aithough commercial containers require machine houn per unit than travel packs, they the same proportion of material handing and quality assurance Choose from ary list or enter ary number in the input fields and then continue to the next question. Gibson Pharmaceuticals manufactureds an over-the-counter allergy medication. The company sells both large commercial containers of 1 ,ooo capsules to health care faclities and trevel packs of 20 capsules to shops in airports, train stations, and hotels. The following information has been developed to determine if an activity based costing system would be beneficial: (Click the icon to view the information.) Read the requirements Requirement 1, Gbsor's orginal single plantwide overhead abocation rate costing system allocased indirect costs to products at \$61 s0 per machine hour, Compute the total indirect costs allocated to the commeroial containers and to the travel packs under the original system. Then compute the indirect cost per unit for each product. Round to two decimal places. Select the formula, and then enter the amounts to compule the indirect cost per unit for each product. (Abbreviation used: mig, = manufacturing. Round dolar amounts io fwo decimal places.) Requirement 2. Cortyute the predetermined overhead allocation rate for each activity. Begin by selecting the formala to caiculate the predetermined overhead (Oif) alocation rate. Then enter the amounts fo compute the allocation rate for each activity. (Nbtrevation used: qdy = quantly. Round your answen to the nearest whole dollar) Willitte Pharmaceuticals manufacturers an over-the-counter allergy medication. The company sells both large commercial containers of 1,000 capsules to health care facilities and travel packs of 20 capsules to shops in airports, train stations, and hotels. The following information has been developed to determine if an activity-based costing system would be beneficial: (Click the icon to view the information.) Read the requirements. Requirement 1. Willitte's original single plantwide overhead allocation rate costing system allocated indirect costs to products at $81.50 per machine hour. Compute the total indirect costs allocated to the commercial containers and to the travel packs under the original system. Then compute the indirect cost per unit for each product. Round to two decimal places. Select the formula, and then enter the amounts to compute the indirect cost per unit for each product. (Abbreviation used: mfg. = manufacturing. Round dollar amounts to two decimal places.) 1. Willitte's original single plantwide overhead allocation rate costing system allocated indirect costs to products at $81.50 per machine hour. Compute the total indirect costs allocated to the commercial containers and to the travel packs under the original system. Then compute the indirect cost per unit for each product. Round to two decimal places. 2. Compute the predetermined overhead allocation rate for each activity. 3. Use the predetermined overhead allocation rates to compute the activity-based costs per unit of the commercial containers and the travel packs. Round to two decimal places. (Hint: First compute the total activity-based costs allocated to each product line, and then compute the cost per unit.) 4. Compare the indirect activity-based costs per unit to the indirect costs per unit from the traditional system. How have the unit costs changed? Explain why the costs changed. Gibson Pharmaceuticals manufocturers an over-the-counter allergy medication. The company sells both large commercial containers of 1,0o0 capsules to health care facitins and travel packs of 20 capsules to shops in airports, train stations, and hotels. The following information has been developed to determine it an activity based costing system would be beneficial: (Click the icon to view the information) Read the reavirements Requirement 1, Gibson's orginal shgle plantwide overhead asocasion rate costing system allocated indirect costs to products at \$b1 s0 per machine hour. Compute the total indrect costs allocated to the commeroial containers and to the travel packs under the original system. Then corrpute the indirect cost per unit for each product. Round to two decimal places. Select the formula, and then enter the amounts to compule the indirect cost per unit for each product. (Abbreviation used: mig, = manufacturing. Round doliar amounts to fwo decimal places.) Requirement 2. Corypute the predetemined overtead allocation rate for each activity. Begin by seiecting the formala to caiculate the predetermined overhead (Oif) alocation rate. Than enter the amounts to compute the aliccation rate for each activity. (Abtrevetion used: gey = quantily. Round your antwers to the nearest whole dollar.) Gibson Pharmaceuticals manufacturers an over-the-counter alleryy medication. The company sels both large