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Video Case 16 Scripps Networks Interactive: An Expert at Connecting Advertisers with Programming Televisdon ume of ainig or choose to watch them on teterset pluoms rather thas adventising tha is advertisers bave faced cbllenges in the past sev using celebriny advenisers to be estural estensices of the show DV ) Aas also contributed to shis challenge as viewers can ifestyle conent of the commpany's peogranomiag because tat funsdthruigh commercials while watching their fh- viewers e interested ile coeien, bing provded. vorise shows. Scripps Networks Interactive, parenl coempanymont cae, diacesaally look to our adveria o Food Nerwork, HGTV. Travel Chunnel, DIY Network, ers' prodacts for ideas and s ures stles the Senice such as Neifis or Hulu. The use of Digital Viden Cooking Channel, and Great American Country, has Sound gration, use of social media platforms, and proenotion. Vice Presiden ofve Ad Sales Mawkeing for Scripe relationships with advertisers Advertisers seek out Scripps Scripps Networks Ioteractive is unique in thar their pro- Networks no only for placement in thels shows but also for a way around this issue through producr placement and inteThis creates an eppotuoliy for the company to build strong eramaming appeals to similar target markets with similar inter- imegration iato theie social medin spiace. The intlegration of ests. The disector of Digital Media and Database Marketing televisn product placement and social media advertising for Scripps Networks Interactive stanes, "Our programming has been a benetit for both parties. The Senior Vice Pre lends itselr so well to speaking to lifestyle and whar people dent of Interacsive Ad Sales Marketing explains "It we tie re passionate and intcrested ia, and I think our marketing a specific adventiser to Iron Chef or to Chopped, then there's iiatns strategy is a natural extension of that." This opportunities for them to be driven from on-air to say 'check presents a strong opportunity for gaining real results through out the recipes from this specific episode online at foodnet- advertising Atthe same time, these promctional initiatives do work.comDespite the calinary nature of these shows, the t always scem Nike advertising to viewers. Ose way this is adverising plaform Scripps has established attracts oher mplished is through cross-promotional activities across vendons, including automobile manufacturers. Lexus, for ex networks. For example, while watching an episode of Panla's ample, was featured as the car driven by Restaurant Impos Home Cooling on the Food Network, viewers would see a sible's bost Robert Irvine. These clips were then shown on commercial for a Design Star episode on HGTV featuring the show's webpage, packaged as a Lexus adverisement Paula Deen (a 2013 Paula Deen's contract was not renewed Scripps has also found a way to integrate product place- after a racial slur controversy, demonstrating the downside of ment into brick and mortar locations as well as on digital Next Food Network Star" he partnered with Fridays in an endorsement a showdown on the Food Network, and TG these recipes in their restaurants of promotions. "What makes it more than just a giveaway for money is tying in hooks that engage people to not only ign up to a sweepstakes to win a trip...but making it part Race, where people on pa etween chefs Network ran a promotion for its show The Great Food Truck were asked to go to the Facebook page ndays promoted of the entertainment experie and nomin also been developed to create co-branded products. Alex Guarnaschelli, a judge on by Fisher Nuts to share recipes and nominatc or vote for their favorite local food truck. The opped, was ap- winners would then be featured on the show's website. This winners uct. These advertisements were show ontaining their event generated buzz and brought attention to the food trucks around the country that were being nominated. The nominees Network and the Cooking Channel h on both the Food Another benefit of this integration is company and the advertiser become cooperative where both are working from different directions that the company were featured on commercials aired during the show, where marketing partners, they asked viewers to vote for them online. The fans, busi- to protnote es, and the show were all involved in generating buzz uancously. The General and promoting one another, creating an effect that is advanta- both the show and the product General Manager of New Business for the Food Network explains an example of this kind of relationship with Kohl's and Worst Cooks in America: "Kohl's is advertising in it-they are promo geous Questions Why is the Food Network such an important venue for 2. Describe some of the ways that Scripps uses product ey are putting things on Pinterest or tweet 1. ing. We are doing the same thing in the context of the char bottom-up thing acter, so you get both this top-down and lacement on the Food Network. Promotions also work well on this platform. A digital marketer for Scripps Networks describes the effectiveness 3. Why do you think even non-food advertisers are