commercial containers of 1,000 capsules to health care facilities and travel pocks of 20 capsules to shops in airports, train stations, and hotels. The following information has been developed to determine if an activity-based costing system would be beneficiat: (Click the icon to view the information.) Read the fenirements, Requirement 2. Compute the predetermined overhead allocation rate for each activity. Begin by selecting the formula to calculate the predetermined everhead (OH) alocation rate. Then enter the amounts to compute the aliocation rate for each activity. (Abbreviation used: qty = quanty, Round your answers to the nearest whole dollar) Requirement 3. Use the predetermined overhead allocation rates to compute the activily based costs per unit of the commercial containers and the travel packs. Round to two decimal places. (Hint: First compute the total activity-based costs allocated to each product line, and then compute the cost per unit) Begin by selecting the formula to allocate overhead (OH) costs Compute the total ectivity-based costs allocated to commercial containers, and then compute the cost per unit for commercial containers. Finally, compute the total activity-based costs allocated to travel packs then compute the cost per uni for travel packs. (Plound the cost per unit to two decimal places.) Choose from any list or enter any number in the input felds and then continue to the next question. Gibson Pharmaceuticals manufacturers an over-the-counter allergy medication. The company sells both large commercial containers of 1,000 capsules to heaith care facizies and travel packs of 20 capsules to shops in airports, train stations, and hotels. The following information has been developed to desermine if an activity based costing system would be beneficial: (Click the icon to view the information.) Read the Masuny ansuriming Requirement 3. Use the predelermined overhead allocation rates to compute the activily based costs per unit of the commercial containers and the travel packs. Round to two decimal ploces. (Hint; First compute the total activity based costs allocated to each product line, and then compute the cost per unit) Begin by selecting the formula to allocate overhead (OH) costs. Choose from any list or enter any number in the input fields and then continue to the next question. Gbson Pharmacouficals manufacturers an cver-the-counter allergy medication. The company sells both large commercial containers of 1,000 capsules to heath care facilies and travel packs of 20 capsules to shops in airports, train stabions, and hotels. The following intormation has been developed to determine if an activity based costing system would be beneficial: (Cick the icon to view the inlormation.) Read the requiremerts. activitybased costs alocated to travel packs then compute the cost per unit for travel packs; (Round the cost per unit to two decimal places.) Requirement 4. Compare the indirect activity based costs per unil to the indirect costs per unit from the traditional system. How have the unit costs changed? Explain why the cosis changed. Pelatre fo actilly based costing (ADC), the trasitional systern the comenercial containers and the travei pecks. The triditional sysiem allocates overtead costs solely on Activily based costing (ABC) recognires that aithough commercial containers require machine houn per unit than travel packs, they the same proportion of material handing and quality assurance Choose from ary list or enter ary number in the input fields and then continue to the next question. Gibson Pharmaceuticals manufactureds an over-the-counter allergy medication. The company sells both large commercial containers of 1 ,ooo capsules to health care faclities and trevel packs of 20 capsules to shops in airports, train stations, and hotels. The following information has been developed to determine if an activity based costing system would be beneficial: (Click the icon to view the information.) Read the requirements Requirement 1, Gbsor's orginal single plantwide overhead abocation rate costing system allocased indirect costs to products at \$61 s0 per machine hour, Compute the total indirect costs allocated to the commeroial containers and to the travel packs under the original system. Then compute the indirect cost per unit for each product. Round to two decimal places. Select the formula, and then enter the amounts to compule the indirect cost per unit for each product. (Abbreviation used: mig, = manufacturing. Round dolar amounts io fwo decimal places.) Requirement 2. Cortyute the predetermined overhead allocation rate for each activity. Begin by selecting the formala to caiculate the predetermined overhead (Oif) alocation rate. Then enter the amounts fo compute the allocation rate for each activity. (Nbtrevation used: qdy = quantly. Round your answen to the nearest whole dollar)