attracted to the Food Network? Video Case 16 Scripps Networks Interactive: An Expert at Connecting Advertisers with Programming Televisdon ume of ainig or choose to watch them on teterset pluoms rather thas adventising tha is advertisers bave faced cbllenges in the past sev using celebriny advenisers to be estural estensices of the show DV ) Aas also contributed to shis challenge as viewers can ifestyle conent of the commpany's peogranomiag because tat funsdthruigh commercials while watching their fh- viewers e interested ile coeien, bing provded. vorise shows. Scripps Networks Interactive, parenl coempanymont cae, diacesaally look to our adveria o Food Nerwork, HGTV. Travel Chunnel, DIY Network, ers' prodacts for ideas and s ures stles the Senice such as Neifis or Hulu. The use of Digital Viden Cooking Channel, and Great American Country, has Sound gration, use of social media platforms, and proenotion. Vice Presiden ofve Ad Sales Mawkeing for Scripe relationships with advertisers Advertisers seek out Scripps Scripps Networks Ioteractive is unique in thar their pro- Networks no only for placement in thels shows but also for a way around this issue through producr placement and inteThis creates an eppotuoliy for the company to build strong eramaming appeals to similar target markets with similar inter- imegration iato theie social medin spiace. The intlegration of ests. The disector of Digital Media and Database Marketing televisn product placement and social media advertising for Scripps Networks Interactive stanes, "Our programming has been a benetit for both parties. The Senior Vice Pre lends itselr so well to speaking to lifestyle and whar people dent of Interacsive Ad Sales Marketing explains "It we tie re passionate and intcrested ia, and I think our marketing a specific adventiser to Iron Chef or to Chopped, then there's iiatns strategy is a natural extension of that." This opportunities for them to be driven from on-air to say 'check presents a strong opportunity for gaining real results through out the recipes from this specific episode online at foodnet- advertising Atthe same time, these promctional initiatives do work.comDespite the calinary nature of these shows, the t always scem Nike advertising to viewers. Ose way this is adverising plaform Scripps has established attracts oher mplished is through cross-promotional activities across vendons, including automobile manufacturers. Lexus, for ex networks. For example, while watching an episode of Panla's ample, was featured as the car driven by Restaurant Impos Home Cooling on the Food Network, viewers would see a sible's bost Robert Irvine. These clips were then shown on commercial for a Design Star episode on HGTV featuring the show's webpage, packaged as a Lexus adverisement Paula Deen (a 2013 Paula Deen's contract was not renewed Scripps has also found a way to integrate product place- after a racial slur controversy, demonstrating the downside of ment into brick and mortar locations as well as on digital Next Food Network Star" he partnered with Fridays in an endorsement a showdown on the Food Network, and TG these recipes in their restaurants of promotions. "What makes it more than just a giveaway for money is tying in hooks that engage people to not only ign up to a sweepstakes to win a trip...but making it part Race, where people on pa etween chefs Network ran a promotion for its show The Great Food Truck were asked to go to the Facebook page ndays promoted of the entertainment experie and nomin also been developed to create co-branded products. Alex Guarnaschelli, a judge on by Fisher Nuts to share recipes and nominatc or vote for their favorite local food truck. The opped, was ap- winners would then be featured on the show's website. This winners uct. These advertisements were show ontaining their event generated buzz and brought attention to the food trucks around the country that were being nominated. The nominees Network and the Cooking Channel h on both the Food Another benefit of this integration is company and the advertiser become cooperative where both are working from different directions that the company were featured on commercials aired during the show, where marketing partners, they asked viewers to vote for them online. The fans, busi- to protnote es, and the show were all involved in generating buzz uancously. The General and promoting one another, creating an effect that is advanta- both the show and the product General Manager of New Business for the Food Network explains an example of this kind of relationship with Kohl's and Worst Cooks in America: "Kohl's is advertising in it-they are promo geous Questions Why is the Food Network such an important venue for 2. Describe some of the ways that Scripps uses product ey are putting things on Pinterest or tweet 1. ing. We are doing the same thing in the context of the char bottom-up thing acter, so you get both this top-down and lacement on the Food Network. Promotions also work well on this platform. A digital marketer for Scripps Networks describes the effectiveness 3. Why do you think even non-food advertisers are attracted to the Food Network